Bumping this thread as the link is dead and I'm quite curious how this went for you, @S'mon . (Especially in light of the current thread about an SRD-only campaign.)(slight necro) I'm doing this! A Roll20 game (page at https://app.roll20.net/campaigns/details/16571999/dandd-5e-basic ), I thought I'd have trouble recruiting but it filled up right away, with brand new players, and a couple who'd played earlier editions. I love the simplicity & elegance of the Basic Rules, it feels a lot better balanced against the WoTC MM monsters. Whereas I noticed that Kobold Press monsters seem balanced against "full game with Feats" PCs, so I've been toning them down when in use. We've played two single session adventures so far - rescuing a baby from the Goblin King (total Labyrinth ripoff) and looting the Crypt of Lovias Kain, featuring a lot of decreipt crypt skeletons and a Specter, very scary vs level 1 PCs.
Personally, I like the simplicity yet completeness of the 5e Basic Rules PDF. It's the full 20-level game for those four core races and [sub-]classes. And with no multiclassing & feats, it has more of a vintage-D&D feel than the massive PHB or even the almost-PHB Basic Rules found on DnDB. I'm sure you could run D&D for a decade or more out of just that book (while reskinning monsters and building your own setting, of course).