D&D 5E Running a campaign for experienced players using the 5th ed. Basic Rules

(slight necro) I'm doing this! A Roll20 game (page at https://app.roll20.net/campaigns/details/16571999/dandd-5e-basic ), I thought I'd have trouble recruiting but it filled up right away, with brand new players, and a couple who'd played earlier editions. I love the simplicity & elegance of the Basic Rules, it feels a lot better balanced against the WoTC MM monsters. Whereas I noticed that Kobold Press monsters seem balanced against "full game with Feats" PCs, so I've been toning them down when in use. We've played two single session adventures so far - rescuing a baby from the Goblin King (total Labyrinth ripoff) and looting the Crypt of Lovias Kain, featuring a lot of decreipt crypt skeletons and a Specter, very scary vs level 1 PCs.
Bumping this thread as the link is dead and I'm quite curious how this went for you, @S'mon . (Especially in light of the current thread about an SRD-only campaign.)

Personally, I like the simplicity yet completeness of the 5e Basic Rules PDF. It's the full 20-level game for those four core races and [sub-]classes. And with no multiclassing & feats, it has more of a vintage-D&D feel than the massive PHB or even the almost-PHB Basic Rules found on DnDB. I'm sure you could run D&D for a decade or more out of just that book (while reskinning monsters and building your own setting, of course).

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Bumping this thread as the link is dead and I'm quite curious how this went for you, @S'mon . (Especially in light of the current thread about an SRD-only campaign.)

Personally, I like the simplicity yet completeness of the 5e Basic Rules PDF. It's the full 20-level game for those four core races and [sub-]classes. And with no multiclassing & feats, it has more of a vintage-D&D feel than the massive PHB or even the almost-PHB Basic Rules found on DnDB. I'm sure you could run D&D for a decade or more out of just that book (while reskinning monsters and building your own setting, of course).

Game is still running & going great. PCs have reached 3rd level now.
Link https://app.roll20.net/campaigns/details/16571999/dandd-5e-basic
I'm allowing multiclassing, one PC multiclassed to Ftr 2/Clr 1 which fits her very well. Others are Ftr 3 Wiz 3 & Rog 3. The Mystara setting is of course tailor made for this. The PCs are still exploring dungeons around Threshold, with one trip to rescue some nobles from vampire cultists at KP's Sanguine Inn. Level 1-2 PCs vs a level 3 adventure made for a desperate struggle, but they won!

Game is still running & going great. PCs have reached 3rd level now.
Link https://app.roll20.net/campaigns/details/16571999/dandd-5e-basic
I'm allowing multiclassing, one PC multiclassed to Ftr 2/Clr 1 which fits her very well. Others are Ftr 3 Wiz 3 & Rog 3. The Mystara setting is of course tailor made for this. The PCs are still exploring dungeons around Threshold, with one trip to rescue some nobles from vampire cultists at KP's Sanguine Inn. Level 1-2 PCs vs a level 3 adventure made for a desperate struggle, but they won!
Joke's on me: that's the same link as before, but I still can't get anything but an error to come up, even while logged in to my Roll20 account. Also, here I am ranting about how awesomely back-to-basics it is without multiclassing yet you allowed it, lol. I'll be in my big-mouth corner over here. Glad it's working for you, and that you're all still having a fun time!

(While they included hardly any information about multiclassing in the Basic Rules PDF, they graciously gave you just enough that you could kinda fudge it from what little is there without owning the PHB or looking up the SRD.)

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