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Searching for PRCs


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After a long absence, I have begun working again on my 3.5e homebrew world. I am in need of some PRCs which I saw listed on a Prestige Class Index online. These are vital for flavor for my world. I am on a very strict budget, so buying these books is out of the question for me, and I am not creative enough to be able to design my own without some sort of template or example to go by. I would love to find details of these PRCs online if anyone knows where to find them. The PRCs I need are:

Aerial Avenger (Best of the Dragon Compendium)
Aeromancer (Best of the Dragon Compendium)
Cloaked Dancer (Complete Scoundrel)
Elven High Mage (Races of Faerun)
Gnome Artificer (Magic of Faerun )
Great Rift Skyguard (Races of Faerun)
Justicar (Best of the Dragon Compendium)
Master Inquisitive (Eberron Campaign Setting)
Moonsea Skysentinel (Champions of Valor)
Night Cloak (Faiths and Pantheons)
Righteous Zealot (Dragonlance Campaign Setting)
Sharn Skymmage (Sharn: City of Towers)
Sky Lord (Book of Exalted Deeds)
Spelldancer (Magic of Faerun)
Spellsinger (Races of Faerun)
Steel Legionnaire (Dragonlance Campaign Setting)
Stormlord (Complete Warrior or Faiths and Pantheons)
Stormsinger (Frostburn)
Sword Dancer (Faiths and Patheons)
Thayan Gladiator (Champions of Ruin)
Warrior Skald (Races of Faerun)
Wayfarer Guide (Complete Arcane or Tome and Blood)
Windsinger (Best of the Dragon Compendium)

Any help anyone could offer would be greatly appreciated!!

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Google, Torrent, Piratebay.
Just posting random, meaningless words...
Sorry for this random off-topic nonsensical bit...

Seriously though, the material you are looking for is copyrighted, and you aren't going to find it on some website. PrC's aren't hard to make. Choose the HD, BAB and save progressions, the Skill Points, and have one or two Class Abilities each level. For the basic stuff, just use the Base Classes as guides, since they cover most of the roles. Commonly, small mechanical bonus' are giving that add to the flavor of the PrC. Add in a few flavor requirements and one requirement as a minimum level requirement, and you're set. You can also always post a PrC here to see what people think of it.

Side note: That is a LOT of PrC's that are "Vital for your world"... a lot of those could probably be emulated with base classes+the right feats/spells.


First Post
I am in need of some PRCs which I saw listed on a Prestige Class Index online. These are vital for flavor for my world.
If that listing is all you know about these prestige classes, how do you know they're 'vital' for your world?

Have you talked to your players? Is anyone even interested in any of these prestige classes?
Because, if they aren't it might turn out they aren't actually vital at all.


First Post
These PRCs ARE vital to my world for MANY reasons. World history and setting to name just 2 of them. I posted quite a good bit about my world here, though it was several years ago when I did so.

Jhaelen - as DM and world creator, players are limited to what fits into my world concept and flavor. If they want to play in my world, then they are welcome to choose from what i offer. If not, they are perfectly welcome to find another game in town. This is not unusual, you know? Players cant expect to walk into a Forgotten Realms campaign and expect to play a Warforged! I have seen these PRCs in books owned by old friends and short blurbs about them online at other sites. How nice of you to judge my needs without knowing anything about them!

Pergentile - Thanks for the attitude but I actually DID find all of these PRCs on another site without any help from anyone here. It is really nice of you to let me know what is "simple" and what isn't. I am only recently returning to the game after a long absence and am trying to convert everything I had created for 1e and 2e to newer versions. When last I played they were only just beginning to make the conversion from 2e to 3e. After looking about a bit, I have found that I LOVE 3e and 3.5e, but loathe 4e.

As much as I would like to think that I am creative in my own right, the reality is that it is pretty difficult to create for game systems about which one is only just beginning to learn. I cannot help the fact that I do not have an endless supply of money laying about to pay for my gaming interests. At this point in my life, having just gone through a divorce, a bankruptcy, and discovering that I am HIV+, I am LUCKY to be able to afford internet service at all. To put it bluntly, if it aint free, i aint getting it. When last I was here at THIS site, everything was free. I see that now, even THIS place has reverted to holding out their hands for money. I think it is pretty sad that I cant even do a search here without paying for it.

Added comment: You know, it is REALLY sad that I can't even access MY OWN OLD POSTS - MY OWN WORDS!!!!!!! - to show you what I posted earlier. Shame on you EN World.

Guess I'll just head back over to the WOTC site. At least there I CAN do a search for what I need for free...
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First Post
I am not being childish. I have no need to be childish. I found and downloaded the books I needed at a site called 4shared. I do not think the owners of this site would appreciate it if i posted a link to that site here. I am 46 years old. I have been playing D&D since before you were born. I played with the original 3 book boxed set, the blue book rules, first edtion and 2nd edition. I was in the process of updating to 3rd edition when my now ex-wife threw my entire, rather large collecion of books in the trash while I was at work one day. All that matters to me is that I now have the PRCs I needed and have replaced my collection. Sure they are only digital copies, but I can print out what I need anytime now, as long as I have the money for printer cartridges and paper.
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All sites have advertisements, all advertisements are income for that site, and the more that site is linked, and its advertisements seen, the more money that site makes. You can try to justify not posting a link with as many illogical assumptions as you want, but in the end, it just seems like you continue childishness defending what originally seems like childishness.

Link? I ask for it because whatever site you link is obviously one of illegal activities. Not only should you be looked down upon for your actions, but this site should also be held accountable for its crimes.

If you wish to discuss D&D from legal printed books, this is the site fro you. If you decide you wish to commit piracy, and attribute to the declining state of D&D because of circumstances that make you view yourself as a victim, I suggest going to another site. Ask a moderator if you think they would appreciate En-World premium material being posted illegally on another site, and downloaded.


First Post
I don't see any trace of your old posts from prior to 2007, unless you had a different name for the setting back then or something. They may have been lost in one of the rare server crashes or just deleted one way or another after many years of inactivity.

If that material was so vital, why did you ignore it for so many years and not even post a bump to your old threads using a public computer or friend's/family member's computer or something? Or, y'know, copy and paste and e-mail it to yourself over an online e-mail service like Yahoo! or Hotmail, so it would be preserved in your Inbox on the Yahoo! or Hotmail servers.

Maybe you can search E-Bay or Amazon or in some local used-books store for cheap, used copies of some of the books you need for your game. Or you can find or get in touch with some old friends, or find another gaming group in your area, contact them, and ask to copy some important details on those prestige classes for your own game while hanging out with them or something. Sharing among friends is understandable while limited in scope, but pirated material just spreads and erodes the chances of game designers to actually earn a living through their creative works.

This site wouldn't even be around anymore if not for Morrus shelling out his own money to keep it online, and community supporters paying a few bucks a month to help cover the server costs and all. EN World doesn't have a major corporate sponsor like WotC, and it isn't as easy anymore to get advertisements sufficient to keep a website running. The Internet/dotcom bubble burst years ago.

The site is still free for everyone, precisely because a few of us choose to donate a bit to keep it online for the general community. Search functions and the like require more processing power, and electricity, than just viewing the site. So they're part of the community supporter package. It's not unreasonable. It's only a matter of paying a tiny bit for some added convenience rather than spending a lot of time manually paging through a forum to try and find one old thread or another.

Hard work has value. Creativity has value. Artistic talent/skill has value. Ideas have value. Ideally, everything would be free and everyone would share the basic resources we needed to survive, like food, water, and shelter, but that's not the way of the world as of yet, so we can't get something for nothing all the time. Ergo, game products have a material cost in most cases, and rightly so. As long as the game designers can't just survive on manna from Heaven or the goodwill of others, they need to charge something for their time and effort, like any other working-class people.

If you think you should just get the fruits of their labors for nothing, then shame on you. If they aren't offering it for free, then they obviously need that tiny bit of income. In case you haven't noticed, even Wizards of the Coast isn't rolling in dough. They do alright, because they've had a decade and a half or so to build up a decent reputation and develop or acquire a few popular product lines, but they've still had to lay people off in the last several years because of the economy (and perhaps bad management in a few cases).

Gamers are not a particularly wealthy bunch, for the most part. We don't generally have a lot of disposable income, and that means we don't send a lot of money to the game-companies through our purchases. RPGs and such are still a niche industry, though slowly growing. Much as we hate to pay 30 or 40 bucks for a book, there aren't that many of us with the cash to buy a lot of game books (even if they were to cut the prices to 10 or 20 bucks), so they can't really sell a lot of copies. So they have to set the price at a level where they can cover the cost of labor, printing, shipping, and such, given how few copies they can realistically sell to the relatively small number of likely consumers.


Google, Torrent, Piratebay.
Just posting random, meaningless words...

Seriously though, the material you are looking for is copyrighted, and you aren't going to find it on some website.

I am not being childish. I have no need to be childish. I found and downloaded the books I needed at a site called 4shared. I do not think the owners of this site would appreciate it if i posted a link to that site here. I am 46 years old. I have been playing D&D since before you were born. I played with the original 3 book boxed set, the blue book rules, first edtion and 2nd edition. I was in the process of updating to 3rd edition when my now ex-wife threw my entire, rather large collecion of books in the trash while I was at work one day. All that matters to me is that I now have the PRCs I needed and have replaced my collection. Sure they are only digital copies, but I can print out what I need anytime now, as long as I have the money for printer cartridges and paper.

First, let me say that I played those sets as well (I am your age).

Second, let me say I know 4shared. You were not being "childish" in saying you "found" it - you were honest... to a point.

Third, let me say that Pergentile is correct. This is copyrighted material and obtaining it from 4shared is not something WOTC would be happy about or something you should be proud of. Pergentile's original post, as I have quoted above, is correct.


First Post
Could someone please tell me how to delete this thread? It has served its purpose. I no longer need the PRCs posted so this thread is now just needlessly taking up space and bandwidth which could be used for something else. I assume that is another one of those things I cant do because I cant afford to subscribe to the site, so any help I receive in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

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