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Rules/Crunch of Eyros


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Rystil Arden said:
I completely understand where you're coming from, since I was going completely opposite direction here (I was trying to make the Kohl'Tass more accessible). Also, the 1st-level Kohl'Tass druid entering Eyros would be a cool roleplaying opportunity, in my opinion. The difficulties imposed by their outsider status would be cancelled out by the benefits of their high regard (they might have offers for hire as a horticulturist from big aristocratic families, but they would still have trouble fitting in), and they would have to have a good roleplaying reason to leave their lands to begin with. In my mind, this is an excellent way to have a low-level campaign where the PCs can matter, but ultimately it should of course be left up to DM taste whether or not to allow 1st-level Kohl'Tass as PCs. Oh, and lizardmen have a level adjustment of +1 and two racial hit dice, but going that route makes them bad at being druids, as you noted before (there's really no easy answer except fiating the Kohl'Tass as NPC-only, but I'd like to leave a druidic race open to PC selection, if rare).

OK, I see where you're going. Sounds like the kind of pro/con discussion that goes in a sidebar of a GM section of a world book. Someboby take note in case this ever gets put together and published.

+1 LA indeed, that's what I get for not looking it up before I post.

As far as the slow advancment of Lizardmen druids we only need to make a small campaign specific change to make Elder True Kohl'Tass Druids truly and utterly terrifying. To wit: If a dead True Kohl'Tass is brought back their ancestral hatching ground before they are reincarnated then they will always reincarnate as True Kohl'Tass. The big trick is this, Reincarnation is the only 'bring them back from death' spell that resets the age clock. IE: A druid can live forever if they keep getting reincarnated. So a druid only has to make two levels in each lifetime to keep advancing down the ages. Plus reincarnated creatures keep their old mental stats, and can keep accumulating Age bonuses from each life....

Probably we should limit this to a small ruling druidic council of somewhere between 10 and 50 True Koh'Tass but those are probably, as individuals, the most powerfull beings on the planet except possibly for Alivia and a few of her ilk.

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Rystil Arden

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Andor said:
OK, I see where you're going. Sounds like the kind of pro/con discussion that goes in a sidebar of a GM section of a world book. Someboby take note in case this ever gets put together and published.

+1 LA indeed, that's what I get for not looking it up before I post.

As far as the slow advancment of Lizardmen druids we only need to make a small campaign specific change to make Elder True Kohl'Tass Druids truly and utterly terrifying. To wit: If a dead True Kohl'Tass is brought back their ancestral hatching ground before they are reincarnated then they will always reincarnate as True Kohl'Tass. The big trick is this, Reincarnation is the only 'bring them back from death' spell that resets the age clock. IE: A druid can live forever if they keep getting reincarnated. So a druid only has to make two levels in each lifetime to keep advancing down the ages. Plus reincarnated creatures keep their old mental stats, and can keep accumulating Age bonuses from each life....

Probably we should limit this to a small ruling druidic council of somewhere between 10 and 50 True Koh'Tass but those are probably, as individuals, the most powerfull beings on the planet except possibly for Alivia and a few of her ilk.
Heh, that's a nice idea that should go in the other thread! Its also similar to what I have Thanatos doing in my latest post, only a lot less evil and appropriately nature-themed.

Rystil Arden

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Typical Praes Thanatos Enforcer

Typical Praes Thanatos Enforcer; Male or Female Gnome Wizard 3; CR 3; Small Humanoid (Gnome); HD 3d4+6; hp 22 (14 + 8 temporary); Init +0; Spd: 20 ft;
AC: 15 (+4 mage armour, +1 size) Touch 11, Flatfooted 14; BAB/Grapple: +1/-4; Attacks: Small Quarterstaff +1 1d4-1 damage or Ray +2; Space/reach: 5ft/5ft; SA --; SQ gnome traits; Alignment: Any, though good and chaotic are rare; Saves: Fort +4 Will +5 Ref +4; Str 8 Dex 11 Con 15 Int 15 Wis 12 Cha 8;
Skills: Concentration +8, Knowledge [arcana] +8, Knowledge [various] +8, Spellcraft +8,
Feats: Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus [Necromancy], Greater Spell Focus [Necromancy]
Gnome Traits: see PH and my post for the modifications

Wizard Spells Prepared (5/4/3; save DC 12 + spell level (or 15 + spell level for Necromancy)): 0-Detect Magic, Message, Mage Hand, Disrupt Undead, Dancing Lights; 1-Mage Armour (cast), Ray of Enfeeblement, Shield, Magic Missile; 2-False Life (cast), Rope Trick, Scare

Spellbook: 0-all cantrips save those of Illusion and Enchantment; 1-Shield, Mage Armour, Magic Missile, Chill Touch, Ray of Enfeeblement, Reduce Person, Detect Undead; 2-Spectral Hand, Command Undead, False Life, Rope Trick, Scare

Possessions: Praes Thanatos Initiate's Cloak (a +1 Cloak of Resistance presented to upstanding Praes Thanatos members of 2nd-level and above, as the member gains rank, it is upgraded through magic to gain more potent dweamours), Wand of Chill Touch, Scroll of Fireball;

Weasel Familiar abilities: +2 to Master's Reflex saves, Master gains Alertness, Improved Evasion, Share Spells, Empathic Link, Deliver Touch Spells

Tactics: If given time to prepare, the Praes Thanatos Enforcer casts Shield. On the first round of combat, the Enforcer attempts to eliminate as many opponents as possible with a DC 17 Scare and then strikes the most dangerous melee combatant with a Ray of Enfeeblement. If the battle is going well, the Enforcer can follow through with Magic Missile, and if necessary, Rope Trick provides a convenient escape.
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Rystil Arden

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Typical Mask

Typical Mask; Male or Female Elf Wizard 5; CR 5; Medium Humanoid (Elf); HD 5d4; hp 13; Init +2; Spd: 30 ft; AC: 12 (+2 Dex) Touch 11, Flatfooted 10; BAB/Grapple: +2/+1; Attacks: Fists +1 melee 1d3-1 damage, or Ray +4 ranged; Space/reach: 5ft/5ft; SA --; SQ Elf traits, Mask traits; Alignment: Any; Saves: Fort +4 Will +5 Ref +4; Str 8 Dex 13 Con 10 Int 18 Wis 8 Cha 10;

Skills: Craft [various] +12, Concentration +9, Knowledge [arcana] +12, Knowledge [various] +12, Knowledge [History] +6, Spellcraft +12

Feats: Scribe Scroll, Craft Wondrous Item or Brew Potion, Craft Wand or Craft Magic Arms and Armour

Elf Traits: see PH

Mask Traits: Childlike Eternity- Due to the power of the elven magic that controls the Masks, they appear as young adults (20 in human terms or 147 in elven) until their death and maintain personalities of small children; Orcbound- The Mask is bound to the service of a particular Pillar, or of the current ruler's family. The Mask devotedly serves her masters without fail, protecting them to the best of her ability.

Wizard Spells Prepared (4/4/3/3; save DC 14 + spell level): 0-Mending, Message, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation; 1-Tenser's Floating Disk, Unseen Servant, Enlarge Person, Summon Monster I; 2-Locate Object, Bull's Strength, Bear's Endurance; 3-Fly, Haste, Dispel Magic

Spells Known: Most Masks have had plenty of time to spend learning new spells, and the Pillars try to make sure that they know all useful spells from the PH of a level that they can cast

Possessions: Collar of Servitude (this stylish, begemmed collar allows the Mask to receive instructions from her master wearing a matched bracelet from a distance)

Tactics: If confronted with combat alone, a Mask is likely to begin crying and attempt to retreat to her master. If commanded to fight, she protects her master to the death to the best of her ability, often by casting augmentations on her master or summoning reinforcements.

*Masks use the Racial Substitution Level presented in RotW to gain an additional 3rd-level spell slot*


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Do we want to have the Masks and other magic using types Wizards, or Adepts? I'd suggest Adepts, to keep the rank and file everybody with NPC classes, and reserve PC classes for the really powerful/important ones. But that's just me. Adept is less powerful, and might not be powerful enough.

That said, Typical NPC Foot Soldier

Warrior 1
Medium Humanoid (Half-Orc)

Hit dice 1d8+1 (5 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20 ft in scalemail; base speed 30 ft
Armor Class: 18 (+4 scalemail +4 Tower Sheild) Touch 10, Flatfooted 18
BAB/Grapple: +1/+3
Attacks: Longspear +2 melee (1d8+2/x3) or Short Sword +1 melee (1d6+2/19-20)
Space/reach: 5ft/10ft(with spear)
Saves: Fort 2 Will -1 Ref 0
Attributes: Str 15 Dex 10 Con 12 Int 9 Wis 8 Cha 10
Skills: Intimidate +4
Feats: Weapon Focus (Longspear)
Environment: Any
Organization: Squad (10 +1 3rd level sergeant) or Century (100+ 10 3rd level sergeants + 1 4th level Aide +1 5th level Centurion)
CR: 1/2
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Any, though chaotic is rare
Advancement: By Character Class

Orc Traits: Orc blood; Darkvision: 60 feet.

A foot soldier never goes into battle with less than a squad with him, to take advantage of the cover provided by the massive tower sheild. Ideally, the tactic is to stand fast, and create an armored wall with the spears as spikes, for the enemy to throw themselves against. If the enemy is understandably reluctant to engage, the strong discipline of the army lets them run towards the enemy while keeping formation, like a massive metal and wood juggernaught, that would slam into the enemy forces, with devestating effect.

In the presence of archers or other ranged weapons, the standard tactic is to crouch down, with the rank in front holding their sheilds foward, and all the ranks behind raising their sheilds above their heads, like an overlapping roof, to protect against arrows and stones.

When seperated from the squad, or if the enemy has managed to make its way among the unit, the spears are dropped in favor of the short swords, which are more effective in close range.
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Rystil Arden

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New Feat:

Scion of the Six Pillars
Prerequisites: Race- Half-orc, Heritage- Must be the offspring of two pureblooded members of the Eyrian pillars, one human and one orc
Benefit: When dealing with other Eyrians, you gain a +3 circumstance bonus to Charisma based skill checks. This bonus applies to Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform
Normal: You are worse at these skills than everyone else because you are a half-orc, even though it goes against the flavour of Eyros


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I thought that we decided to move the cha penalty to wisdom, so that half orcs were still capable and likable rulers. That's what I did for the half orc foot soldier above.

A +1 or +2 bonus would still work as shown by education and prestige attached to your name/names.

Rystil Arden

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domino said:
I thought that we decided to move the cha penalty to wisdom, so that half orcs were still capable and likable rulers. That's what I did for the half orc foot soldier above.

A +1 or +2 bonus would still work as shown by education and prestige attached to your name/names.
Ah, I remember suggesting that, but I wasn't sure if people would bite. I think that this new fix may be more beneficial to the poor half-orcs as a whole (since at least now they don't also have to contend with lowered Will saves to compound their stat trouble; let's face it, the half-orc race got the short end of the stick; the half-orc was waiting around for a present from Prometheus when he ran out of stuff and gave fire to humans, leaving the half-orc out in the rain and cold alone), but if we play with - to Wisdom rather than Charisma, the bonus from the new feat should be reduced to +2 (the +3 was only meant to counteract the -1 from lower Charisma). It also adds the flavourful roleplaying point that outsiders will still regard the half-orc as barbaric (thanks to -2 Charisma) despite the greater fame within Eyrian borders. That said, your half-orc foot soldiers work fine either way, since they might have simply put an 8 in Wisdom and a 12 in Charisma, rather than two 10s.


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Well, I'll leave the stat block as is. Like you said, it can work either way. But eventually, we should decide on what way to go with it, just to clear up any sort of confusion.

Rystil Arden

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domino said:
Well, I'll leave the stat block as is. Like you said, it can work either way. But eventually, we should decide on what way to go with it, just to clear up any sort of confusion.
Yeah, I agree. The question is: Are there going to be enough half-orc bards that the mechanical advantage of having high charisma for a bard (because the feat doesn't fix the DCs and Bonus Spells for them) outweighs the penalty of low wisdom for everyone else. Then again, by leaivng the penalty restricting the feat to the highborn half-orcs, we do create the nice effect that those barbarous half-orc barbarians on the border, unable to take the feat, have the low charisma. We can also take the extreme tact of considering the Strength bonus to be balanced by the Int penalty in the cultural case of Eyros, since Eyrian half-orcs are far less-likely to simply forget their mental stats to make some kind of uber-berserker, so we have a situational case where we can bend the rules.

Voidrunner's Codex

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