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Seastars with high AC - 5e idea?


Brittle star uodated here (you made one typo) "20 of fewer" --> "or"

Okay, the words match apart from it doesn't have a Reactions section anymore. The VARIANT: BRITTLE LIMBS subsection now appears in Actions.

However, I noticed I've missed another typo!

The "an target" in Multiattack should be "a target" and has been corrected in the Brittlestar. The Landstar had the same typo which I also just fixed.

The VARIANT: SIX-ARMED BRITTLE STAR lacks the Italic Formatting where the Enworld version refers to other traits, i.e. the six-armed star's "Regrowth" "Shed Arms" and "Fragile Arms" are non-italic in the D&D version but "Regrowth" "Shed Arms" and "Fragile Arms" in Enworld.

That link is broken, I found a D&D Beyond landstar here but it doesn't match the updated Landstar with all the changes to Shed Arms.

If there's a newer version on D&D Beyond I couldn't find it.

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I forgot to update it - fixed "an target" and is here noiw

Got it! That's an exact match to the Enworld version.

Unfortunately, I realized there's a slight problem as I compared them…

I should have tweaked the last sentence of its Arm attack so "(unless it lost some to a Shed Arm reaction)" becomes "(unless it loses some due to its Shed Arm trait)".

Do you mind if I tweak the wording in the Landstar?

brittle star is here

It still has two minor errors:

A stray space has appeared in the Arm attack before a closing parentheses. The "(unless it loses some )" ought to be "(unless it loses some)".

The "so its is lowered" in Six Arms should be "so it is lowered".

Casimir Liber

rejigged land star as requested to here

brittle star here

basket star yeah should finish it...and gurgohemoth. My party went a different direction so didn't need pine kindred or tabanids yet..


basket star yeah should finish it...and gurgohemoth. My party went a different direction so didn't need pine kindred or tabanids yet..

Well there's no hurry with the Gurgohemoth. If your PCs are of a level to be meeting a regular PIne Kindred than a Demonic Juggernaut Elephant is probably a little beyond them!

So is Huge size enough for the Gorgonocephalid?

Real life basket stars are the biggest of ophiuroids, growing up to a couple of feet across and 10 pounds or so in weight. They're filter feeders that gather miniscule food items with their branched limbs, so if the monstrous version feeds on prey of similar proportions than, assuming we want them to eat adventurers, it might be better to make them Gargantuan.

Should we make them a bit more "fantastical" they could easily devour Medium-sized victims and still be Huge, but if we want to keep the original's food-to-diner size ratio than Gargantuan seems more appropriate.

Casimir Liber

Just looked up sizes - as my initial thinking of "gargantuan" is kaiju, but 20x20 is fine conceptually. So yeah "garagantuan" - also making it more different to the other starfish to mix it up a bit


Updated the Basket Star with that size.

Also changed the name from "Gorgonocephalid, Giant (Basket Star)" to "Basket Star, Giant (Gorgonocephalid)" to match the Brittle Star, Giant (Ophiuroid) of the previous conversion.

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