This is a pretty unusual d20 adventure.
The adventure itself isn't spectacular (but it's not bad, just sort of Scooby Doo-ish), it's the setting or background material of it that makes it special. The setting, a small village, is amazingly well detailed and well done. Every inhabitant of the village is detailed, which a good, detailed description (including personality and motivations) and their stats.
It's that depth that makes this adventure not the typical dungeon crawl or hack & slash, but truly makes it a role playing adventure. And it really helps the suspension of disbelief - the Thorpe of Aven feels like a real place, with real people (despite it's somewhat silly name).
It's a free PDF, but it's well done. Printed out, it looks like professional quality module, other than the lack or artwork or maps (the latter is available separately.)
The adventure itself isn't spectacular (but it's not bad, just sort of Scooby Doo-ish), it's the setting or background material of it that makes it special. The setting, a small village, is amazingly well detailed and well done. Every inhabitant of the village is detailed, which a good, detailed description (including personality and motivations) and their stats.
It's that depth that makes this adventure not the typical dungeon crawl or hack & slash, but truly makes it a role playing adventure. And it really helps the suspension of disbelief - the Thorpe of Aven feels like a real place, with real people (despite it's somewhat silly name).
It's a free PDF, but it's well done. Printed out, it looks like professional quality module, other than the lack or artwork or maps (the latter is available separately.)