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Selan- A SE Asian campaign (Critical rebuilding)


Quick reply:
There's a tonne of reading material (online? and book), that cover economy in different cultures in less technological times.

At most, it depends geographically on the land.
Are cutures and communuties separated by a geographical feature or simply a cultural one? Is it maritime or agrarian or something else :D ?

A quick showover (with some, not much but some bend to reality) is often good enough for most of my players, so I dont have to devolve the entire thing into a economics game. Enough to show a difference and evenif iaccurate - not enough to draw attention to it (LOL) .... /end offside commentary.

Coastside communities can tend to many sea-related foods and trades but unless its only large splattery islands, theres an abundance of land supported life by coastal regions to also support hunting of deer and farming. Vegetables or food stuff that only thrive in extrememly wet soil or weather conditions are often quite a delicacy for others who are further into the continent. The rivers are often packed as marketplaces from trades from the coastal reaches with stuff!

Salting food and stuff can be more popular way of preservation.

Whales aren't as common at least some rare school of smaller variety.
The water masses arent as large to support their migration paths. however, the deeper reaches of certain ocean beds (being at the crux of some faultlines) does mean unusual sea creatures as well :D.

Fungi, mushrooms and moss types are more common and diverse given that they probably need more moisture than most plants to thrive.

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Time for me to use my 4 yrs of undergrad work!

Warfare in the Southeast Asian region in historical times, according to archaeological and archival evidence seems to be focused not so much on killing people, but rather on kidnapping them. It's like - we've got so much land and forests and resources here, but not enough people to work on these lands, so you get lotsa nonlethal warfare by warlords in order to shanghai people away to work on their fields.

Then classical approaches to SEA history have been divided into roughly Indic and Islamic periods of influence. We have the so-called "men of prowess" who are your heroic individuals that gather cults of charisma around them. They generate spheres of influence around themselves, which are hardly fixed and subject to waning and waxing, and they war with other men of prowess. Since you want a low-magic campaign, these guys can be the mythic equivalent of gang leaders. In SEA, we have this whole thing about magic and fighting power. There's lots of betel nut (i.e. sireh) involved in Malay magic, my friend just got back from the fighting in East Timor and he got dragged into a Christian magic ritual. Where someone waved a sword at him, chewed some betel nut, spat it out at him, and forced him to eat it, and as long as he doesn't go around being sexually promiscuous, he will be impervious to gunshots.

So the men of prowess can monopolize your low-magic world - there can be magic of the common folk, hedge magic, which can be used to fortify the warriors, predict the seasons etc, which will be very useful to ruling territories. If the temporal rulers can be the patrons of these spellcasters, then the social stigma can be lessened for them. For further examples, in Burma and Thailand, to this day, tattooes can have magical significance in warding away bad luck, wounds, weapons, and disease. So can yantras, which are paper with inscriptions of sutras on them. Tattooed monk, anyone?

As the Indic influences started lurking in with the merchants and teachers coming down, Hindu, Jain and Buddhist influences started sprouting up. We get the "devaraja" concept coming in, like in Angkor - "deva" for god, "raja" for king - so literally, we get a god-king. Usually it's a member of the nobility in SEA, who takes in a priest of Indic origin, and he patronizes that religion in order to show his difference from his peers - and the priest blesses that noble, who then generates good karma, and plays up his similarity to the devas. What's more, the whole idea of karma is one that rulers like - cos it explains their rule as one that is natural, a product of their past lives' accumulated merit, hence they get divine right to rule. And it keeps the populace (theoretically) pacified - cos it's their karma to be ruled.

You get huge monuments built like Borobodur which were used for occult purposes - to allow mendicants and ascetics to so-called transcend and reach moksha, nirvana, etc. But at the same point of time, as my archaeologist prof was pointing out - the rich may be the guys who paid for them to be paid - but were they the ones making them? Same with the pyramids, the pharaohs didn't lift a stone. it was the workers. Same thing here- and since you want a low-magic feel, all these huge temples and artifacts - who built them? We're talking about a high degree of craftsmanship and organizational ability within the populace, that are required to build such big projects.

I've got to run now - but i'll return with the stories of the Wali Songo (The 9 Islamic Saints) and their coming to Indonesia. Hope this helps.

Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
Thanks for the tips Aikuchi. Great as always. Reading about food like that is making me miss the tropics again! Gives me more incentive to visit my parents I guess :D

Yeah, as enjoyable as economics was at school, I'm not looking at going too far into it. The whole bustling market thing is cool. Be different to the usual blacksmith shops I usually do (read: boring!). Probably a lot more realistic, too.

Since some of the Naga are amphibious, those trenches could be a great place for them to live.

Thanks again!

Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul

Cool. I guess what I'm aiming for is for magic being special, near all of it tied to the old spirits that are revered (and feared) in the realm.

The rituals you speak of- great! They sound like a good basis for the Regional feats I want to create, as well as explanations for some class abilities. Excellent. Thank you!

I especially thank you for your insight into the nature of the politics, and also of the Old Cities. As it stands, such places were the abodes of the land-based Naga, and of the Garuda. I can imgine, though, the human leaders wanting to have something magnificent built in their honour.
Thinking about how this might anger the old spirits.....excellent. :]

Thanks for stopping by, love to have you join in again soon.


So far so good SoA :D ?

Would love to see the kinds of progress, maps and ideas you've confirmed for your campaign, even as a rough outline. Wow :D

Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
The Big (er, small...) Reveal! (Coming Soon)

As far as maps go, I'd have to scan the ones I have to show 'em here.

It does seem prudent to provide a running summary, doesn't it? Right, so I'll see if I can order my notes a bit, and provide something postable... that chart for the Witch doctor was awful at first....

Haha, anyway, I'll try to post up tonight my summary.

Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
First Summary- Part 1

Agreed Parameters for the campaign (So far)

Allowed Races

Humans (3 local groups, 2 foreigner groups)
-Selanese. From a deeply forested land, split by any rivers. Its Northern borders are mountainous, with few passes. This is the main campaign land. Other places are mostly alluded to.
-Hunanese. Friendly land to the east of Selan. They engage in a lot of trade. Hunan is subject to a lot of attacks by both the Sea Naga and the Forest Naga. Hunanese are reknown warriors in the realm.
-Dengyan are called “northerners” by the Selanese. Most Dengyan travel to Selan by river or by overland routes, as the sea route passes through Sea Naga territory. They are from a divided land split by bitter fueds between rulers.
-The Astur are intensely religious traders from across the seas to the west. They are from a different climate, and find it hard to adjust to the temperatures in Selan. Their equipment is very different. They’re from an old land that seeks trade with far off lands. They are known to be excellent sailors.
-Name forthcoming... Tribal folk of the archipelago off the coast of Selan. They are not part of the protectorates, but otherwise live in a similar manner.

-Death-touched: humans who were touched by a spirit in the womb are changed. They have the natural skill to see spirits and can affect them normally, but only at night.
-The Drowned. Some children are taken by the sea during their Naming. Most do not return, but those that do come back different. The Drowned have a natural affinity to things of the ocean.

Other races in the setting
The Sea traders- These strange beings always remain shrouded in heavy robes, no matter the season, and smell strongly of the sea. They bring valuable goods to the delta from lands unknown.
Naga –Aquatic, Forest. Ancient and incomprehensible, these reptilians desire rule over human. They are powerful practitioners of blood magic.
Garuda (Unseen for a long time): These winged gods protected humankind in the past from the Naga, and expect reverence in return.


-Barbarian (renamed Berserker)- Warriors with special training. Their bond with their ancestors fills them with power.

-Hexblade (Slightly modified)- They are traditional warriors whose Totem allows them to curse outsiders or those who cross them.

-Shaman (Coming up with a new name)- Priests who venerate the spirits of the fallen Garuda, and gain supernatural power due to this.

-Kaiu Ainu/ Witchdoctor- Spell Casters who make a pact with the Old Naga to gain supernatural power. They are feared and mistrusted.

-Fighter- A warrior trained in the martial arts

-Scout- wilderness explorer and expert in movement

-Ranger (to be modified)- A mystic warrior with connection to the holy places of the swamps.

-Rogue- A skilful person with the knack to get out of danger, and expert with precision attacks

Classes Under review
-Swashbuckler: Perhaps appropriate to one of the foreign human kinds?

-Paladin: this will require a significant rewrite. They may be mandated by the Garuda.

-Bard: Can a musician and loremaster be done appropriately as either rogue or expert in this game’s context? Is bardic music appropriate as a feat chain?

-Expert: If I add in the Lore ability that bards have, this class seems feasible, but I’m not sure.

-Monk: Only if I can create few interesting options for the class (Muay Thai, or Smoke sword style, I could see a Capoiera style art among the Hunan too). Due to the lower amount of armour, and enhancement options, this class is more powerful than it usually is. If included, their Ki powers are only in effect when they are focused (Like the Psionic focus rules. Things like stunning fist would expend the focus.

-Sorcerer: These would be practitioners of blood magic. If included, they would be universally loathed by other people, as it requires making a pact with the living Naga in order to learn the skills. They are out for now.

Languages of Selan

Deng Hua (Northerners), Garuda, Naga, Lung Ku (Language of Dragons), Hanan, Selam, Astur (the Western Traders), Kahmud (the spirit language Shamans use), Kaiu Dhe(the language of power)
This list will expand.

Other considerations

-No Raise Dead, Resurrection, Reincarnation, or True Resurrection spells. The effect of reversing character death can be attempted, but they are not spell effects. This would be counted as ritual magic instead (Incantations), and very expensive.

-Travel should be fairly difficult, and of more mundane means. No teleportation beyond short range stuff (like dimension door). These spells are removed from all spell lists.

-Poison and disease need to be real threats. Remove disease and poison only succeed on a caster level check, or no cures for it?

-Many Outsiders are now spirits.

-Alignment is removed, and replace with Affiliations.

Background info is forthcoming.... please be patient. ;)
Last edited:


First Post
Sound of Azure said:

Cool. I guess what I'm aiming for is for magic being special, near all of it tied to the old spirits that are revered (and feared) in the realm.

The rituals you speak of- great! They sound like a good basis for the Regional feats I want to create, as well as explanations for some class abilities. Excellent. Thank you!

I especially thank you for your insight into the nature of the politics, and also of the Old Cities. As it stands, such places were the abodes of the land-based Naga, and of the Garuda. I can imgine, though, the human leaders wanting to have something magnificent built in their honour.
Thinking about how this might anger the old spirits.....excellent. :]

Thanks for stopping by, love to have you join in again soon.

No worries man! Glad to help :p

I carry a piece of yellow paper with me wherever i go. It's a buddhist blessing, given to me by my mom, who got it from a temple here in Singapore. It's one of the oldest temples, and people believe in the power of the divinations and blessings from the priests here because the patron spirits are said to be very much watching over the community. There were a couple of fires there, and this temple survived while most of the other houses went kaboom, adding to its mystic reputation.

Next door, there's a Hindu temple dedicated to Rama. We've got guys walking in from the Buddhist temple over to the Hindu one, offering incense to both divinities. The general feel of SEAsian religious culture is that of mixture, of heterogeneity, of mixing and adapting things. It's like, old things are put in new contexts.

Even the Muslims in Indonesia, for example, conducted a lot of animistic rites in their worship. We have goddesses of the rice field, the queen of the south sea, the lords of the sky... and the Hindu/ Indian elements brought the whole idea of the ascetic, who swears oaths to the universe in exchange for temporal power and spiritual enlightenment, is still very strong. You can use that as the Vows from the BOED, or the Marks from BOVD? There's this term, "pusaka" - it means relic. People are proud of their relics - be it textiles, weapons, paintings, even flags and clothes - which accumulate ritual power and occult significance with each passing generation. People take care of their relics by treating them as people - for example, you sleep with the kris dagger in hand, after meditating for 3 days and abstaining from meat, alcohol, and sex.. so that you can commune with the spirit of the weapon, thus finding out in the dream what the spirit wants to tell ya.

Also, well, i like the idea bout the Naga and the Garuda. There's a traditional rivalry - some say it is cos Garuda's mom was killed by poisonous snakes, and so he hates the Naga. However, weird thing is, Nagas aren't bad guys either. Lol.

In Hinduism and Buddhism, there's this thing bout the "Six Worlds" concept. it's basically a planar cosmology. You have the harshest world of all - the world of the hells, which is basically your fiendish planes. There, souls suffer in retribution for their sins. The demons torturing them could be similarly souls suffering - to be demonic i guess isn't exactly a good thing, come to think of it. Or they could be delusions - illusions crafted by the sinners trapping themselves in hell. Anyway, it's not a nice place. Liars get their tongues cut out, adulterers get trapped in diamond-edged valleys snowing diamond dust that flay them, while trying to avoid stone-beaked vultures and stuff. You get Rakshas here too.

Then we get the world of the hungry ghosts. In Sanskrit, they're the world of the pretas, of the undead. Those who live and die with the sin of greed, of desire overpowering them become undead shades, with thin necks and big bellies, feeding off the faeces and filth of humanity. They are condemned to be incorporeal, invisible, never being able to influence the world they desire, and hungry and thirsty. Spend enough time there, get some good karma, and off you go to...

the world of animals. Beasts. Those who live like animals become animals - rutting, eating, sleeping. Nothing much to say there - though this could both be a literal plane of its own- as well as being part of the Prime Material... The Nagas, Yakshas (earth elementals/ treants/ giants), Garudas and stuff are somehwere between here and humanity. Primally powerful, magically gifted, and human intellgience to boot. Some of them are more celestial, which we'll get to later.

Then we have the world of humans. We're caught a bit in the middle, of hell and heaven. It's the best chance then for us to practice enllightement, for we don't have the distractions of hell's demons pulling out your guts for a BBQ, nor do we have the comforts of heaven to lull us into complacency.

Then after that, we have the world of the demigods - the Ashura realm. There, you get the Internet pwn-crazy phenomena. The ashuras are godly beings full of power and wealth, but always striving for more, and never ever content. They are gods, but not as high up as the Devas, and thus they are bitter about this, and forever jealous.

Then we have the Devas, whew. That's where the divine nymphs make music, the gods hold court, and everyone's happy. You're rich, you're powerful, you're beautiful, and you're the top of the food chain. But since there's little motivation for you to improve yourself, you will slowly run out of good karma if you're slack, and lose your place in heaven, as you become compalcent.

So, well, even the Devas are not enlightened, in that sense.

After the 6 worlds, comes Nirvana, the world of enlightenment.. which is a mystical experience that is pointless to describe. Suffice to say, ascetics try to achieve "moksha" - a term meaning "to disappear", so as to disappear from these 6 worlds of Maya, of illusion, and enter true wisdom.

Sorry if i got preachy there. not meaning to proseltyze, just sharing the folklore!

Hope this helps.

questing gm

First Post

Wow ! A real expert in the field. This world is sure shaping up real good :D

Maybe we should write all this into a book for the setting and sell it :]

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