Sharn Tavern: The Tower's Shard II

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First Post
A changeling steps into the bar. He is in casual clothes with a light crossbow at his side.

"Greetings. I am Shadow. I heard there was adventure brewing, and decided it was to my liking, says the changeling, shifting into the form of a red-haired man with a goatee. He walks over and joins the group. He carries himself with a deadly self-assurance, ready for anything.

OOC: Here's the changeling telepath I promised.


First Post
OOC: Alright. I've got a lot of potentials to choose from! Which kind of sucks, because I can't run a HUGE group. So, I'm gonna have to go with:

Tondrek - Artificer
T'Ranis - Scout
Guardian (Eager to see how the knight fares in a fight!) - Tank
Solange's Changeling - Wizard (Solange is always fun to have in a group!)
Haltash - Telepath
Shadow - Telepath

To everyone else - Real sorry I can't fit you in. I expect there to be another game running in here soon, though.


[sblock=Solange]I love having you in the game, but since you're not approved yet, it's hard to fit you in. What I was thinking was having Graff previously hire your character (maybe he already knows her?) which would explain her absence from the tavern. She can drop into the main thread whenever she's approved.

Also, might I suggest a Repair Damage spell, if you don't already have it?


Graff is taken aback by the flood of offers. Rather arrogantly, he looks at all the prospective applicants, and starts pointing. "You, you, you, and you. Come with me. Everyone else - drinks on the house."

Graff quickly leads his charges into a side booth, and grabs a seat (having to adjust the rapier he wears casually). He then begins to speak in a quiet voice.

OOC: Those PCs I mentioned, the thread continues in "THE EIDOLON"
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First Post
[sblock=Wik]Sure. It's Lor (Lori Bender) in the character thread. I'll pick up the spell too. She didn't grab it yet. She's all ready and stuff don'cha know. ;)[/sblock]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Solange said:
[sblock=Wik]Sure. It's Lor (Lori Bender) in the character thread. I'll pick up the spell too. She didn't grab it yet. She's all ready and stuff don'cha know. ;)[/sblock]
[sblock=Solange]Not quite. Lor's still not approved.[/sblock]


The man with the probe
A striking female elf enters the tavern, with long silver hair and pale skin. Her deep blue eyes have a penetrating gaze. She is wearing riding gear and has a double scimitar strapped to her back. She scans the room, but doesn't quite focus on anything.

"I am Valahandra," she says. She strides across the room and takes a seat at the bar. "I'll have a glass of Telradi Merlot"

Brews looks at her confused, "I've never heard of that."

She looks at him, the look on her face flickers for a moment, "A glass of Valenar Red please."

Brews quickly complies and hands her a glass.


The man with the probe
Solange said:
[sblock=Wik]Sure. It's Lor (Lori Bender) in the character thread. I'll pick up the spell too. She didn't grab it yet. She's all ready and stuff don'cha know. ;)[/sblock]
OOC: You'll need to be approved first.

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