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RPG Crowdfunding News 057: Paladin: Warriors of Charlemagne, Legacy: Life Among the Ruins, Spellboun

Welcome back to our weekly look at tabletop roleplaying game, and accessories, crowdfunding roundup! Each week we’ll be looking at a few campaigns currently running that have caught our eye as well as occasionally speaking to some of the creators about their campaigns, or looking at some of the ‘behind the scenes’ business aspects of putting together, launching, operating and then delivering a crowdfunded project. If you have anything you’d like us to cover, or questions about anything we talk about, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment or contact me directly.

Welcome back to our weekly look at tabletop roleplaying game, and accessories, crowdfunding roundup! Each week we’ll be looking at a few campaigns currently running that have caught our eye as well as occasionally speaking to some of the creators about their campaigns, or looking at some of the ‘behind the scenes’ business aspects of putting together, launching, operating and then delivering a crowdfunded project. If you have anything you’d like us to cover, or questions about anything we talk about, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment or contact me directly.

Paladin: Warriors of Charlemagne by Nocturnal Media
(Campaign Ends : Friday 25th August 2017; 16:00 UTC)

Paladin: Warrors of Charlemagne is based on the award-winning Pendragon system but swaps Arthur’s Britain for medieval Europe. Weaving together the historical Carolingian events and the medieval epics of The Matter of France into a single coherent chronology.

The book is going to be big… the manuscript weighs in at 708 pages and a separate book of adventures is also part of the campaign.

Nocturnal Media have kept the campaign very simple too… the only pledge levels available are for a digital copy (plus all digital stretch goals) and a physical copy (plus the pdf and all digital stretch goals). The stretch goals are also very simple… a new adventure every $5000 set during the life of Charlemagne.

In PALADIN the players play young Frankish squires or knights in the service of one of Charlemagne’s powerful vassals. By going on adventures they will acquire glory and riches, become lords of their own lands, build castles and found their own family.

Hopefully, the road to fame will lead to the ultimate goal: becoming one of the legendary paladins themselves, along the likes of Roland, Ogier the Dane, Renaud, Oliver, William Shortnose, and others!

PALADIN is a game of medieval fantasy, played using feudal standards of conduct, offering a chance to experience vicariously that long-lost world in both its brutal reality and its fantastic idealism.

The player characters are knights, with the privileges of elite society and the deadly responsibilities of a warrior. These dualisms – brutal reality versus idealism, and elite privilege versus deadly burden – are the basis for the game.

PALADIN is a game for knights. It is based on the standards of knighthood found in the original literature about Charlemagne and the paladins (epics such as Song of Roland, Ogier the Dane, Aymon's Four Sons and more).

It is not about magicians, thieves, or scholars. In this game, designed for playing the heavily armed and armored chevaliers of Carolingian literature, knighthood is complex enough!

This campaign was ready to launch when Nocturnal Medias owner Stewart Wieck unexpectedly died in late June. His brother, Steve Wieck (DriveThruRPG; White Wolf) and Nocturnal co-worker Alan Bahr have taken on this project as a tribute to Stewarts love of Greg Stafford’s original King Arthur Pendragon game and to see the book come to life.

Legacy: Life Among the Ruins 2nd Edition by James Isles
(Campaign Ends : Thursday 24th August 2017; 16:07 UTC)

James Iles Legacy: Life Among the Ruins 2nd Edition has done incredibly well. Initially only after £8000 to fund the campaign is now over £50,000 and should see that increase further in the last couple of days. The game is about rebuilding after the apocalypse. But not the short sighted ‘keep your character’ alive survival but a multi-generational tale of families rebuilding their world for themselves, their children, their childrens children and so forth. Each player controls a family of survivors.

Legacy's a game about what comes after the apocalypse. You'll explore a strange new world, find new ways to survive, and rebuild over generations. Think the grand scope of Civilisation, Birthright or Reign, matched with the post-apocalyptic stylings of Gamma World, Horizon: Zero Dawn or Hyper Light Drifter.

Each player controls a family of survivors. The group you control has weathered the chaos and come out the other side changed by the experience. Maybe they've found religion, like the Servants of the One True Faith? Maybe they held on to the technology of the World Before, like the Enclave of Forgotten Lore? Or perhaps they were never human but must live among them in the wasteland now, like the Stranded Starfarers?

Your family will be your constant as your group tells a century-spanning saga of exploration, conflict and evolution. When your family acts together, you trigger special moves that work through the consequences of conducting diplomacy, claiming a resource by force, using subterfuge or many other approaches.

Legacy is episodic. Each age of history, you focus on a particular character from your family. The character playbook you pick gives you a particular skillset and role within the family, but it also gives you a new perspective on the family: a diplomatic Envoy will present a very different side to the Tyrant Kings than a militaristic Sentinel.

A saga across generations. Once you're done telling the story of a particular age, you move the clock on. You go as far forward as the group likes: a decade, a generation, maybe even a century. Over the time skip your family can experience great fortunes or suffer trials, the world can change dramatically, and new threats and opportunities can emerge from the wasteland. Once you've set up your new age you make new characters, able to call on the powers of their ancestors.

Having teamed up with Modiphius to assist with fulfilment and distribution the range of supplements available look fantastic too. If you fancy a taste check out Titanomachy, the free Quickstart for Legacy: Life Among the Ruins 2nd Edition where you play survivors living among the ruins of a colony devastated when colossal titans surged out of the planet’s jungle and tore apart their space elevator and advanced infrastructure. Generations down the line, the titan Gigas has just fallen after a monumental battle that devastated your families. Now you know the titans can be stopped, but your families are weaker than ever. How will you build a world where you’re safe?

Spellbound Kingdoms: Arcana by Frank Brunner
(Campaign Ends : Friday 25th August 2017; 15:17 UTC)

Spellbound Kingdoms was a 2012 ENnies nominee for Best Rules. Spellbound Kingdoms is a fantasy RPG set in a dark Renaissance that features zeppelins, slavering undead, colossi, feral children, alchemy and magic. This campaign returns to the setting with Book Two – Spellbound Kingdoms: Arcana.

Arcana introduces twelve new combat styles and three new magic styles to the game. Alongside these we also see ten new classes, or sub-classes, appearing for the first time, dozens of new talents, a new lifepath character generation system, scores of new alchemical and engineering items, loads of new spells, monsters, weapons, buildings, and so forth. There’s a lot included which makes Arcana a fantastic supplement to the core game. If you’ve not got the original rules then that’s not a problem. Not only are they available on DriveThru in both print and PDF but a number of the pledge levels also provide you with the rules.

Monsterhearts: Skin Deep by Sawyer Rankin
(Campaign Ends : Sunday 27th August 2017; 10:14 UTC)

Skin Deep is a new supplement for Monsterhearts 2 by Ferretheim Games. The campaign has been giving the blessing of Monsterhearts author Avery Alder, although is a completely independent production.

The campaign set out to provide six new Skins for the game. Each exploring mew points of view on the supernatural and teenage worlds, new chosen moves, and new ways to play in the world. The Skins initially featured were The Bedlam, The Devil, The Dragon, The Leshy, The Prometheus and The Veela.

Due to the success of the campaign a number of stretch goals have been unlocked adding more content to the book. These includes some more new Skins (The Fomorian, The Immortal and The Siren) as well as Death & Taxes: New Ways to Skirt Death (introducing new gameplay mechanics) and two small towns which can be used as settings – Cedar Ridge and Nightshade Shores.

Bruegelburg – A day at the fair by Lead Adventure Miniatures
(Campaign Ends : Sunday 27th August 2017; 21:00 UTC)

Bruegelburg – A day at the fair is a really nice miniatures project creating a range of fantasy miniatures that you can use to populate your towns, markets, or even host your own City Fair.

Somewhere in the rainy North, not too far from the coast of the Great Ocean, lies a bustling city state. Sitting on a crossroads of highways and rivers, it has become a major trade nexus for the continent. The dark of the Middle Ages has not yet fully vanished, and the light of the Renaissance does not yet reach all the shady spots found in the shadows of the great merchant houses. The name of this place: Bruegelburg.”

There are twelve sets on offer in the campaign covering Market Women, Georg von Worsetnburg, Master of the Butchers Guild and his Guardsmen, Country Nobles, Paupers, Jesters and a range of Children.

Please note: Some of the links in the post above may be “affiliate links”. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item the author of this post will receive an affiliate commission.


If you like what we do here at EN World (the Forums, Columns, News, ENnies, etc) and would like to help support us to bring you MORE please consider supporting our Patreon. Even a single dollar helps Thanks!


If you have a forthcoming Kickstarter, or see one that excites you, please feel free to drop me an email on angus.abranson@gmail.com You can follow me on Twitter @ Angus_A or on Facebook where I often post about gaming.

Until next week, have fun and happy gaming!

Angus Abranson

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Another excellent column, Angus! :)

The art for Legacy: Life Among the Ruins 2nd Edition caught my attention. The game looks awesome (having a free preview shows how good the writing is as well as the art). They've destroyed all of their stretch goals. I blogged about their campaign and what vanity press rewards they have. Create a character playbook, a family playbook, or your own apocalypse. Lots of good available with this campaign. :)

Egg Embry, Wanna-lancer
EN World All-Ages Reviewer:
The FirstFable RPG
Monster Slayers
Mouse Tails
Little Wizards
Hero Kids


My question for PALADIN is: can you be a female character? I understand the historical context of the game, but I am curious if they allow for it.

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