RPG Sales of 2024

The RuneQuest Humble Bundle includes literally everything released for the RuneQuest - Roleplaying in Glorantha line up to April this year, plus the 800 page Guide to Glorantha. All for $18.00. Ends July 27th.

First Humble Bundle I've gotten where it links up to drivethru for the files.

Unfortunately Cults of RuneQuest The Lunar Way came out in May so after the cut off and is not included.
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Dungeons of Drankenhiem (sp?) on sale on Drivethru and Roll20, and I'm tempted to use roll20 again....because that's a great price for a long set of adventures.....

dtrpg has a sale revolving around Cosmic Horror! Includes Hellboy, Tiny Cthulhu, Never Going Home and more... Affiliated link to the promotion splash page:

They have more horror products on sale! Includes Alien RPG Core rule book, map packs, SWADE Horror Companion (Savage Worlds), and more! Affiliated link to the list of related products:

Through the end of August, DriveThruRPG is having its Cosmic Horror Sale, with up to 25% off of thousands of titles!

Please note my use of affiliate links in this post.

EDIT: Whoops, ninja'd by Ramza days ago! :LOL:

In celebration of its forty-fourth five-star review, Raging Swan Press is discounting their system-agnostic product The Dread Thingonomicon by 44% for the rest of August!

Are you a busy GM? Does session prep take too long? Do you never have time to design the cool little details that bring your game to life? Fear not! That’s where the Dread Thingonomicon comes in.

Crammed full of system-neutral themed lists, flavourful NPCs and more, the Dread Thingonomicon is designed to give you—the time-crunched GM—the tools to effortlessly add flavoursome verisimilitude to your game.

If your campaign features abnormal lesser undead, alchemist’s laboratories, ancient necropolises, archives & libraries, bandits & brigands, besieged castles, black dragon lairs, blue dragon lairs, bustling marketplaces, corpses, creepy graveyards, crypts & catacombs, cultists’ lairs, curio shops & pawnbrokers, dark caverns, fairs & festivals, fallen dwarven holds, fanes of evil, fanes of good, farming villages, fecund jungles, forts on the borderland, ghostly hauntings, goblin lairs, green dragon lairs, haunted houses, henchfolk & hirelings, hill giant steadings, items most wondrous, kobold warrens, lich’s lairs, local landmarks, lunatic asylums, merchant caravans, minions of evil, necromancer’s lairs, noble’s manor houses, noisome marshes, noisome sewers, ocean voyages, orc villages, red dragon lairs, roads, ruined castles, ruined cities, ruined monasteries, ruined wizard’s towers, seedy taverns, shadowed borderlands, slavers’ compounds, smugglers’ villages, smugglers’ lairs, snow and ice, subterranean mines, sun-scorched deserts, sunken ships, thievish doings, torture chambers, travellers’ inns, troublesome treasures, urban chases, urban events, urban landmarks, urban oddities, vampire’s castles, war-ravaged lands, white dragon lairs, wilderness camps, windswept moors, wizard’s towers and wrecked ships (and whose doesn’t?) the Dread Thingonomicon is for you!

Comprising the entire 20 Things line, the Dread Thingonomicon weighs in at 476 pages of content and is the culmination of seven years of design.

Use the system-neutral material herein either before or during play and bask in your players’ adulation.

This product is a Dual Format PDF and comprises two versions, one optimised for printing and use on a normal computer and one optimised for use on a mobile device such as an iPad.

This book is compatible with every edition of the world's most popular role-playing game!

Click on the link to apply the discount.

Please note my use of affiliate links in this post.

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