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Shops with Pay for Play


Guide of Modos
I have yet to see a business that provides you with a game master and TRPG once you enter and pay the hourly fee.

Some close, but not quite, businesses:
  • Paintball provides a referee for a fee, and you pay for paint.
  • Snakes and Lattes provides a table...I think you rent board games there?
  • Collectible card games get you a shot at the prize for your price of admission.
  • Escape rooms provide the puzzles and game master, but no RPG.
  • Coffee shops provide the games, but no GMs. Pay by beverage.
  • Video arcades provide the games and GM/CPU on a sort of gambling basis, but no tables.

Do you know a place where you can rent a GM and RPG for the evening? Would you go if you did?

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Not your screen monkey (he/him)
Do you know a place where you can rent a GM and RPG for the evening? Would you go if you did?
I'll preface this by saying that I have gone to gaming clubs at the local student union and conventions where gaming comes relatively close to the GM-for-hire model, though usually not for money. I've gamed in those circumstances reasonably happily. But no, I doubt I'd be interested in renting a GM/RPG for an evening under most circumstances. The limitations of the model, when it comes to scratching my RPG itch, are just too many/great for me to be interested.


Mod Squad
Staff member
In the sense of "walk in any time, and a GM will be available"? No, I have not seen that.

The owner of one FLGS I know does run D&D for a fee, but it is the "We will run at times X, and if you join us it'll be $N per session". His game store has a parlor/play area, which you can rent out, and for special occasions (like, say, a bachelor party), you can have him put together and run an evening of game for you.


Morkus from Orkus
I have yet to see a business that provides you with a game master and TRPG once you enter and pay the hourly fee.

Some close, but not quite, businesses:
  • Paintball provides a referee for a fee, and you pay for paint.
  • Snakes and Lattes provides a table...I think you rent board games there?
  • Collectible card games get you a shot at the prize for your price of admission.
  • Escape rooms provide the puzzles and game master, but no RPG.
  • Coffee shops provide the games, but no GMs. Pay by beverage.
  • Video arcades provide the games and GM/CPU on a sort of gambling basis, but no tables.

Do you know a place where you can rent a GM and RPG for the evening? Would you go if you did?
I probably would at least try it out if I didn't have a regular group.


Do you know a place where you can rent a GM and RPG for the evening? Would you go if you did?
My local game store has a summer camp type program for younger people to come in and play some games. I think it's $15 bucks a head per game and it comes with a DM. (I say DM because I think the game is always D&D.) That's about the closest thing I can think of. Would I go to something similar for adults? Probably not. Gaming is a social activity and paying someone to run a game for me seems somewhat sad.



This is in Boise, Idaho. The owner has the biggest library of gaming books, miniatures, and terrains I have ever seen gathered under one roof. You can rent rooms to run your own games, hire a DM for your group, or play a 'drop in' game with one of their DM's. And because it's billed as a 'premium' DnD experience and you pay to play, problem players are simply not tolerated. It's not very expensive, although that's a subjective thing to say. A four hour 'drop-in' game session runs you $15. Not sure what the rate is for renting a game room for your own game, but split among a table of players it would be negligible. Mood lighting, sound-system tie-ins, and all materials (books, dice, pencils, paper, minis, etc) provided on site.

For the guy who owns it, this is definitely his 'passion project.' He's also a stellar DM.


Have seen this model in a couple of FLAGS where I used to live, though in the fixed time slot. There are also a few online options for this I've seen as well.

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