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Shattered Sea Chronicles, Book I: Festival of the Dead

May 2 1106 CR

As the group begins to talk about their plans for the day, their discussion is interrupted by a gentle clearing of the throat. Haversham, who is the source of the sound, looks at them, seemingly weighing each of the adventurers for a moment, before moving on.

Then he speaks, again in a quiet way, yet one that seems to demand attention. "I've been talking to Dunrick, and several others. They seem quite impressed with all of you. A great deal of potential is the consensus of opinion. From what I saw last night from two of you, I tend to agree. That said, I'd like you to postpone your plans to enjoy the festival, for a short while, and attend to a matter for the throne of Avonleigh." He lays down a small stack of parchment sheets, looking down at them briefly, before looking back at the adventurers. "I have here five warrants, signed by the Duke of Northlands, and by myself as representative of the King. They empower you as deputies of the crown, in the matter of finding the source of the undead that troubled the peace of the festival last night, and ending the threat. In return, you will each be paid two hundred gold crowns, and of course have full right, free of any taxation, to whatever goods you may confiscate from those who are responsible for the disturbance of the peace, and threats to the citizens of the kingdom. What say you?"
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"Undead hmm...They be a disease on the lands, needin to be taken care of." One hundred gold crowns plus any booty they may have, that be a captain's pay! I could save up for a ship, or even get me a pup! Polly is a good friend after all, but I don't know how kindly others would take to having an eagle flyin' 'bout.


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Blarkon Dragonslayer said:
Then he speaks, again in a quiet way, yet one that seems to demand attention. "I've been talking to Dunrick, and several others. They seem quite impressed with all of you. A great deal of potential is the consensus of opinion. From what I saw last night from two of you, I tend to agree. That said, I'd like you to postpone your plans to enjoy the festival, for a short while, and attend to a matter for the throne of Avonleigh." He lays down a small stack of parchment sheets, looking down at them briefly, before looking back at the adventurers. "I have here five warrants, signed by the Duke of Northlands, and by myself as representative of the King. They empower you as deputies of the crown, in the matter of finding the source of the undead that troubled the peace of the festival last night, and ending the threat. In return, you will each be paid two hundred gold crowns, and of course have full right, free of any taxation, to whatever goods you may confiscate from those who are responsible for the disturbance of the peace, and threats to the citizens of the kingdom. What say you?"

Johanna had been mostly quiet- while she wasn't eating a lot at once, or quite as quickly as Redbeard was, she didn't pause for more than a few moments between bites. She smiled and nodded along with the others, but she kept finding her eyes drawn back to the older group at the other table. Would these men around her become a group like that some day, telling old tales of shared adventures? Would they be together at all, or would there be different faces, or simply space, to replace those who had fallen? It was a compelling train of thought.

When the inspector spoke up, it seemed to crystallize her mental wanderings. She leaned forward and listened intently to his words, then slowly scanned the faces of the other folk around the table. This could be it, the beginning of a great adventure- or a career of adventures that would lead on for years. She was gratified when Redbeard seemed to assent- while his manner was a bit rough, he had shown a stout heart yesterday to go with his stout form, and the powers of a druid were not to be underestimated. What would the others say, she wondered, and what skills did they have? She remembered some passing references from last night's conversations, but few hard details.

After a few moments, she finished chewing her last mouthful of food. "I'd be glad to be of service in such a matter," she said simply. While the prospect of material rewards was a fine motivation, especially to a novice warrior, it was the prospect of the adventure itself, and the honor of such an important commission that really drew her attention.


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Oh, great, Larren thinks. I finally get a nice city vacation, and I have to go off chasing zombies. Oh well, at least the pay's good... and those things shouldn't be walking around. Affronts to nature, is what they are. "I'm in if everyone else is," Larren shrugs.


While Redbeard is busy answering, Broderick takes the opportunity to take the last biscuit.

"Undead huh? Yeah alright. Be a bit more fun than a festival in any case. Ya bought yerself an axe there Haversham" says Broderick mopping up the last of his eggs with the biscuit.


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Nameless Psion

He is just about to answer RedBeard’s question when he is suddenly cut off by the Inspectors introduction. He lets the man continue with his offer thinking it is unwise to interrupt a man of such renown. A whole legion of Undead?! Here?! How marvelous! It must be rather powerful Necromancer. Who would have thought such a city could have such thrilling adventures!

An obvious look of excitement rolls across his face as he imagines all of the wonderful possibilities he can experience here at the city. For my first time in a large city this turning to be quit the ‘to-do’. I wonder if I was always a city person or did I have life with nature like RedBeard does? Though I have to admit as of right now, The City is the place for me.

Who am I to turn down an offer to partake in such a mysterious exploration? Count me in.


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Johanna took another look around the table- it seemed this was the start of a partnership of sorts. How would it end up, she wondered- but that answer would have to wait. For now, the path was laid before them, and the journey begun.

She turned her attention back towards the inspector. "So it seems you have us at your service. Is there anything else you know about the matter besides what these men saw yesterday, or have there been any similar incidents that we might pursue? Most of us seem unfamiliar with this city, and it seems wasteful to stumble about hoping that another bunch of such creatures will cross our paths in these festive crowds..."


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"Yer men, what did they find at the scene? Ye know how they got into that alley? The undead aren't very good at disguising their intentions."

May 2 1106 CR

Haversham considers the questions for a moment, then says, "There have been three incidents of which I am aware. It is possible there have been others, either unwitnessed or unreported. After you left last night, a patrol of the Thane's Guards found an empty cistern, with the drain grate at the bottom open. Entering, they moved through the sewers, until they found a new tunnel, seemingly from deeper in the earth. That seems the most promising place to start. The tunnel mouth is currently under guard, but the guards will let you pass with these warrants. One of the guards is waiting outside to show you the way to the cistern, and then to the tunnel in the sewers."
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"Good then," Redbeard says to his new companions, stuffing a sausage link into his mouth, "do we need to prepare anything, or are we good to go?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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