Short Straws

Eitleog shrugs his shoulders at the exclamation from Forest. “I have heard of Hvithakarl, but I thought the beast was a myth. I guess we all hear a lot of things moving from boat to boat and island to island. I never really formed my own opinion.” Being often drawn to feathers by some little understood compulsion, Eitleog will examine the twelve and choose two for himself, offering the remainder to the others. He will also pocket six of the clams, distributing six to each of the other party members.

Gretda helps gather all of the arrows for the party’s archers and collects the curious stones for examination. “Terry you are probably the best suited among us for identifying these rocks. Will you take a look at some?” She then motions for Coldtree and Forest to move to the back of the boat and moves air to help pull the vessel farther onto the beach before re-staking the mooring lines.
OOC: 88
Kite: 40(alchemy) + 31(analysis) + 88(d100) = 159
Gretda: 60 + 31 + 88 = 179

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Cycle: 500: Day: 12. Season: Rebirth.
Kite: 40(alchemy) + 91(empathy) + 88 = 219
Forest: 60 + 62 + 75 = 197
Terrendale: 60 + 59(tuning) + 50 = 169
GM: Sharkskin Bracers: encumber 0, deflect 4, soak 0
Pliable Bracers: encumber 12, deflect 6, soak 3
OOC: Any collected items that are to be kept need to appear in a post
Coldtree finds that the skarksin is not nearly as durable as plaible leather, but the advantage of the deflective material is that it practically has no weight, so he has to decide which is better for him. Gretda gathers all six bows and the arrows. Forest keeps one bow and ten of each type of arrow and a baldric to carry them.

As it happens, Kite’s empathy for waylines allows him to better identify all of the items than any other party member. He explains that while everyone can use the items, there effectiveness will vary per person, depending upon the nature of the inherent mystical talent of each. There are 3 talismans composed of speckled black feathers with white tips from the tail of a turkey. If bodily carried, each will augment overall wellness and the impetus for resilience and vitality (Fitness & Confluence). There are 3 talismans composed of blue and green feathers from the tail of a macaw. each will augment personal interactions and the impetus for the physical function and intellectual cognizance (Persona & Cohesion). There are two talismans composed of reddish brown feathers from the tail of a leghorn. Each will augment physical might & the impetus for resilience and vitality (Strength & Confluence). There are two talismans composed of glossy black feathers with white tips from the tail of a magpie. Each will augment mental fortitude & the inexplicable reason for autonomous life (Will & Adhesion). The last two talismans are composed of white or sandy brown feathers from the tail of a crane. Each will augment freedom of movement and the impetus for the physical function and intellectual cognizance (Motility & Cohesion).

Two of the stones are bright-red and opaque with flecks of semi-translucent yellow running through it, called Firestone. If bodily carried, each will augment overall wellness (Fitness) and the impetus for resilience and vitality (Confluence). One stone is translucent, yellow and orange, calleed Daystone. It will augment personal interactions (Persona) and the impetus for the physical function and intellectual cognizance (Cohesion). It may also be sacrificed to enhance the mystical effectiveness of the Compulsion or Enthrall. Another stone is an opaque green with streaks of semi-translucent lighter green running through it, called Jade. It will augment physical might (Strength) and the impetus for resilience and vitality (Confluence). The next stone is striated with mixed streaks of black and white, called Onyx. It will augment mental fortitude (Will) and the inexplicable reason for autonomous life (Adhesion). It may be sacrificed to enhance the mystical effectiveness of absorbing heat (Frostbite) or to enhance the mystical effectiveness of insulating oneself from heat (Insulate). The last stone is opaque and dark blue with flecks of semi-translucent orange running through it, called Twilightstone. It will augment freedom of movement (Motility) and the impetus for the physical function and intellectual cognizance (Cohesion).

During the process of getting everything gathered and the examining the boat, a figure is seen, a very tall figure in a full suit of ceremonial armor, walking out from the palms at about the center of the beach. As soon as the figure clears the shadows of the trees and enters the light, it disappears. In about two more seconds this exact same visage happens a second time, then nothing more.
Coldtree: full wellness
tunic: 60 - 3 = 57
Astarte: full wellness
Kite: full wellness
tunic: 60 - 3 = 57
Gretda: full wellness
Forest: full wellness
halurin arrows: 10
stone arrows: 10
Terrendale: full wellness
nothing at this time
Linstahl: Leader, Lighted Sentinel: Laurel, twin sister
Oshanti: Leader, The Zoo.
GM: Each character receives 9 DP.
OOC: State physical actions and intentions. Provide a random roll.

Kite elects to keep one of the Crane talismans and one of the Magpie talismans, tying them to the ends of his own long hair. He will also make use of some of the extra mundane gear that the archers were carrying, like a baldric and pouches. He will stow the extra satchels that will be too much to carry on the newly acquired boat. Gretda is not particularly interested in the feather talismans; but because there are enough for every party member to have two, takes one of the Macaw talismans and the other Crane talisman. She is particularly interested in keeping one of the Firestones. She will also outfit herself with extra gear from the archers. Seeing the image of the giant walking out from the trees, she exclaims, “What was that? Maybe we should go back in the opposite direction it was walking to see if there is something to be found.”
OOC: 51

Terrendale takes some Macaw feathers and an Onyx stone. He then nods at Coldtree, and says: "Indeed, hiding the shelter is a good idea. I also believe that the shelter should not be large, nor overly-complicated. We should make that shelter into basically a lookout point, or guard hut if you will, and build our main shelter further back into the bush. It might be a good idea to either find a cave system, or dig down and create an underground shelter, so as to keep it well-hidden from trespassers. Underground structures also stay cooler. We are probably going to be here awhile, so we also need to survey the area and make a few maps, marking significant terrain features and elevations. What say the rest of you to this?"

Terrendale listens to the thoughts and ideas of the others intently, but is suddenly alarmed upon seeing the vision of the armored figure. He replies to Gretda, "Yes, I agree. We need to investigate, and we need to do so now. Let's secure the boat, and maybe even drag it ashore, while we do so."

92 (+90) = 182

a figure is seen, a very tall figure in a full suit of ceremonial armor, walking out from the palms at about the center of the beach
Coldtree warns the group, "Be wary of an ambush." He will scan the tree line, the beach, and the water around the boat for anything suspicious.
He intends to check the jade stone and reddish brown feather talismans to see which one is more compatible. He keeps the best one and ties it to his belt.
He intends to keep the sharkskin bracers, storing them with his gear for now. When he has time, he will attempt to combine the sharkskin and pliable leather bracers into composite material bracers:
Pliable Sharkskin Bracersencumber 12deflect 8soak 3

Cycle: 500: Day: 12. Season: Rebirth.
Coldtree: 30(perception) + 83(clairaudience) + 134(d100) = 244
Astarte: 63(observation) + 55 + 50 = 168
Kite: 41(perception) + 83(smell) + 51 = 175
Gretda: 50(observation) + 54(clairaudience) + 51 = 155
Forest: 50 + 51(smell) + 75 = 176
Terrendale: 50 + 63(tuning) + 182 = 295
Coldtree: 30(manufacture) + 30(clarity) + 134(d100) = 194 - 60(difficulty)
For Coldtree, his talent made him far more suited to the proclivity of the Jade than that of the Leghorn feathers. After the others had chosen their spoils, Forest kept one pf each of the unclaimed feather talismans, since, like Kite, he was far more suited to those. Since the Daystone could be sacrificed, it was kept with the party’s inventory. Once some leisure time can be afforded, Coldtree finds that modifying his bracers is a rather difficult process, but he manages to garner some considerable luck with the project and is able to overlay the pliable leather with the sharkskin. Proud of his accomplishment, he shows his bracers to the others who all congratulate him on his fine success. During the process he also repairs his tunic.

Once the image of the tall soldier disappears for the second time, nothing else of people is seen in the area and the great many birds on their breeding perches are undisturbed. Terrendale tells the others that the image was not likely caused by an Outsider. He feels that he could sense that. Gretda says the same thing about a non-corporeal being. It had to be some sort of triggered vision. Thinking on it, it seems like a memory, someone else's memory.

Moving through the palms, there is no definitive path, but there might have been a few hundred cycles back. More types of small animals are seen in the near vicinity but no signs of people until the palms give way to different trees and the elevation makes a noticeable rise. There is a dolmen style, wooden gate, like those found on the island of the Verdant Crest, directly in the chosen direction, but this one is much larger. These are not true gates for there is no obstruction to egress. In front of each post is an armed figure in the style of armor as the previously seen image. The armor and weapons are also similar to those of the residents of the Verdant Crest, but these are merely wooden statues. The statues are exquisitely carved and over three strides in height, considering their helmets. The detail is uncanny.

Beyond this gate, now buried within the forest that has reclaimed its island there is the remains of some ancient village. The structures are all wooden, though the manufacturing was once quite masterful. Many of the structures are collapsed or at least partially collapsed, but some of the smaller ones are still intact. Due to the persistent mist on the island, it is difficult to see more than about 50 strides, so there may be more to the village, but there are no signs or sounds of people, only animals.
Coldtree: full wellness
tunic: 59
Astarte: full wellness
Kite: full wellness
tunic: 60 - 3 = 57
Gretda: full wellness
Forest: full wellness
halurin arrows: 10
stone arrows: 10
Terrendale: full wellness
daystone: 1: {Compulsion, Enthrall}
Linstahl: Leader, Lighted Sentinel: Laurel, twin sister
Oshanti: Leader, The Zoo.
GM: Each character receives 9 DP.
OOC: State physical actions and intentions. Provide a random roll.

Eitleog waves his left hand around in a circle above his head, indicating the area. “Looks like we have found ourselves some shelter without having to manufacture it ourselves. It may be we can all have our own, too, but that may not be in our best interest until we know more about what dangers lie here. I am also still quite curious about that giant that we saw. He looked just like those statues. If it was just some sort of memory playing itself out for us to see, as Terry and Gretda suspect, there could be some place of homage or ritual in this abandoned village, but I see nothing right here. This mist is a nuisance. I say we look around some more to find the extent of what structures are here.”
OOC: 64

He will also pocket six of the clams, distributing six to each of the other party members.
Astarte thanks Eitleog for giving her her share of money. "You're very generous."
She will then offer her 8 Aurium Feathered darts to Gretda: "You will make better use of them."
To use all little space in her quiver, she will then put there 1 Halurin Arrow and 3 stone ones, leaving 104 Halurin and 47 stone arrows in the boat. She will also pick the leghorn feathers amulet and a turkey tail or the firestone, depending which of them has better powers.

Coldtree looks around the village and says, "So we are not the first ones to visit this island."
He intends to move through the village systematically, leaving an identifying mark on each structure he searches. He will check for any living things or evidence of recent habitation, valuables, and clues to the identity of the former villagers. He will attempt to determine if these people left on their own, or if they were destroyed by some unknown force.

Cycle: 500: Day: 12. Season: Rebirth.
Coldtree: 30(perception) + 83(clairaudience) + 51(d100) = 164
Astarte: 63(observation) + 55 + 50 = 168
Kite: 41(perception) + 83(smell) + 64 = 188
Gretda: 50(observation) + 54(clairaudience) + 63 = 178
Forest: 50 + 51(smell) + 75 = 176
Terrendale: 50 + 63(tuning) + 50 = 163
Astarte finds that she is already in possession of a Firestone. It was simply called by a different name where she had discovered it. With her particular chosen path in the mystical arts, it is far more effective than any feather could be. Having nothing else with the same proclivity, the leghorn feathers enhance her strength.

Forest acknowledges Coldtree. “While you do that, I am going to search the local flora and fauna to see what may be of value to us or to the colonies. Since we have nine more days before our delivery ship returns, perhaps I can lend some information to that future decision we going to be forced to make.”

Based upon his spoken supposition, Kite accompanies Coldtree in searching the village. Some general questions can be definitively answered, but the bigger question of what happened to the residents cannot be determined. It appears as if they just vanished, all of them. With all of the structures that can be entered, there is nothing of any real value, but every mundane thing seems to have been left where it was. This strange event happened so long ago, all the furnishings have aged to point of uselessness.

While this can be highly disappointing, there are two important facts outside of the structures. While the two work from where they started toward the east, once the natural ridge is reached, which, based upon the sharpness of the rocks, would be extremely difficult to cross, there is a bridge spanning it. Like the gate and statues, this bridge appears structurally sound. Back in line with the direction of entry, the river flows from west to east on the mountain side of the village.

A leopard runs from one of the partially collapsed structures away from the party to leap the river. The feline can jump at least four times the distance of the most athletic people. No one in the party could not cover the distance, but there is a bridge spanning it of like construction to the one extending over the rocks to the east. It is becoming too dark for further exploration and shelter needs to be chosen, but there appears to be a larger structure across the river, though it is difficult to be sure. It does not seem prudent to continue at night and more advisable to continue in the morning.
Coldtree: full wellness
tunic: 59
Astarte: full wellness
Kite: full wellness
tunic: 60 - 3 = 57
Gretda: full wellness
Forest: full wellness
halurin arrows: 10
stone arrows: 10
Terrendale: full wellness
daystone: 1: {Compulsion, Enthrall}
Linstahl: Leader, Lighted Sentinel: Laurel, twin sister
Oshanti: Leader, The Zoo.
GM: Each character receives 9 DP.
OOC: State physical actions and intentions. Provide a random roll.

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