I mean knowing the rules and how the rules interact with and shape the possibilities of the fiction. I'm not particularly interested in being maximally ruthlessly optimized and when I GM I'm not interested in players who insist on or persist in being so.Yes, people can get better at imaginative play. They get better at it by letting their imaginations run wild and staying open minded and curious. Daydreaming and keeping a dream journal and all that.
Oh, you mean system mastery. Bleh.
I have gauzy nostalgia for all the fun I had playing RPGs. They used to be fun. Lately people seem to be way more focused on winning, optimization, and perfection. I’m over here just trying to pretend to be a dwarf and go on an adventure. You know, the fun part.
I am having more fun with TRPGs now than I ever have and I've been doing this since the early 1980s. I at least have more fun when I know what I'm going. Obviously some people will feel otherwise.