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Shards of Memory-Prologue: Fractured Union

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The man with the probe
Rystil Arden said:
*As Kirkesh nods and smiles to others, the maître-d' takes him through the main room and into a back room, a private dining room for two where Kirkesh sees a young woman who must be Vanessa D'Étoile. She has fair and silky blonde hair, a rare hair-colour among Rowaini, envied for its beauty, arranged meticulously to fall down her back in a series of lovely curls. Her lovely face is punctuated by bright blue eyes, just as the messenger had said, and ruby-red lips that are open in a smile towards Kirkesh. Her gorgeous red dress serves to highlight and accentuate her voluptuous curves, svelte figure, and delightfully-ample bust, hallmark physical traits of the female Rowaini elite.*
GM: [sblock]Kirkesh smiles and bows to the lady, taking her hand and giving it a gentile kiss on the back in all respect of a true lady. "Madame D'Étoile, you are more lovely under the full light that I could have ever imagined. It is a true shame only in that we had not the opertunity to meet sooner. I brought you small token of my appreciation of your invite." Kirkesh pulls out the box and offers it to Vanessa.[/sblock]

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Rystil Arden

First Post
*Valyssa is delighted by all the sights they see along the way, but most especially by the fountain itself, which lightly sprinkles various colours in a beautiful rainbow of liquid.*

"Wow, its even more beautiful than I imagined! Oooo, next can we see the garden where it cycles through all four seasons in only four hours?"

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Enchantée!" she replies as she delightedly takes the beautifully wrapped box, "But please, call me Vanessa. Madame makes me feel so old...its just ashame that they won't call a noble Mademoiselle. But Kirkesh, you were my mystery Knight in Shining Armour, so I'd like it if you called me Vanessa...very much so."

*She smiles warmly at Kirkesh and then looks at the box curiously.*

"Ooo, I wonder what it is! Should I open it now or save the surprise for later?"


The man with the probe
Rystil Arden said:
"Enchantée!" she replies as she delightedly takes the beautifully wrapped box, "But please, call me Vanessa. Madame makes me feel so old...its just ashame that they won't call a noble Mademoiselle. But Kirkesh, you were my mystery Knight in Shining Armour, so I'd like it if you called me Vanessa...very much so."

*She smiles warmly at Kirkesh and then looks at the box curiously.*

"Ooo, I wonder what it is! Should I open it now or save the surprise for later?"
[sblock]"Oh, now is quite fine Vanessa." Kirkesh smiles warmly, looking deep into her eyes, hoping to enchant her as well as read her intent.[/sblock]


First Post
Zaeryn T'Erilan, Male Altanian Arcanist

Rystil Only

[SBLOCK]"But it pales in comparison to your beauty," Zaeryn says blushing a little more than before and leaning in slightly.

*Not wanting to rush things too much he does not kiss her, but waits for her to make the next move, and begins to lead her to the garden she wishes to see.*[/SBLOCK]
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I aim to misbehave
Yotsu Yuriko, Martial Artist

*Rystil Only*[SBLOCK]
*Yuriko followed Ayame's example, seating her 5'3" frame comfortably and settled into a relaxed position. She wasn't really - it was more important to give the perception of relaxation. Yuriko set her jade ancestral daisho, which was at her side when she was resting, to her left and a foot away . . . showing that she trusted and respected the person that she wasa speaking to.*

Yuriko said:
"Oh, I think it will be fun! It is an infiltration for intelligence-gathering purposes. We have learned of an expeditionary team that is being selected to investigate a strange phenomenon in a far-away Crystal Sphere called 'Empyreal Shards.' To this end, we have used a front as a kindly and charitable order of Martial Artists to offer a 'Martial Artist' to come along free of charge...that's where you come in. Do you follow so far, Yuriko-chan?"
"Of course, Ayame-san, although the last mission that was said to be fun involved that Rowaini woman and the Tralg . . . and while interesting, it was less than 'fun'," Yuriko remembered. Focusing on the mission, Yuriko nodded and added pleasantly, "That should not be difficult . . . considering I am a martial artist. Please continue Ayame-san, I am most interested."

OOC: Rystil, I am interested in adding a language or two to Yuriko, to make interactions with 'others' more relaxed, what would you suggest I remove for that to happen. Or, perhaps the Order has intensive 'training packages' that are a group of skills and languages that are learned for a mission and forgotten.[/sblock]

Rystil Arden

First Post
*Vanessa seems glad to see Kirkesh, and it seems like she wants to get to know him better. She is just delighted that he went to the trouble of buying her a gift, and she wants to see what it is.*

Rystil Arden

First Post
*As Zaeryn leads her towards the garden, Valyssa gently leans in the rest of the way, her soft body pressed up against his side, as she kisses him lightly and timidly on the cheek.*

"Thank you, Zaeryn," she whispers.

Rystil Arden

First Post
*Ayame smiles and nods.*

"Indeed, you are. You and Sasuke both bring your own unique skills to our order, above and beyond your training in Ninjutsu...and I suppose I do as well. Anyway, it should be quite easy for you to keep up appearances with these people. I want you to earn their trust, become a valued member of their crew, and then make sure you learn all the important discoveries they make...And if you can bring back a sample of the 'Empyrial Shards.' then that would be even better...It is possibly that the Dolathi plan to use them to make a weapon of some sort, though this is mere speculation, and it would be most advantageous for us to have our own supply if this is the case...it would certainly help the order's cause...maybe one day, we shall see the dream come true...overthrowing the selfish and corrupt rule of the daimyos and the Emperor, to establish a new Lara Kai, where the common man is no longer oppressed, and children will never have to see their parents murdered before their eyes by the samurai dogs of a selfish daimyo greedy for their wealth..."

(OOC: Hmm...well, I guess you could take away some skill points. Oh, and I forgot that Ninja get Larakese Handspeak for free, its a silent language used by Ninja--only the Ninja and the Dolathi know the language, and the Dolathi have an incomplete understanding of it. Frankly, though, it looks like Yuriko already shares at least two languages with most of the other characters (two with Zaeryn, all three with Diedrik and Kirkesh, one with Talia, and nobody shares any with Gaius, which should be massively entertaining :))


I aim to misbehave
Yotsu Yuriko, Martial Artist

Yuriko:[SBLOCK]*Yuriko nodded in understanding, unconsciously touching her scarred face.*

"I understand, Ayame-san. However, I have a few questions," Yuriko requested. "Will I have a contact in the field? How long is this mission? Who should I report to?"

How well prepared is my monk background, may I use my own background? Also, are there any items, tools, or other devices that I will be bringing along with me on this journey?"

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