Seravin's Tales of the Night Below (Two Updates this Week - 07/24/07)


An Interrupted Evening

”Don’t tell me about “women’s work”. Hmph.
The patron of the Shtaran Empire is Latina, the Defender, and while she bears an upraised shield to protect those under her care, she also wields a burning sword. In the Empire of Shtara, women of breeding are just as likely to be taught the art of the blade as the art of needlepoint.”
-Imperial merchant explaining things to a Southern trader.

The daughter of a businessman, merchant, and crime-lord, Jaylissa Deverex learned the art of the blade at a young age. Given his pursuits, her father thought it wisdom’s choice to indulge his daughter’s desires on this matter. Besides, it brought his daughter closer to other young men and women of both blood and means which was an opportunity to be exploited. Still, Grandal Deverex had never imagined that his daughter would actually need such skills.


keeeeraaaaaaash! came the distant sound of breaking glass.
Jaylissa’s bare feet slapped to the floor even as she became aware that she was awake; her knife was already in her hand. Jaylissa paused a moment and listened and her heart momentarily sank at the sound of fighting on the grounds. Whoever had taken her father was apparently coming here next.

The fire-haired young woman took a moment to pull her enchanted vest on over her nightgown while hoping that her new allies would be able to repel whoever was attacking. ”or at least not be the actual attackers.” came a darker thought.

Jaylissa then picked up her sword (a gift from her father) and went to the door. Pausing for a moment she gathered her courage and opened the door.

Her attackers had been waiting for that. Two dark-clad men ,wearing the cloaks of the City Watch and with their faces obscured by masks, surged towards her. “Father Dark sends his regards, woman.” Snarled the lead attacker, raising his sword.

Jaylissa rose her own sword to parry. “Intruders!” She called out, hoping that Lady Hyla would carry her voice to Lore. With that she pressed the attack, tumbling around her attacker and into the hall, where she would have some hope of escape.

The attackers guessed her intention. “Your pet sorcerer is busy. It’s just you and the three of us.”

Too late, Jaylissa realized there were three attackers, and the third one was already invoking a spell. Three purple missiles leapt from the man’s outstretched hand and struck her full in the back, stinging like mad. Jaylissa knew she couldn’t take many more of those.

Then hope surged. There was fighting in the North Hall. Her allies were awake. She only had to survive long enough for them to get here. The spell-caster was beginning his next spell though and the two men closest to her were pressing their advantage. This was going to be close.


The murmuring voices grew louder, disturbing her sleep. Vaguely Jaylissa knew something was wrong; something important, but she was so tired. Then the voice finally grew loud enough to hear.

“…and heal these battle-born wounds.” The voice belonged to Lieutenant Jared.

Jaylissa sat up quickly and looked around. “Intruders…” She started. The flickering light of a magical pendant showed that she was half-sitting on the floor of the south landing, perhaps twenty feet from her bedroom. The priest of Sarath was kneeling over here, already drawing his hand back from her heart. Dark smoke drifted across the floor and there was an acrid smell everywhere. There had been a fire.

“We know.” Said the Sarathian cleric with more gentleness then she thought possible. We stopped them.” He smiled then. “We got a prisoner too.”

“Where?” She nearly snarled.

Jared stood up and offered her his hand. “Over there.” He jerked his head over his left shoulder. Kellron and Jallarzi were kneeling beside three other prone forms. From the looks of things they were finishing tying up the last one and not being too gentle about it. Jaylissa felt a small stab of satisfaction over that.

Jallarzi looked up from her efforts. “We’re just about to wake them up and question them.”

Jallarzi looked them over. All three were dressed in the garb of the City Watch, but only two of them wore the familiar studded leather armor. Jaylissa kicked the unarmored one. I suggest we question this one.”

“Our thoughts exactly.” Agreed Kellron as he stood up. “Lore is securing the grounds and the fire is out. Why don’t we take this one downstairs where we can be comfortable.”


Erek Tannson was not a brave man; ambitious and charismatic, but ultimately cowardly. Within a few minutes Kellron, Jallarzi, Jared, and Jallarzi had pried what little the man knew for the bargain price of his freedom. Erek viewed loyalty as something to be exploited, not given.

Before long, the four questioners discovered that Erek and others were learning sorcery from a man who looked much like Shalzerith (confirmed by an illusion generated by Jallarzi) with aide from strange friendly creatures which had tentacles in place of their mouths. He and his fellow sorcerers were learning under the guise of the Braenite church that had just come to town, hiding themselves from the discovery by the Library.

Erek had been loaned to Father Dark in return for aid elsewhere. His mission here tonight was to kill Jaylissa Deverex; he didn’t care why but knew that Treshans were involved and somehow working with Baron Roth. Erek also added that he was suppose to pin the blame on the party by giving an eye-witness account after the Deverex estate had been burned to the ground.

The prize of the questioning however, and what ultimately earned him his freedom, was the location of Colonel Beka Megara and Defender’s High Priestess, Kerress Raptoran.


“The question is, can we believe him?”

“I think so.” Answered Jaylissa. “The man wants his freedom badly enough and the City Watch would hang him almost immediately. He’s telling the truth.”

Kellron looked at Jaylissa appraisingly. “I don’t particularly like having him go free though. I promised that man he could walk out of here, I said nothing about not capturing him later. Do you think one of your people can follow him?”

“Easily.” Jaylissa didn’t mention that she had been planning that anyway.

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I'm not really sure where all the time goes. For those who are still reading, thank you for your patience. I'm still writing, it just seems like there's all these conflicting things to do.

This last post marks the end of a very long day for Kellron and crew. They started out assaulting the Cathedral of Latina, moved on to confronting a corrupted retainer, was visited my Shalzerith, and finally repulsed the attack on the Deverex household. If I recall, it was two game sessions and the players were feeling pretty good about the successes.

The end game is fast approaching.

For those of you interested, in the main game the players have made their first assault on the stronghold of the masterminds of the entire plot to kidnap the spellcasters. I expect them to finish up late this summer depending on how vacations and various other things work out.


First Post
I'm still reading!

Although the time between is not always brief :) I'm always poking in for the next installment and reading it with as much enthusiasm as ever. Thanks for the great story!


Oh wow. Over two months since I checked in.
Thank you very, very much for your patience and the enthusiasm. I never intended it to go this long. I took a break between various other things that came up and kept meaning to write, but let myself be distracted.

Joshua, Torgal, and Abciximab, thank you for your patience.
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Offer and Counteroffer (150th post)

Another dawn breaks over the gray city of Corlean. Tomorrow will be the Winter Solstice and normally the good folk of the city would be hurrying to complete their plans for the ensuing festival. This year however there will be no festival. The Duke’s curfew is still in force and the recent events with the church of Latina has caused all preparations to be canceled. The good residents can only stay at home and pray that the dark events do not herald the coming of darker times.


Kestral, in the guise of Private Claudia of the Church of Sarath woke with the morning sun, though not by her own choice. She knew that Kellron and Jared were both serious-minded, hardworking, and disciplined young men. Until this morning she had thought it was some sort of in-bred characteristic taken to some aberrant extreme. Now she knew that this was not correct. It was due to the dark and ugly regimen that the church of Sarath perpetrated upon its’ own recruits. Only the traveling hardships of the last few months enabled her to endure a typical Sarathian day.

Kestral and the rest of her platoon were allotted what seemed barely enough time to make their beds before they were hustled off to the Square where they and all the other soldiers were put through a grueling exercise routine. Being slight of frame and not very strong would normally have counted against the young woman, but her magical hat of disguise made her look stronger than she really was and while weak, her endurance was actually greater than most of the other soldiers.

After that they were again allotted too few minutes to clean up and then attend breakfast. Kestral tried to explain to the sergeant that she just need a few more moments but he was completely unreasonable in his expectations. She was sure she could have made him see that if she could have gotten him to just talk to her for a few moments, but Kestral wasn’t granted that time.

After the morning meal the duty assignments were handed out. Most of the assignments had the soldiers patrolling the streets, supplementing the city guard, but Kestral was instead assigned to the simpler and quieter guard duty of the main sanctuary. The other members of her new platoon looked at her in askance as that duty was normally for the older soldiers, but none of them could deny that “Private Claudia” was certainly the most presentable of all the people in the church.

It was while on duty that Kestral was visited by The Defender’s Inquisitor, Tore Daergan. Tore was well known about Sword House and her friendly demeanor made most forget that she was responsible for ferreting out falsehoods within and without the church. The recent events with the Defender’s Cathedral would normally have left the inquisitor in a state of limbo, but she was still technically on assignment to Sword House.

No one paid the inquisitor any mind as she chatted with the latest transferee at the Church of Sarath. Thus Kestral was brought up to date on the events of the prior evening and told that her friends had plans to be nearby during her dinner, but that they needed her to stall for at least an hour.


The Crown’s Table was nearly empty when Private Claudia arrived. Situated in the north-west quarter, close to the Square, the restaurant was a largeish two-story building noted for both its’ food as well as for its’ private dining rooms where the rich conducted private business. So close to Solstice the restaurant would normally be busy, however today Private Claudia saw only a few people in the common room and none of them looked particularly happy.

The young maitre d’ at the door looked her over once, started to say something, and then stopped himself. A few weeks ago he would have said something snide to the young soldier, but this was now and things were grim. Besides, Ker Merith had been quite explicit in the description of his guest. The waiter shrugged once and then led the young looking soldier upstairs to the Sword Room, a private dining room with all the amenities. The manager had insisted that Ker Merith and his guests take it at a surprising discount. The manager had also let them know that no request would be turned down.

The maitre d’ knocked twice at the double door and waited for the command to enter before opening the door. He stepped forward and bowed to Ker Merith and his guest. “Sirs, the young woman from Sword House is here to see you.” The dining table was a large round affair capable of seating six quite comfortably; though only three places were set today. Quentin Merith was seated facing the double doors while his guest was seated to his left and the empty space was set to his right.

Quentin smiled, enjoying the sense of prestige he was being afforded. “Of course; send her in.” He commanded, standing as Private Claudia stepped tentatively across the threshold. “Come in, my dear.” He said, waving her further into the room. All was quiet while the maitre d’ seated the soldier at the table and then poured everyone a glass of wine from the decanter already at the table. Bowing, the Maitre d’ then left them alone, closing the door behind him.

It was then that Claudia noted that the only way out of the room was through the now closed double doors. No other doors or windows were apparent, though there were some magnificent paintings on the walls.

It was with a supreme act of will that Claudia did not react when she realized she heard a familiar but muffled voice of a woman chanting in the room next door. Instead she continued looking around the room. Fortunately Quentin didn’t seem to hear it at all; but from subtle reactions it seemed as if Aruk did.

Quentin looked over the young woman appreciatively as she looked about the room and then glanced to the man to his right. "Ker Aruk, this is Private Claudia of Sarathian temple. Private Claudia, this is Ker Aruk, recently from the North but now of his Grace’s court.” Ker Aruk nodded and Claudia managed a graceful looking bow from her chair.

Aware that Ker Aruk was observing her, Claudia smiled; she knew what he saw and had little fear that he could he see past the illusion. Instead she returned his frank appraisal and wondered that this was the architect of the city’s woes.

Tall and broad shouldered, Aruk filled the room with his presence. It was only after a moment of looking that a person realized that Aruk was perhaps in his fifth decade and that his dark hair was streaked with gray. Aruk’s black eyes glittered with intelligence though and Claudia suspected that he missed little; she would have to watch which truths she spoke today. Aruk was dressed in a fine silk shirt and black pants. Rings adorned the man’s fingers and her keen eyes spotted two necklaces hidden under his shirt. A dark gray cloak was thrown carelessly over the chair next to him and Claudia made out several interesting bulges. Aruk was obviously a leader and just as obviously liked the finer things in life.

Claudia waited for Aurk’s appraisal to end in what she hoped was an appropriately demure manner. Finally he spoke. “Quentin tells me that you hope to ally yourself with his Grace’s court.”

Claudia nodded. “Yes Ker Aruk. As I told Ker Merith, I have no desire to be a soldier any longer than necessary. I understand that I’m not suited for the role.” Claudia knew that there was no need to present any falsehoods there. She smiled in what she hoped was a cynical manner. “My needs are more…material, shall we say.” She gestured towards the table. “I like the finer things in life and I find that the temple has too many restrictions.”

Aruk, magically sensitive, detected no lie on the woman and allowed himself to return her smile. “I think you’ll find serving his Grace can be quite rewarding. These are hard times though; I trust you have no problem getting your hands dirty if the job requires it? His Grace may order that someone…simply disappear; for the greater good of course.”

Claudia leaned back a moment and appeared to consider it. Finally she spoke. “I absolutely don’t have a problem with it. Some people should just disappear. It would make things run smoother.”

“Excellent. It appears that we have a basis for negotiation then.”

“That makes me very happy Ker Aruk.” The young soldier paused a moment and then looked imploringly at the table. “Can I ask a small favor before we start though?”

Aruk considered and then nodded.

“Can we eat first and talk of inconsequentials? This is the finest table I have sat at since I’ve been a soldier and if you for some reason find me unsuitable I would at least like the memory of the meal.”

Aurk laughed at that. “Certainly, my young woman; eat your fill. You should certainly have a taste of the rewards I can offer. Let us eat for a bit and we will discuss our expectations after the meal.”

The three ate heartily on the Crown’s Table excellent fare. It was a simple three course meal with cheeses and dried fruits, followed by a hearty beef soup, and completed with tender slabs of ham served on a bed of rice. All the while they talked of inconsequentials such as the weather and upcoming seasonal events. Interspersed throughout the conversation however were more subtle questions and answers, each person testing the other.* Eventually the meal was over however and the three of them sat back with mugs of honey-laced tea.


Chanting as quietly as possible, Jallarzi manipulated the rune covered ivory tiles on the small stand in front of her. The smoke from the burning incense danced and weaved about her. She had been chanting for almost a full candle-length, staring through the transparent section of the wall at Aruk. The painting that normally covered this one-way transparent section was sitting on the floor off to the side. Behind her, Kellron and Jared waited at the ready in case something got out of hand.

Jallarzi stopped chanting and inhaled suddenly as if in surprise. The incense which had been slowly twirling about her also stopped and then began to stream into her eyes, hiding their violet color. Then the haze of incense just as quickly disappeared and Jallarzi spoke in a voice not quite her own.

“High Priest of the Dark Emperor, steeped in blackness with eyes upon the Throne. Aruk weaves a web about Corlean. One thread on the throne, another in the shadows of the Blue Diamond, and a final thread to the Night Below.”

Jallarzi grabbed the table for balance and looked about. “The Night Below are our illithid kidnappers I think. The Blue Diamond would be Quereth Holtson. The Dark Emperor would be…?”

“Tresh.” Snarled Jared.


Quentin Merith was feeling very happy with the way things were unfolding. Claudia had made quite an impression on Ker Aruk. She was eager to please, insightful, and properly polite. She was quite a find. He was thus quite startled at the direction the conversation took.

“I trust that you enjoyed your meal?” Aruk asked graciously.

“I did, thank you Ker Aruk.”

“Then we might as well start our negotiations.” He leaned back casually and dropped his hands below the table. When he brought them back up Claudia saw that Aruk’s right hand now bore a black metal gauntlet. Aruk nodded at her surprise.

“In the interest of keeping this on track I’ll say that I know your real name is not Claudia, that you are not a solider, and that I think you have allied yourself with people that are enemies of mine.”

He smiled at the fleeting look of concern on the woman’s face. “The only reason I considered meeting with you after learning all of this was that I think you might be persuaded to truly work for me. Are all of these things true?”**

Kestral inhaled and then nodded slowly. “For the right price.” She allowed.

Aruk gazed at her and then smiled. “Then let us discuss price. What would it take for you to work for me and abandon your current allies?”

Kestral was silent for only a few seconds, considering her options. “I could do it for two-million gold lions or the equivalent.” She told him.

Quentin Merith’s jaw dropped at the princely sum, nevermind his surprise at the turn of events.

Aruk snorted. “Be serious. No one has that kind of coin on hand.”

Kestral held his gaze levelly. “I’m completely serious. We recovered several items worth collectively several hundred thousand lions on our last excursion. We plan several more excursions going forward; and I need every golden piece.”


“That’s my business and doesn’t affect you; but if you want my services, that’s my price.”

“And what makes you think you’re worth two million lions?”

Kestral shrugged. “I made it here and got an audience with you? I have powerful friends that trust me?”

Aruk stood. “I know your friends are next door and are done with their castings. I care not what they think they learned. Know that this city is effectively mine and that there is no room in it for enemies. When you’re ready to talk a more rational price for your services, contact Merith and be sure that bring something that’s worth what you’re asking.”

Quentin Merith hastily stood after Aruk did, gaping at both of them.

Aruk dismissed Kestral with a glance and stepped towards Quentin, sweeping up his cloak as he did so. “Quentin, you’re coming with me. We have some things to discuss.”

Kestral could make out the door to the room next door crashing open and feet coming down the hall.

Before she could say anything else, Aruk grabbed Quentin Merith by the shoulder and spoke a word. Both men disappeared. Moments later the door open, revealing Jared, Kellron, and Jallarzi; each ready for battle.

Kestral exhaled. “Well we now know that he knows that we know and he now knows that we know that he knows. I don’t think we should stay here very long.”


That evening at Sword House, Jared prayed for revelation before the altar in the private chapel with Captain Rusuk. It wasn’t long before Captain Jared of the Glorious Dragons found the walls of the temple fading away to reveal a field of battle. In the distance he could hear the battle horns signaling a rally. The ground was churned up by hooves and feet, but no bodies were laying upon the ground. They had gotten up to march on to the next battle.

“Welcome Captain. What do you wish to know?

Jared turned and saluted smartly. Before him, hovering just a few inches over the torn ground, was a winged angel in mithril breastplate, and wearing a sheathed sword at its’ waist.

“I seek answers that will help us save Corlean.”

“Then ask and I will give which answers that can be known.”

“Is Grandal Deverx still alive?”


“Does Duke Hilmaron know that there are Treshan’s in the city?”


“Does the Duke know that Colonel Megara and Priestess Raptoran are in the hands of enemies of the city?”


“Is the Duke controlled or charmed?”


“Is Aruk the controller?”

“Aye.” Snarled the angel.

“Is Baron Roth in league with the Treshans?”


“Does the Duke know of the Baron’s involvement?”


“Is the Duke’s daughter also charmed?”


“Is Shalzerith a Treshan?”


“Are there more devils in town?”


“Is Kestral still loyal to the party?”

“I know not. She is not one of ours.”

Another rallying signal from the far-away horn draws their attention. “I must go.” States the angel. “Continue your good work.” With that the angel leaps skyward as the battlefield fades away to reveal the chapel once again.


Meanwhile, at a private residence unknown to most, Kestral sits with Jaylissa Deverex

Jaylissa considers Kestral's words and then considers her father. “Will this get my father back?”

Kestral shakes her head. “I don’t know. We’re not sure what happened, but it’s possible he’s still in town somewhere. Quereth might know either way.

“Very well, you’ll have all help I can provide. What do you need me to do?”

“We’re going to go up to his Grace’s palace in the morning and take care of Aruk. We need someone to rescue Colonel Megara and Priestess Raptoran in case someone tries to kill them out of spite. We don’t want them used as hostages.

“I see. Just myself and whoever I can scrape up?” Asked the half-elf with some scorn.

“No. Captain Rusuk knows some city guardsmen that aren’t bound by the same oaths as himself, so you’ll have some official muscle; and Jared plans on calling up help similar to what we got when we entered the Cathedral.”

Jaylissa relaxed a bit and then leaned back into her chair. “If it was just the guardsmen, I would have told you know. My godfather would have had them killed. With angels though…”

Kestral smiled. “I was hoping you would say that. If you’re in, then we’re all going to meet at this other place not too far from here.”


*There were a couple of diplomacy and sense motive and bluff checks. Kestral’s player made her’s pretty easily. Aruk had a good wisdom and sense motive as a class skill, but Kestral was careful not to lie – though I allowed bluff checks to make truthful statements to sound favorable.

**Aruk had some information sources of his own and I eventually decided that he could cast commune just as easily as the players. He got enough to know that Claudia=Kestral and that she wasn’t strongly allied to the party (ie: she was neutral) and thus corruptible. I think Kestral’s answers surprised the party though.

Post Note: Naturally, this is another time that Kestral pulled a good diplomacy roll out of the dice bag. Aruk knew she was working for his enemies but was possibly corruptible, so he viewed her with some favor.
I'm not sure I would have let him stick around for the legend lore if I had to do this again though. He recognized the spell for what it was but didn't necessarily know that it was directed at him. Still it was a chance for the players to confirm their suspicions, so I allowed it for that reason.

The next post should be the rescue of Colonel Megara and Priestess Raptoran.
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Solstice Preparations

I had thought I was going to post the rescue, but this one became larger than I expected. Probably not a bad thing as I want to get into the swing of more frequent updates again and I can use the practice.


In the morning there was a feast the likes of which few Imperial citizens have been granted the grace to attend. Solstice feasts are not unusual by any means, especially as a way of celebrating the beginning of longer days to come; however this feast was unusual in at least three respects. The first was that it was a morning meal, with the sun not quite risen over the mountains. Second, it was attended by only twelve people; all whom were conspiring to commit mayhem after the meal was over. Finally, this feast was granted by the grace of Sarath, and until touched by the feasters had never been touched by mortal hands.

As befitting a Feast of Sarath* the morning meal was simple, consisting of piping warm bread, sweet fireweed honey, crisp apples and melons that could not have been as fresh as they were, and slabs of rich, succulant ham. Of the drink, it was neither wine nor water nor milk, or beer, but had aspects of all four.

Crowded into the small dining room of a private house that Lore had rented, the twelve co-conspirators took their fill of the simple breakfast. Some of them had expected a quick meal, hasty plans, and a murderous assault. Instead the meal took almost a full candle to consume as they shared past joys they had almost forgotten and regaled each other of their hard won battle victories.

It was a simple meal, but like all good meals it filled more than their hunger, it filled their souls. These twelve were from all walks of life and they were about to raise their blades against the lord of the city and the devilish conspirators that held him in thrall. Victory would not be certain but for now they knew no fear; only confidence that this was the right thing to do.


The furniture had been moved up against the walls and most of the conspirators had been asked to wait elsewhere in the house to make room for two more guests. Curious, the conspirators choose to wait in the hallway as Captain Jared sat quietly in the main room, offering prayers to Sarath, His angels, and His saints. Kellron and Dax Rusuk (he offered no rank for this mission) watched on and offered their own supporting prayers.

Watching from the hallway it seemed as if a long time passed as they watched the three men offer up prayers and liturgy. Boredom did not have time to set in however as even the still air seemed to be anticipating something momentous.

Almost without warning, Jared’s prayers ceased and he threw his arms wide. At that exact moment he was engulfed by a halo of blue and white light. Jared’s voice thundered through the house. “General Markon! I ask for the Intercessor! What belongs to the Defender and the Defender’s Own has been taken and a battle is required to win them back!”

It was dramatic. By rights a lightning bolt should have cleaved the air. That did not happen. The halo about Jared died away and the electric stillness in the air seemed to drain away.

Then the angel appeared.

Nine feet tall with skin the color of the sea and no hair to blemish his head, Markon the Intercessor, a General to one of Sarath’s armies, filled the room as if he had always been standing there. His visage was calm and wise and strong. Clad in golden armor with a large sword belted to his waist the angel looked about, pulling his feathered wings close about him to give others room. Those closest to the angel could see that his feet did not touch the floor.

The Intercessor had only rarely been called to stride the earth. His was normally the role of guidance and tactics for those still living. Gazing into the souls of all within the house, the Intercessor finally turned to the one had called to him.

Lieutenant Jared saluted smartly. “Sir. I respectfully wish to withhold the briefing until I call upon your sword brother, Arvon of the Celestial Host.”

The Intercessor had experienced surprise before; but it had been centuries since a mortal cleric had surprised him thusly. Strictly speaking the briefing should be held immediately as the General had other matters to attend to; but strictly speaking the situation was extraordinary. The angel nodded his assent gravely and stepped aside to make room for his sword brother.

Again, Jared took up his prayers, this time under the watchful eye of the Intercessor who neither aided nor hindered the effort. Now was not the time. Shortly, the little house in an out of the way neighborhood of Corlean was graced by the presence of two angelic planetars of Sarath’s celestial host as near alike to each other that they could be twins.

General Markon, Arvon, I ask aide in today’s battles.” He turned to face the Intercessor. “General Markon please attend myself, Kellron, Jallarzi, and Kestral. We plan to go to the Ducal Palace, free the Duke, and kill or drive off the High Priest of Tresh and his allies. Too many people are charmed however and we wish to keep casualties to a minimum.”

Jared then turned to the other planetar. “Arvon, Rusuk Dax and his team will attempt to free Priestess Raptoran and our own Colonel Megara. They are both in the hands of a criminal that has allied himself with the Treshans and the illithid. We fear that they may be slain out of spite before we can free them and wish your aide in preventing that.”

Jared looked to the angels. “Will you help?”

There was a long pause and then the angels turned about, their heavy gaze resting upon each person in the household; the simple wood and stone construction no barrier to their sight. Reaching a silent accord the planetars again faced the priest who had asked for their aide.

It was the Intercessor who spoke. “Your cause is just and righteous. Your allies, while of questionable morality, are true to you; however you have dared to summon such might that has not been seen within the Empire for centuries. Are your tasks worth so much to you?”

Jared nodded. “They are. We would sacrifice much to see them accomplished.”

The Intercessor returned the nod. “Very well; hear then the conditions of our aide. Our fight is not with, and will not be with, mortals. We will not raise sword or hand against any mortal within this city; Sarath does not war upon his own. We will not be seen by any within the city except that we manifest in battle.”

As the Intercessor fell silent, Arvon began to speak. “We will raise arms against all creatures not of this world and will render such bolstering help that our skills allow. If the battle goes ill then we will also aide in escape.” The angel paused for a moment. “Are these conditions acceptable?”

Jared grimaced only slightly; he had hoped for more but was glad for any aide. “It is.”

“Then hear our final condition;” continued Arvon. “Both of us have duties elsewhere and your callings have hampered our preparations of a coming battle. We will help you for this day but in return you will owe us a day of your own sword arm. In three weeks time there will be a stand against the hordes of the Abyss and we require that a small portal located deep in the Gray Realm** be guarded. If this portal is taken then the hordes could use it for a flanking maneuver. Will you aide us as we will aide you?”

Jared glanced over to Kellron, and then Jallarzi and Kestral. They all nodded. Jared turned back to the angels. “We will.”


*Heroes Feast

**The Astral Plane
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Lots of things happened that were interesting for me at this point.
The players had asked for additional help so they could rescue the Duke and the priestesses at the same time. After some discussion they said they wanted eight extra people - which would be the maximum affected by Jared's heroes feast spell. They were also open to running the helpers.
This let me highlight how powerful their normal characters were as compared to the next highest group of people that were on hand (average of 8th level). It also allowed me to use lower level minions that could still challenge the new group of characters and not strain my sense of credibility; I didn't want a lot of higher level minions running around.

Jared's player surprised me. I expected him to summon an angel and had suspected a planetar. I had not expected two of them. As a point of interest, planetars each have 14HD and cast spells as 17th level Clerics. The party was 12th level.

Fortunately I had time to think about this and eventually decided that I wasn't going to stop him. He had not abused the spell in the past, had worked hard to come up with alternative payments other than straight cash (had actually paid more than was strictly necessary in fact), and for him this would be fun.

So instead I came up with two things.
The first was the conditions of the angel's involvement. I wanted the party to have some impact on the upcoming fight, and a single planetar would have wiped the floor with just about everything that I had documented to date. The party wouldn't have had to do much other than watch.

The second was that I finally committed to Aruk's devilish aide. Imtithal was a Schrodinger monster to this point; he was only going to exist if the party was having too easy a time of it, and even then I was thinking a Cornugon or some such.

As a side note, though it was never touched on, I like to think that small house they gathered in became a shrine of some sort; though the idea makes me feel sorry for the owners.

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