RPGNow Expanding...


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For Immediate Release
September 28, 2005


RPGNow, the forefront of the PDF games industry and the first site to offer Print-on-demand in addition to PDF product, is expanding! This October, the premier PDF sales site will become two sites, offering gamers everything from best-selling releases from top Publishers to innovative products on the cutting edge.

The flagship site, RPGNow.com, will offer PDF, Print-on-demand and electronic product from the top 100 publishers in the business: Wizards of the Coast, Green Ronin, Atlas Games, RPGObjects, Ronin Arts and many more. High-quality gaming releases from established publishers with a proven history of giving gamers what they want -- all in one location, and easy to find.

A second site, RPGNow Edge, is being created to showcase the best in small-press innovation and indie publishing, pushing the envelope of what is possible in gaming. The creation of this dedicated site will bring more exposure to small-press companies, allowing them to compete on a more even playing field, without fear of being eclipsed by the larger publishers.

What does this mean for the RPGnow customer? Improved convenience and selection:

- One Login–No need to create an additional account or worrying about managing additional passwords. You can access the Edge as well as RPGNow with one user name and password. Products can be added from both store fronts to one central shopping cart for the ultimate in checkout convenience.

- Quick Browsing–No more wading through category after category trying to find a product to suit your needs. All of the excess clutter has been removed. Brand new navigation and an enhanced search feature on both sites allow you to easily find what you're looking for, whether by product, publisher or even keywords.

- The Power in YOUR Hands–Designed with the customer in mind, the new RPGNow allows the customization of our interface to suite your needs. These advanced features will allow you to find what you want, how you want.

In addition, the look of RPGNow is being reworked from the ground up to be the most intuitive and best-looking electronic delivery store in the business. A smart interface will allow you to move between both sites at any time at the mere click of a button.

We're also taking steps so that customers visiting RPGNow and RPGNow Edge will be able to purchase with increased confidence:

- Staff Reviewers–Our own special team of professional reviewers is on hand with honest assessments of products, to let you know which ones you don't want to miss.

- Improved Ratings System–A quick and easy rating system that allows customers to rate a product with a click of a button. This new rating system will assist you in making purchase decisions and ensure that you can buy a product with confidence.

The expansion will be occuring in October. Watch for updates from the RPGNow staff as the new features become available, and thank you for making us the leader in game industry PDF sales!

RPGNow: We Created The Business. Now We're Making The Business Better.

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First Post
Now this sounds like a lot more positive of a change than how a certain thread was painting it.

As an aside, I'd be interested in finding out more about staff reviewing. I've just done my second review on EN World and could continue this tradition very happily (and will continue to review on EN World for as long as I keep getting new books).


First Post
Am I inferring correctly that "The Power in YOUR Hands–Designed with the customer in mind, the new RPGNow allows the customization of our interface to suite your needs. These advanced features will allow you to find what you want, how you want." means that if I'm looking for a pdf on say Elves, I won't have to search once on RPGNow, and then again on "Edge"? I can set up my interface to search both? What about to browse?

And yes I know this is early, I just want to know the plan/intention.


Community Supporter
I don't understand the advantage of two sites at all, it just seems like I'll have to look at two sites to see what's new on RPGNow now. I ask that, if possible, a page will be made to allow one to view what's new from both stores at once. I don't mind the "clutter" at all, I enjoy it and have gotten products out of it that I wouldn't have otherwise.

I do like the new reviews and ratings options, that's neat.
And the fact that the main page now apparently doesn't have the annoying big "commercials" on the side and just lists what's new. *That's* clutter I'd rather do without. From the first post, though, I doubt it will be the new format for long. :confused:


genshou said:
Now this sounds like a lot more positive of a change than how a certain thread was painting it.

Does it? It's well presented and has a catchy name, but seems to be pretty much what was leaked.

I second Sledge's question about searching across both sites.


First Post
rpghost said:
You'll be able to search both sites through the advanced search option.


That's interesting.

Am I correct in thinking there will be a quick search box and then a seperate link (underneath or wherever, just like google has) to the advanced search features? Since you specifically mentioned the advanced search feature, would I also be right in thinking that the quick search (which 90% or more of your customers will actually use) won't search the new site?

Probably wrong, but that's just what your reply made me think.


First Post
Fester said:
That's interesting.

Am I correct in thinking there will be a quick search box and then a seperate link (underneath or wherever, just like google has) to the advanced search features? Since you specifically mentioned the advanced search feature, would I also be right in thinking that the quick search (which 90% or more of your customers will actually use) won't search the new site?

Probably wrong, but that's just what your reply made me think.

Actually, you're correct... The default quick search scans only one site.

Face it, the point of this was to seperate the products, not just some fancy interface that can be gotten around easy enough. If you're into Indie games or the new guy on the block. You go to edge.rpgnow.com or set your default home page to that. If you're more of a regular shopper of some of the top names on our site, you stick with the Featured site most of the time knowing you're not going to get a "gotcha" product.

For what it's worth, many of the features were rolled forward to our current site. So test them there and let us know.


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