RPG Crowdfunding News 118: The Chronicles of Future Earth, Judge Dredd & The Worlds of 2000 AD, Tale

Welcome to this week's RPG Crowdfunding News! This week we see a range of fantasy games and supplements (from cosmic to dark fantasy, from classic to alternative 50's fantasy worlds), a great collection of Indie zines, our very own Judge Dredd RPG, and much much more!

The Chronicles of Future Earth Roleplaying Game by Sarah Newton
(Campaign Ends : Monday 29th October 2018; 01:00 UTC)

Originally published by Chaosium, using their Basic Roleplay System, The Chronicles of Future Earth has returned to original creator Sarah Newton and is being launched as a brand new line of games using a modified Fate system, through Mindjammer Press. So, get ready for some cosmic fantasy…

In the last centuries of the Fifth Cycliad, a great malaise began to descend on the lands of humankind. The great civilisations of the Earth, which for aeons had seemed on the verge of slumber, now finally began to rot from within. From the edges of the world, the ever-present enemies drew close, their hungry claws poised to tear apart the delicate flesh of a fruit a hundred millennia in the ripening. And all around, a cry arose for Heroes, to stand against the dying of the light, and save the world from the sins of its past.

“Imagine our own planet Earth, 100,000 years from now. Technological civilisation has fallen, lost in a mysterious cataclysm tens of millenia ago. The world has regressed to an ancient world feel, but built on the ruins of the past. Technological artefacts, barely understood, still remain; but now there are gods, too, and demons; and strange sorceries which can summon them and use their powers. The world is unutterably old, on the verge of decadence, slumber, and decay. Just waiting for that final storm to sweep it away...

That final storm is here. Chaos descends from the North; ancient enmities shake the Springtide Civilisations from within; sleeping technologies awaken beneath cities older than history. The Venerable Autocracy of Sakara, oldest empire in the world, is all that stands between humankind and annihilation.

And you. The world is crying out for heroes, to stand against the dark and prevent the dying of the light. You are warriors, generals, priests and sorcerers, artificers and healers, sages and the robbers of tombs. You are human and not-human—the world is home now to the Cousins of Man, far removed from their ancestors, and the Not-Men of Earth, said to hail from the stars. It’s a world of monsters, of sorcery, of artefacts of lethal power. And of secrets...

What was the Doom of Nayarak which precipitated the Ice Age which grips the world? Why is the godlike Venerable Autocrator no longer seen in the person of his ever-reincarnating Avatar in the Ethereal Palace of Glorious Kados? Why do the mutant shakh, the ravening hordes unleashed by the Great Hegemonist during the Armageddon of the Gods, breach the Frozen Pylons to attack the vales of Hivernium? And what caused the Devastation of Korudav, the city that burned beneath the terrifying Firecloud, and which some say burns still? All these secrets and more are yours to answer. The world is on the cusp of change. Will it fall into darkness, or be reborn in light? You are the heroes to write these new chronicles of that far distant time yet to come.“

The core book, coming in as a 388-page full-colour hardcover, supplies everything you need to play cosmic fantasy adventures in the world of the Springtide Civilisations. It gives you the complete rules, descriptions of the kindreds and homelands, background material, maps, a core bestiary, extensive gazetteers, and loads more.

In addition to the core rulebook a GM Screen, poster maps, dice, fate tokens, and adventures and character folios are also available… with more planned through stretch goals by the end of the campaign.

Judge Dredd & The Worlds of 2000 AD Roleplaying Game by Morrus
(Campaign Ends : Thursday 25th October 2018; 23:00 UTC)

Now you may have heard of this one as the publishing arm of ENWorld has been working on it for a while and it’s the first licensed game we’ve done. Judge Dredd & The Worlds of 2000 AD is a WOIN-powered (What’s Old Is Now – EN Publishing’s house system previously seen in the sci-fi N.E.W., the fantasy O.L.D. and the modern day N.O.W. roleplaying games) RPG based on the classic British 2000 AD comic and it’s most iconic character – Judge Dredd – taking center stage.

The core rulebook supplies all the rules you need to play a Judge, Perps or Civilians in Mega-City One, and a range of supplements are planned to expand the setting of Judge Dredd, as well as introducing some of the other 2000 AD series to the RPG in their own setting sourcebooks.

The core of this campaign is the 270 page full colour hardcover rulebook, available as both a standard and a Kickstarter Limited Edition. Joining this mighty tome is the first adventure sourcebook, The Robot Wars, a 100-page book covering rules for Robot characters as well as two adventures and dozens of adventure seeds set during the Robot Wars themselves.

A thick four-panel Game Masters Screen, full of handy reference charts and tables, and a set of beautiful cardstock tokens complete the offerings.

Everything has been completed and is just waiting for the files to be sent to the printers once the campaign wraps, so is promising a pretty quick fulfilment into backers hands.

Tales of the Old Margreve: 5th Edition Forest Adventures by Kobold Press
(Campaign Ends : Friday 26th October 2018; 19:30 UTC)

Forests in fantasy roleplaying games are dark places, full of secrets. With Tales of the Old Margreve Kobold Press bring the Old Margreve to the 5th Edition of the world's most popular RPG. The Margreve is an ancient, enchanted forest that defends itself from those who come to cut its timber, poach its creatures, or steal its magic. Within its borders the Old Ways are strong, the word of the druids carries great weight, and griffons, dragons, and stranger creatures nest and hunt, undisturbed by humans, dwarves, or other lordlings.

Until your adventuring party shows up. Then things get really interesting.

The Kickstarter offers three main parts, with the tales of the Old Margreve adventure campaign hardcover, packed with adventures from levels 1 to 10, taking center stage. In addition we are also offered the Margreve Player’s Guide, a softcover book of new player options, new races, druid and ranger subclasses and tools, backgrounds and forest themed spells.

Lastly we have, if it gets unlocked, a set of around 150 to 200 thick cardboard Margreve Pawns, which are similar to those Kobold has previously released for their Tome of Beasts and Creature Codex.

Codex RPG Zine, Volume 1 Hardcover by the Gauntlet Gaming Community
(Campaign Ends : Monday 29th October 2018; 00:00 UTC)

This campaign is aiming to compile the first 13 issues of the Codex tabletop RPG zine into a single hardcover (and digital) volume. The content is 100% complete, and has been available through The Gauntlet Patreon as individual issues before now, but combined it creates a 270 page full colour book full of great new content for games such as Dungeon World, The Sprawl, Urban Shadows, and Lovecraftesque, as well as LARPS.

Each of the issues covered a specific theme, with issue titles Blood, Chrome, Ectoplasm, Starlight, Dark, Love, Yellow, Iron, Madness, Time, Neon, Crystal, and Joy. Two issues (Iron and Madness) are available as free PDFs on the campaign page if you’d like to check them out before pledging.

This is a great collection of articles and scenarios from some of the best indie game designers, and for some really cool indie games, around today and looks to be well worth checking out.

Calidar “On Wings of Darkness” by Bruce Heard
(Campaign Ends : Wednesday 31st October 2018; 23:30 UTC)

On Wings of Darkness is a 132-page full colour book is inspired by Bruce Heard’s Voyage of the Princess Ark series that appeared in Dragon magazine in the 90’s and the old D&D Gazetteer series of sourcebooks.

This geographic Gazetteer is packed with information on Caldwen, an area in the fantasy setting of Calidar. The book is systemless, although PDF guidelines to help adopt game statistics to common RPGs are bundles in the book if requested at higher pledge levels, and features the following chapters, after an introductory short story:

  • History of Caldwen: This chapter covers the origins of the magiocracy, from its ancient time on Munaan, a moon of Calidar, to present-day Caldwen. Includes a summary and a huge timeline of events.
    [*]Lay of the Land: Geography, climate, local culture, main cults and races, economy, regional peculiarities, and local dynamics combine to depict each province separately.
    [*]Intrigues of the Magi: Internal politics, government by academia, and the military overlaid upon rivalries among the wizardly aristocracy and the sorcerous hoi-polloi give the magiocracy a unique character.
    [*]Behind the curtains: Discover the odd brotherhoods and secret sects working from the shadows, scheming to make an already-challenging setting even more perilous.
    [*]A Cast of Many: A host of political figures, academic personalities, and curious individuals populate these pages. They are presented here, with game stats, motivations, secrets, and connections galore.
    [*]Master & Servant: A nation where demons serve the spellcasting class, local laws, and tools of lordship are presented alongside a who's who of Caldwen's most notorious demons.
    [*]Beasties in the Dark: Some of the more curious creatures dwelling in Caldwen populate this section, complete with stats and illustrations, beckoning game referees to summon them during their adventures.
    [*]At the Heart of Magic: Discover Caldwen's schools of magic and how their benefits, tuition, philosophies, diplomas, and campus rivalries influence the fabric of the entire magiocracy.
    [*]Secrets of the Cabals: Private guilds provide alternate career paths in the fields of Alchemy, Demonology, Dracology, Elementalism, Necromancy, and Skymastery, with deadly trials and fabulous powers.
    [*]Blood of the World Soul: An order of mage-knights concerns itself with a mystical source of raw magical power forbidden to all but Caldwen's aristocracy. Though potent, it is deadly if abused.
    [*]Sky City of Arcanial: The capital city is a wondrous place flying above a sprawling shanty town on the ground. Packed with encounter ideas, each district requires flying gondolas and teleporters to reach.

Whispers of Persephone – The bloody book of Necromancy 5E by W.S. Quinton
(Campaign Ends : Wednesday 31st October 2018; 03:57 UTC)

Taking an indepth look at Necromancy, Whispers of Persephone, is a 120+ page for 5th Edition.

Whispers of Persephone contains descriptions of spells ranging from cantrips up to level nine, as well as rituals of the foulest sorts of levels one through eight. Materials on poisons, potions, and alchemicals are included; as are rules for the necromantic practices of the sacrifice of sentient beings. Comments attributed to the Necromancer, Acolytes of Death and Fallen Heroes are found throughout the book.

The book looks at the Stygian Necromancer arcane tradition and supplies information about the Necromancer and the 13 Acolytes of death, in addition to a couple of new monsters (Darkling Horror and Stygian Mummy), 5 new Feats, 9 new magic items, new alchemicals, potions and poisons, a dozen new rituals and a host of new spells.

Americana by Sandy Pug Games
(Campaign Ends : Thursday 1st November 2018; 14:54 UTC)

Americana is set in a fantasy 1950’s small town somewhere in the USA. The world is full of magic, “Orcs and Dwarves are going steady at the drive-in, Elves and Dragons are taking a trip to Look-out Point and your principal is a kindly skeleton that fought against Charlemagne. The world is also massively more progressive than the 50s ever was, systemic oppression of marginalized people is an alien concept in the world of Americana. ”

In Americana, which uses a light-eight D6 dice pool system, you play a high-schooler juggling life as a teen in a town full of magic, gangs, and the possible murder of one of your best friends and the investigation that results in tracking down the killer to bring them to justice.

The following campaigns are finishing in the next week

Adorable Adventurers by Cassie
(Campaign Ends : Friday 19th October 2018; 02:00 UTC)

“A series of cute Dungeons & Dragons character class hard enamel pins. Because adventurers can love pastels and glitter too!”

Fantasy Soundscapes Vol 1 & 2 PLUS Vampire Album by Oliver McNeil
(Campaign Ends : Saturday 20th October 2018; 14:36 UTC)

“Fantasy Soundscapes Vol One & Two. D&D, AD&D, GURPS, Vampire, Pathfinder and other roleplaying, board games & LARP”

Phantasmagoria #1: A Sword and Planet Zine for DCC RPG by Chance Phillips
(Campaign Ends : Saturday 20th October 2018; 09:24 UTC)

“A professionally made science fantasy zine for the Dungeon Crawl Classics role-playing game.”

JourneyQuest 3.5 & Campaign Setting by Zombie Orpheus
(Campaign Ends : Sunday 21st October 2018; 04:00 UTC)

“The epic fantasy comedy returns with more orcs, more Karn, and a deluxe new world bible!”

Dragon Scales – Dual Drake Metal Gaming Dice – 14 Days Only by Ulfsark Games
(Campaign Ends : Monday 22nd October 2018; 19:00 UTC)

“Dragon Scales Dual Drake Metal gaming dice with all new two colour patterning! For your RPG and board games adventures.”

Legion of Lovecraft – Cthulhu Embroided Patches by George Coghill
(Campaign Ends : Monday 22nd October 2018; 03:00 UTC)

“Cthulhu, Dagon & Elder Thing secret society embroidered patches based on the monsters & gods of H. P. Lovecraft.”

Rex Draconis RPG – Rising Tides by Phil Beckwith
(Campaign Ends : Monday 22nd October 2018; 02:02 UTC)

“The first adventure in a trilogy based on NY Times Bestselling author Richard A. Knaak's: Rex Draconis fantasy setting.”

Assault on Theramour Keep (Dungeons and Dragons) by Tim Krause
(Campaign Ends : Tuesday 23rd October 2018; 00:54 UTC)

“A 5E Dungeons & Dragons Campaign for 4-6 characters starting Level 1 and higher.”

Impulse Drive: a Space Opera RPG of Misfits and Spaceships by Adrian Thoen
(Campaign Ends : Wednesday 4th October 2018; 21:01 UTC)

“A Space Opera Tabletop Roleplaying Game about Misfits and Spaceships Powered by the Apocalypse.”

Print and Play Artifacts by Diego Pisa Artworks
(Campaign Ends : Wednesday 24th October 2018; 01:37 UTC)

“Original artifacts complete with background and mechanics adaptable to any RPG.”

Thieves Can’t Kill Goblins by Bartholomew Klick
(Campaign Ends : Wednesday 24th October 2018; 17:00 UTC)

“The second issue of Thieves Can't, a comic book about tabletop RPGs from the perspective of the characters.”

Meanders 4: A New Wave of Fantasy RPG Battle Maps by Kris McDermott
(Campaign Ends : Thursday 25th October 2018; 05:32 UTC)

“80 New High-Resolution RPG Terrain Battle Map Extensions for Jungle, Snow, Forest & Desert. VTT Compatible / Gridded / 300Dpi JPEG.”

Treasure Trove Fantasy RPG & LARP Loot packs #1 – Gemstones by Paul Ashby
(Campaign Ends : Thursday 25th October 2018; 20:23 UTC)

"A range of accessories to allow DM's to hand out physical loot to players and enhance gameplay. Bags of gems, coins & treasure chests."


If you like what we do here at EN World (the Forums, Columns, News, ENnies, etc) and would like to help support us to bring you MORE please consider supporting our Patreon. Even a single dollar helps Thanks!


If you have a forthcoming Kickstarter, or see one that excites you, please feel free to drop me an email on angus.abranson@gmail.com You can follow me on Twitter @ Angus_A or on Facebook where I often post about gaming.

Until next week, have fun and happy gaming!

Angus Abranson

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Tales of the Old Margreve adventure looks good. The Introduction write up for Whispers of Persephone is also pretty inspiring.

I'm looking forward to Richard A. Knaak's Rex Draconis RPG. I read the first novel he wrote in that world and feel it's a great love letter to his work on Dragonlance, yet a fun read on its own. I think it'll be an exciting setting to use with 5e and Pathfinder. :-)

Let me also say, really excited to be in the homestretch on Judge Dredd! I can't wait to break it out for my table! :-D


Egg Embry, Wanna-lancer

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