D&D 5E Shattered Obelisk - Zorzula's Rest and other problems


Hi all,

I'm on holiday and am finally working my way through The Shattered Obelisk myself. I'm up to the Zorzula's Rest section, which has what might be the worst map I've ever encountered in a WotC product. This is especially surprising given it was done by Mike Schley.

You may recall that Justin Alexander took issue with the lack of a key on the Indigo Sanctum map. Well, that is potentially the least of the Zorzula's Rest maps' problems. These maps are really doing my head in trying to figure out how everything connects and what the vertical distances area between different areas.

Before we go any further, the Zorzula's Rest features section states that, unless noted otherwise, rooms have 15-foot high vaulted ceilings, while tunnels (and presumably hallways) have 10-foot high flat ceilings.

Now, here's the map of the mining level:

Zorzula's Rest map 8.jpg

We are told that that there is a 30-feet shaft connecting Z4 to Z12. (As an aside, the description for area Z4 refers to a lift in the shaft, whereas the description for area Z12 refers to it as an elevator - consistency, people!) Neither the map nor the text indicates any elevation change in the tunnels leading out of Z12. However, looking at the way the mine cart tracks go over or under various other bits suggest that not all of those chambers are on the same horizontal plane. The mine cart tracks leading out of area Z13 appear to go under areas Z16 and Z17, implying that Z13 and perhaps Z14 are lower down than Z12. The cart tracks go over the passage from Z16 to Z18, however, implying that Z18 is lower still.

The description for Z15 states there is a 30-foot high cliff with three tiers of scaffolding on it. I'm going to assume the top level is 10 feet below the top of the cliff, while the middle level is 20 feet below, and the bottom level is 30 feet below. The cart track runs along the middle tier and goes under itself before spiraling around Z14 and then going over itself into the tunnel that leads under Z16. However, the text for Z14 states that the track "spirals around the cavern before plunging deeper into the mountain", which suggests to me that the intersection ought to be the other way around (with the east-west segment above the north-west segment).

If we assume that the mine cart track tunnels are 10 feet high, then the tracks that run under Z16 must be at least 10 feet below that cavern. I'm going to assume that the pool of sewage isn't very deep. However, in order for the sewage to pool only in that one section of the cavern and not spill out into other parts of the level, it must be lower in elevation than the surrounding areas.

Let's say that Z17 is the highest cave on the level, with its 15-foot high ceiling directly below the upper level of Zorzula's Rest. That implies that the floor of Z13 and Z18 is at least 10 feet below the floor of Z17. Z18 is on the same level as the middle tier of scaffolding, which is 20 feet below the upper level of the dungeon. Since the cart track goes over the tunnel connecting Z16 and Z18, that implies that the tunnel descends from Z18 to Z16. In order to have the cart track connecting Z13 and Z14 to go below Z16, then it must descend steeply from Z13 to Z14, with Z14 therefore being the lowest area on the level ... and therefore the map of the cart track spiral is definitely wrong and should have the east-west segment above the north-west segment.

Confused yet? Now let's look at how the various vertical access points between the two levels line up -- or don't, as the case may be!

If you line up the elevator shaft (red), then the bucket conveyor belt (blue) that goes from the forge (Z7) to the storage chamber (Z18) doesn't line up properly. Also, the upper level of the map appears to show the edge of the pyramid in the lava, but that would mean the bridge is much shorter than it is shown to be on the lower level map (green).

Zorzula's Rest map 4.jpg

Zorzula's Rest map 5.jpg

Also, regardless of how you line things up, it's clear that the scaffolded cliff (Z15) should be visible on the upper level map jutting out from below the forge area.

Let's see what else we've got:

Firstly, there's the known issue with the pantry (Z9) opening into the captain's quarters (Z10) instead of the kitchen (Z8). Clearly the pantry door should be moved to the west wall, but that would mean moving the table on the kitchen side so it's not blocking the door.

Zorzula's Rest map 6.jpg

Another issue is the front entrance:

Zorzula's Rest map 7.jpg

The text states that there is an arrow slit to 10 feet off the ground to either side of the front doors. These arrow slits are not shown on the map. The text also indicates that there's a parapet accessed via the two spiral staircases shown on the map that allows defenders to utilize the arrow slits. That's obviously what the heavy solid line between the staircases is meant to indicate. Fine, but what does the dashed line represent, and what are the ladders for? They aren't mentioned in the text.

Another elevation issue: the bridge (Z19) and entrance to the pyramid are stated to be 20 feet above the surface of the blue lava. Inside the pyramid is another lift/elevator that descends 30 feet to the Indigo Sanctum, which has a 20-foot high vaulted ceiling. Even if the lava is only a thin layer, the shaft isn't long enough to descend from a height of 20 feet above the lava to the floor of a chamber with a 20-foot high ceiling below the lava. The shaft probably needs to be 50 or 60 feet long to give the lava some depth and provide room for some solid rock between the bottom of the lava and the ceiling of the sanctum. (EDIT: Actually, I just noticed that the sanctum map shows some stairs descending from the bottom of the elevator shaft, meaning that the elevator doesn't go all the way to the sanctum floor. However, this would still mean that there's only a thin layer of rock separating the sanctum ceiling from the blue lava above it.)

Also, if the mezzanine at the north end of the sanctum is 15 feet above the rest of the sanctum, then it is only 5 feet below the ceiling -- unless we assume the ceiling rises at that end so that it is still 20 feet high, but then we would need the elevator shaft to be even longer, right?

There's also something weird about the conveyor belt that transfers the ore buckets between the forge (Z7) and the storage chamber (Z18). In the forge, if a PC falls out of a bucket, they fall 20 feet. But wait! The default room ceiling height is only 15 feet, and the description of Z7 does not state otherwise! Also, why the heck would the duergar have put the buckets 20 feet up, requiring them to use step ladders to access them? Especially since the conveyor belt, when it works, moves continuously. Must have been pretty awkward to access the ore in the buckets. It's also unclear how the duergar converted the raw ore into usable ingots since there's no smelter in the forge. Furthermore, the map implies that the conveyor belt moves horizontally into Z18, although the read-aloud text states that the conveyor "runs from the floor of the cavern to a hole near the ceiling" and a fall from a bucket in Z18 is only a 10-foot drop. That must mean that the conveyor belt ascends/descends about 40 feet between Z7 and Z18.

Add in the fact that there's a Huge-sized construct in Z18 that would have difficulty maneuvering around even without the conveyor belt taking up a good chunk of vertical and horizontal space in the lower half of the chamber, and it just gets even more awkward!

Lastly, I'd like to look at Z16, which is labeled 'cesspit' and is described as being flooded with 'wastewater'. It is inhabited by a mutated otyugh that "gorges itself on the goblin enclave's sewage". But how does the sewage get there? The pool isn't directly below the latrines (Z5), and the text for that area indicates that the goblins don't use the latrines anyway ("The waste from the latrines has stagnated here.") Plus, the goblins can't actually access the mining level anyway, because the lift/elevator from Z4 is broken and they've barricaded the door to the forge because of the undead there.

As an aside, the text for Z4 and Z12 doesn't indicate where the broken lift/elevator is precisely, as the text for Z4 talks about an "empty shaft". I'm inclined to say that the lift is stuck at the bottom, meaning that the goblins can climb up and down the shaft to bypass the forge. (How else is Ruxithid supposed to get between the sanctum and his bedchamber [Z10]?)

I'm also inclined to ignore the text implying the goblins don't use the latrines and instead assume they connect to Z16 via duergar-made plumbing. Perhaps there's also plumbing connecting trough in the latrine chamber to the hot spring next door.

*The designers got the sulfur aspect correct but real "blue lava" is not actually lava. It's just burning sulfur that gives the appearance of being lava. But sure, this is a fantasy world, so we can ignore that and pretend that this is actual lava tinted blue because of sulfur. On that note, though, the sulfur makes the air in Zorzula's Rest poisonous, but with a single successful Con save, you can ignore it for 24 hours. I would think that prolonged exposure to sulfur-tinged air would increase the risk of becoming poisoned ... I might just ignore that and require the PCs to make a new Con save every hour they spend in the dungeon or something.)
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There's definately some wierd stuff as you mention going on with these maps. I think I can help some with the mining level though.

I did a color-coded view of the map - Green is "+0 elevation", Yellow is "+10 elevation (second story)" and Red is "+20 elevation (3rd story). This puts Z16 and Z17 at the lowest elevation, with Z14 and Z18 at the next highest and Z13 at the highest. As I've coded it, the mine cart tracks pass over Z16/17, 5' above those two area's ceilings.

There's a corridor from Z16 to Z18 that obviously passes under the tracks, so there's a good chance that all the track in Z18 is actually elevated, rising up from Z15 at +10 ft. and being at +20 feet by the time it leaves Z18. That may mean the floor of Z18 rises in at least the north side of the room, as beyond the rock wall, the northern portion of the track is at the room's overall level. The floorboards under the track from Z15 to Z18 almost seem to indicate they are rising, but I'm not sure.


I left the area uncolored at Z12, but I would think that it would be at the Red level (+20 elevation). This would mean the northern passage would be mostly level, the southern passage would have a slight downward slant, and the eastward passage would have the most obvious slant downward at 20 feet down to area Z16. Though you could change any of that, since it's at least 30 feet below - however, to me making it level with the "cart storage" and everything else being a downward delve makes the most sense to me.

As for lining the map up with the upper level, I'd align it with the elevator shaft. You can then assume that for the conveyor in Z7 there's a section of the belt through the rock we aren't seeing, like the sections of tracks not shown on the mining map. That still means the path to the pyramid is messed up, but overall, that seems minor.

As for the parapet, I think there may be an unmentioned 3rd level the ladders lead up to that give an even higher perspective to see out over the front - the dashed line indicating another shelf/floor for observation over possible crenelations while archers remain safe behind solid walls on the second floor.

Still, the whole thing could have better explained and more detail paid to making the maps line up and match with the text. I wonder what was done first - the map, or the text. This is one of those times I think an isometric map may have helped due to the obvious 3D nature of this map.
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As I've coded it, the mine cart tracks pass over Z16/17, 5' above those two area's ceilings.

There's a corridor from Z16 to Z18 that obviously passes under the tracks ...
I don't think it makes sense to have the cutaway tracks run above while the cutaway tunnel runs below. That's too inconsistent (although, given all the other problems with this area, it could indeed be what the designers intended).

As for lining the map up with the upper level, I'd align it with the elevator shaft. You can then assume that for the conveyor in Z7 there's a section of the belt through the rock we aren't seeing, like the sections of tracks not shown on the mining map. That still means the path to the pyramid is messed up, but overall, that seems minor.
Yes, I agree this makes the most sense. I will say that I've never really liked it when Schley tries to show a blurred version of a lower level on a higher level map if for no other reason than he never takes elevation into account. The lower level never looks further down. A 5-foot wide path still takes up a full 5-foot square space, even if it's meant to be, say, 30 feet down and should therefore be smaller due to perspective.

That's a long-winded way of me saying I can ignore the discrepancies of the upper level's blurred view of the lower level being all messed up.

As for the parapet, I think there may be an unmentioned 3rd level the ladders lead up to that give an even higher perspective to see out over the front - the dashed line indicating another shelf/floor for observation over possible crenelations while archers remain safe behind solid walls on the second floor.
That would make sense. However, the doors are built into the side of a mountain. There are no crenelations. There's just solid rock wall there.

Still, the whole thing could have better explained and more detail paid to making the maps line up and match with the text. I wonder what was done first - the map, or the text. This is one of those times I think an isometric map may have helped due to the obvious 3D nature of this map.
Yes, an isometric view would have been helpful! Or even just elevation markers!


BTW, got the book for Christmas and got a chance to look at this a little more closely. Either something was wrong in the art order or something in editing got changed for Z1/Z2 & Z9-Z11. Has anyone asked for clarification from WotC on these issues?


BTW, got the book for Christmas and got a chance to look at this a little more closely. Either something was wrong in the art order or something in editing got changed for Z1/Z2 & Z9-Z11. Has anyone asked for clarification from WotC on these issues?
I have not asked for clarification - but I did fill out the book survey using the QR code on the credits page, and I included the link to this thread. (I probably should have waited till I'd finished reading through the whole book, but this particular area seems so egregious that I wanted them to know ASAP.)

I know that sometimes they listen - I'm pretty sure they used my Problems with Princes of the Apocalypse thread as a basis for the PotA errata, for instance.


I’ve read through the Talhundereth section. There aren’t any problems with the map that I noticed, but the whole dungeon feels too small and is pretty boring really.

Also, unless I’m mistaken, the adventure skips over getting there. One moment the PCs are investigating in Phandalin, the next they’re approaching the doors to Talhundereth via a cavern in the Underdark. I guess it must be in an easily accessible area.

The designers had the opportunity to turn the obelisk shard hunt into a fun little hex crawl but instead they put four pieces in Phandalin, two pieces in an extended dungeon complex, and the final piece in an Underdark location that is easily accessed from the dungeon.


and here i thought marathon was migraine-inducing...
I loved Marathon 2, but I never got a chance to play the first or third ones since they were rare Mac-only games. I do recognize your username as coming from the Marathon franchise.

EDIT: I like the Crypt of the Talhund better than Talhundereth itself. I’m not too bothered about what the hydra eats. If the gnome can swim in to the crypt from elsewhere in the Underdark, then the hydra can probably swim out to find food – or perhaps other creatures not as nimble as the gnome swim in and get eaten.

EDIT 2: I’m not as big a fan of Gibbet’s Crossing if only because, again, it feels too small. It doesn’t feel like it could have supported three factions of merchants. The factions’ strongholds each have sleeping and eating quarters but lack food preparation and toileting facilities.

This is nothing new, however. Still, I think the Underdark trading post detailed in Out of the Abyss is more believable (and more satisfying from a fantasy perspective since it’s built into a massive stalactite hanging above an underground lake).

I’ll note that Justin Alexander, in his haste to complain about how the hyper-intelligent mind flayer ought to be able to figure out how to get through to the obelisk fragment easily seems to have missed the bit indicating that Qunbraxel is “more interested in establishing a court of grimlocks and turning Gibbet Crossing into a lair” than it is in accomplishing its mission. That certainly goes a long way to explaining why it hasn’t made any progress in weeks.

That being said, Qunbraxel is also apparently keen to join the mind flayer fanatics … so you’d think it would be more keen to complete its tasks but anyway …
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Illithinoch and the Far Realm rifts:
  • X8: The text refers you to Appendix A for the details of the infected elder brain's Psychic Link. However, the elder brain's statblock isn't in Appendix A. It's later in the same chapter. Must have been moved at some point.
  • Spawn Hollow: The boxed text for S1 reads “Two passages lead from the right, one to your right and the other on the far side …”. I think that first ‘right’ is meant to be ‘room’. Also, the boxed text for S2 describes a “bipedal, gray-scaled, reptilian creature”, but the following description indicates there’s a red slaad there. The gray slaad is in S3.
  • Labyrinth of Eyes: The second map has a typo in its title: "Labrynth of Eyes". Fortunately, it looks like this has been corrected on D&D Beyond already, so I expect it will be corrected in future printings of the book as well.

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