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Selan- A SE Asian campaign (Critical rebuilding)


Oh dear, i wrote a really long post but my comp reset and it's lost.
I hate that :(

Long post short and from memory.
Most magic in SEA is believed to derived to be pacts/bindings from spirits nonetheless :D

Perhaps a deviations from some words "Dukun, Bomoh, etc etc) because the languages involve reflect too many diverse names. This is espeically promimenent since terms also carry a lot of what the role plays in the society. Benevolent Soothsayers to neutral seers with portent for disaster and fortune.
Even 'Kuei' (Cantonese-ghost), or "Jin"-(demon).
A reflection of their role and how they are perceived in the functioning society helps to. The 'Red Eye's' or the "Mouths of "insert great spitit name"'. Possibly a combination: - Wei Kuei', Wu-Jun, Jin-Speakers.

Ah, for flavor to sound local you could perhaps ask Questing_gm or myself for some of our local legends and myths (not sure if its recorded anywhere, much could be just word of mouth) when you require some addition to your campaign. Time willing of course.

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Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
Details, details....


Here's the initial bare as bones campaign diary! :)


Humans (various denominations and regions)
This is a very human-centric campaign, mainly in order to keep other creatures mysterious.

Out: Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling, Half-Orc.
No, just no. I'm lazy, and don't want to create a rationale for having them there (at least, as PCs).


Spirit folk- In the traditional way of D&D, humans mix with all kind of creatures, especially those who are common to an area. My main issues with them are the river and sea spiritfolk's water breathing and swim speed. This would make many difficult encounters very easy. The RP aspects are interesting, though half in the human world, half not. Perhaps a re-design?

Vanara- Monkey people. Hmmm.... I can't really see my players taking them(or any anthro species) seriously, but a race like this kind of makes sense in this setting. If I include them, they would have the (spirit) subtype.

Raptorian- Following a suggestion from above, and with reference to above posts, considering Raptorians as a PC race. Since I am incuding the Yuan-ti(naga), it makes sense to include a Garuda reference too. I think this race is really cool, but a part of me wants them as a known, but mysterious other race. They have the (spirit) subtype.

"Touched"- sounds icky, I know. These people have been affected by the yuan-ti, becoming more reptilian. Not too sre about this, as my treatment of the yuan-ti changes from day to day.


Fighter, Rogue- natch!

Scout, Ranger- Wilderness explorers= highly important. Ranger modified to have no spells, but more powerful animal companion.

Shaman- these spirit-talkers are highly respected and valued, though not always understood.

Wu-Jen- bind spirits to gain power. Most people either fear or are aed by them. Their strange habits often make them stay away fro contemporary society.

Templar- (Sohei) These are guardians who protect the Northerners' enclaves, and occasionally sent on missions for the church.

Monk- (base) They're monks. I may fiddle around with the class to make it more customizable. I'm considering making some fully different base versions as well, for different kinds of unarmed(or lightly armed) fighters.

Swashbuckler- Part of me screams "wrong!" in reference to these, but I think there is a place for lightly armoured guys, especially on the waves.

Psionic classes- I love psionics a lot, but I'm really not sure about these. Qi-based powers learned from northerners?

Cleric- I'm quite iffy about having clerics here. If I do, they will be specific to one of the "visitor" cultures that are coming to the campaign area to trade. Paladins would be in this category too.

Bard- Is there a tradition of this? I have no idea!

Other Stuff---
The Yuan-ti/naga- As originally conceived, this race of snake people are the remnants of an ancient empire that have existed for thousands of years. They are the descendants of the original spirit creatures of the same name. Human-kind encountered them only a couple of hundred years ago.
At the moment there is a hostile peace with their realm. There is trade, but the yuan-ti's goals are unknowable. they have the ability to make other creatures into ones like themselves, and this makes humans very fearful of them.
Although it goes against the treaties in place, the yuan-ti are willing to pay a lot of coin for slaves. People are easily allowed into their realm, but there is more trouble to leave again afterward.

I want to have them either in the jungles deeper in the realm, or across the sea on one of the nearby archipelagos (which would allow them to disrupt some trade and have their own fleet of ships).

That'll have to do for now, I'll post more later...


Some often play dual roles.

Shamans often carry the traditional role of doling out stories handed down throough the ages (cum Bard) :D And can match any spirits on their terms (i.e. seen as fighter standards by most incorporeal etheric beings) :D

But yea - just a quip in case i forget. :p


First Post
Sound of Azure said:

Cool beans! There's a really good bookstore nearby I may be able to get those from. In fact... the second title is definitely ringing some bells. May have seen it there before (tho this was last year).
lol, I ahven't heard the expression "cool beans" in a number of years :D that's funny :D

Good luck on finding these books - I really like them both, as they are very to the point and just an easy read.

Another good one (well, for celtic stuff) is the Oxford Celtic Dictionary - I know this has nothing to do with your current campaign, but just to let you know ;)


"Spirit folk- In the traditional way of D&D, humans mix with all kind of creatures, especially those who are common to an area. My main issues with them are the river and sea spiritfolk's water breathing and swim speed. This would make many difficult encounters very easy. The RP aspects are interesting, though half in the human world, half not. Perhaps a re-design?"

This could be expended in a variety of way. I think the templates for river, sea and bamboo were merely good outlines but can be substituted for any varying elements that is dominant in your setting. Small jungle spirits could have imbibed a pregnant woman at sleep every night till birth to make her unborn daughter part spirit/fey. This is turn could be a insidious means of making a fertile creature to bear their future generations that bore spirit-blood but tied closer to the physical realm to affect it.
Are those spirits elemental, prime? The OA Spirit-folk suggests that. But just as powerful, the concpet of the Moon Goddess and her servants or the ravaging spirits of the swamps and undead spirits of children looking for surrogates - could be powerful concepts to consider.
It is common knowledge that some are simply born under luckier circumstnaces that seem to give them gifts 'blssed' or unluckily' cursed' by the sprits of circumstance.
In mechanic terms - perhaps the movement rate given for river and sea-folk were a tradeoff (okay, it was obvious) but determine which trade-offs are worth exchanging them for. +2 affinity to spirits OR the ability to converse with the unseen (x times a day) could be nice trade off for 'basic human' skills or bonus feat.

"Vanara- Monkey people. Hmmm.... I can't really see my players taking them(or any anthro species) seriously, but a race like this kind of makes sense in this setting. If I include them, they would have the (spirit) subtype."
How involved would they be in human lives, society and civilization? How advanced?

"Raptorian- Following a suggestion from above, and with reference to above posts, considering Raptorians as a PC race. Since I am incuding the Yuan-ti(naga), it makes sense to include a Garuda reference too. I think this race is really cool, but a part of me wants them as a known, but mysterious other race. They have the (spirit) subtype."
Their haven could very well be something of a Shang-Grila status. Everyone's knows of it, but no one has truly seen it or confirm it. Tales about what and why they are among commonfolk could all be speculation at best. They may have a racial bonding that binds them as a people making them less likely to treat others outside as equals. It keeps them ... isolated nad mysterious. If you have the OA, perhaps a kinship like the 'Shinonen-Naga' but a societal hiearchy thats more ... garuda court-like :D

"Touched"- sounds icky, I know. These people have been affected by the yuan-ti, becoming more reptilian. Not too sre about this, as my treatment of the yuan-ti changes from day to day."
A generic names might be nice, but 'Defiled' could be coined by the humans, and the "enlightened scales" by those who embrace it. Perhaps something along the lines/reference of shedding skin as thei turn from mammalian to reptilian :D ?

Scout, Ranger- Wilderness explorers= highly important. Ranger modified to have no spells, but more powerful animal companion."
Perhaps more details on these? It is not unusual to have the ranger or scout classes posses some innate knowledge of how to combat or deal with spirits on their level however minute or basic. On the other handm perhaps they deal with spirits through they're animal companions (a mixture of 'familiar' and c"ompanion). Wilderness classes in these settings might be more respectful to spirits and their realms/borders and might have means to communite with them on a basic level.

"Shaman- these spirit-talkers are highly respected and valued, though not always understood."
Perhaps some some expansion on their roles as well :D ?

"Wu-Jen- bind spirits to gain power. Most people either fear or are aed by them. Their strange habits often make them stay away fro contemporary society."
Most ... uhmm practitioners can be seen as ... corrupt or evil, sometimes because of their reclusive nature (for study?) or their association and dealings with more unaligned/known/respected spirits. They could carry the stigma that "Warlocks (CA)" have. It would be interesting to see how these develop.

"Templar- (Sohei) These are guardians who protect the Northerners' enclaves, and occasionally sent on missions for the church."
Much like how the zealots, i mean paladins and higher level clerics are sent out on missions for their place of worship/faith/temples?

"Monk- (base) They're monks. I may fiddle around with the class to make it more customizable. I'm considering making some fully different base versions as well, for different kinds of unarmed(or lightly armed) fighters."
Uhmm, I think a LOT of fiddling around with the class is required for them to carry a south east asian flavor. These were the elite 'fighters' of society with "DnD fighter' class being more of the enlisted government soldier.MPPOV of course.

"Swashbuckler- Part of me screams "wrong!" in reference to these, but I think there is a place for lightly armoured guys, especially on the waves."
Perhaps breaking down some of their class abilties to be available to the fighter template? (including rstictions for armor or encouraging lighter armor through class skills and abilities / stat based requirements). The term 'swashbucker'
might not fall in line with your thematic.

"Psionic classes- I love psionics a lot, but I'm really not sure about these. Qi-based powers learned from northerners?"
I'm not familiar with psionics in DnD terms, so I'll get back to you on this when its fleshed out :D

"Cleric- I'm quite iffy about having clerics here. If I do, they will be specific to one of the "visitor" cultures that are coming to the campaign area to trade. Paladins would be in this category too."
I don't really think clerics or paladins quite suit the roles in your setting (as visitors is definitely plausible :D especially those on evangelistic goasl), but Mystics (DL) or Favored Souls (CD) might be more likely.

"Bard- Is there a tradition of this? I have no idea!"
_see another post I made :D

Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
Cool beans!!


"lol, I ahven't heard the expression "cool beans" in a number of years that's funny"

Call me old fashioned. ;)

Heck, I still say "Neat".

Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
Spirit Binding/Calling


Hey, I had a feeling about the spirit binding role, but I thought it would be useful to have a mechanical difference between those that make accords with spirits and those that shackle spirits to their will. Kind of like the difference between the Cleric spell Planar Calling and the Wizard spell Planar Binding. That way I can accomodate players who want either (and I do have players in both camps).

Wu jen would have that "warlock" stigma of something unholesome about them(even if it is untrue). Good RP opportunity.

My intention for the Shamans was of "Wise-men/women", who people come to for advice, especially in regards to good fortune, as an intermediary with the spirits (to bring rain, good crops, etc). They'd have a lot of protection and divination abilities.

Scouts/Rangers... That was my intention, for these characters to be knowledgeable about the spirits of the land and such.

Your comments on the Swashbuckler got me thinking about a Dragon Issue I have on customised fighter classes. I'm going to go with that, rather than a group of customised fighter-type classes. Cheers!

Completely forgot about mystic and favoured souls! oops! :heh: Have to think about some more. Yes, I'm tempted to just remove Clerics nd Paladins, although I could tweak Paladin a bit (perhaps they are blessed by their ancestors? I can see that suiting the Templar/Sohei as well.)

Cool ideas on Spiritfolk. Consider them yoinked(subject to tweaking)!

On Raptorians, with a plot hook like that, I can't imagine any of my players not trying to find the city!

Vanara? Honestly, I have no idea how much they would be integrated, as it was just an idea I'm floating. Their text says they a brave and inquisitive race, and prone to bluntness. They sound a lot like halflings in that they would entwine themselves into human populations.
Perhaps best to leve them out and stick with the human and very human-like races, such as Spirit-touched, and the Scaletouched.

On a side note, I love your avatar! Always been a big fan of Rebecca Guay's work


First Post
Sound of Azure said:

"lol, I ahven't heard the expression "cool beans" in a number of years that's funny"

Call me old fashioned. ;)

Heck, I still say "Neat".
Hey, I still say neat! So does a bunch of my friends. It's some cool beans we're dealing with here :lol:


The Yuan-ti may have their own factions divided by clour patterns / religious differences or practices. One more lethal (poison) - amphibian (sea-snakes ecology) on the islands and the larger massive ones on the jungles (anacondas/pythons/boas-non feather). What do you think? A civil/racial war brewing even amongst themselves woe unto those who get caught in between, as they breed their numbers from victims with their dark rituals and seek forced alliances.
Perhaps they are an offshoot of an older long dormant version of when the Yuan-Ti were great wise leaders of the ancient races? (Mythically snakes/serpents were held in good fortune/standing in Asia - also realistically they are quite dangerous but only if you disturb them).

I would like to hear more about the process and effect (consequence?) of Spirit Binding (pact trade services?) and Spirit Shackling? How does it affect/alter the "Summon Familiar" class ability :D if there is any.

"Scouts/Rangers... That was my intention, for these characters to be knowledgeable about the spirits of the land and such."
-- A change of skill focus (class skills), spell selection limitation or change from spell casting to some (Sp) or (Su) ability to commune with the lands and / or spirits :D ?

"Completely forgot about mystic and favoured souls! oops! Have to think about some more. Yes, I'm tempted to just remove Clerics nd Paladins, although I could tweak Paladin a bit (perhaps they are blessed by their ancestors? I can see that suiting the Templar/Sohei as well.)"
-- The paladin - well, i'm not certain how much tweaking could be done to suit them to the new setting until you have an entirely new class rather than a altered paladin :D.
I hope you find the Mystic / Favoured Soul / Spirit Shamans (Complete Divine) more in line for your campaign, I think they should suit quite well. The Shaman and Spirit Shamans are good counterparts for the Clerics.

"Vanara? Honestly, I have no idea how much they would be integrated, as it was just an idea I'm floating. Their text says they a brave and inquisitive race, and prone to bluntness. They sound a lot like halflings in that they would entwine themselves into human populations.
Perhaps best to leve them out and stick with the human and very human-like races, such as Spirit-touched, and the Scaletouched."
-- Hmmm, more reading on bi-pedal humanistic animal races living among commonfolk from Asian legends might give you better ideas on integrating them into society. A number of backgrounds or resources (I think) that Questing posted above give some good outlines and ideas.
Howeverm sticking with more humanic races as a choice for PC's can be apropos as well, as the rest of the realm is populated by thing seemingly less human and in the end more alien, strange and wondrous to explore.

Try to explore some cultures that cultivate and thrive on smaller island structures or living by the beach as well. Some hawaiian-esque beliefs of the relationship between the pulse of life between seas/water and life can be refreshing, giving it a more spiritual/ritualistic feel!

Side note:
Thank you, I do like Guay's work as well. :D


Ooo, perhaps the Wu Jen can can be expanded a bit more as well so they don't look too much like elemental wizards.
Apart from taboos and spell secrets -
Perhaps they have to shackle,bind,bargain and cloak themselves in elemental spirits to cast spells (haven't quite figured out their mechanics though) , kind of like an anima halo. :D

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