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Sigil NPC list, Venues list and Map downloads


Well if anything, I'd like to throw in my art skills and make a 2nd version of the map with a key on each side. Even if it's just for my own use :p

Is there anyway I can get your graphics to the map and the fonts along with the font size you used for the street names? I don't actually need each individual graphic if that's too much hassle. I'm mainly interested in the background image.

I probably won't mess with the map layout itself....I just want to see what it looks like adding a box on the outer edge of the map. This would make the map wider of course...is it already sized to a standard poster size?

Can you email me at oryan1977 at yahoo.com


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The font for the street names is Mason Super Bold and they're sized at 10 pts. I'm not sure which poster size you consider to be "standard". I built my map file at 32 in. by 22 in. but personally had it printed it a bit larger at 36 in. by 24 3/4 in. A Super A1 is 36 in. by 24 in.

If you have Adobe Illustrator along with the fonts then you're already able to isolate the background image from the vector text and elements; one of the reasons I wanted to provide the map in a PDF format. Are you working on a Mac or PC platform?


Joël of the FoS said:
If I may ask a potentially stupid question, is Die Vecna Die info included in it?
Not yet no. As you can see, the Armory is still standing proud on the map. I suppose I should add that adventure to my list of things yet left to index. :\


So since we've been adding PS created material to this thread, I figured I'd post my draft #1 of the Planewalker's Guild affiliation I created lastnight. I did it pretty fast and I'm by no means a rules kind of guy. So feel free to pick it apart and help improve it if you can.

My players met with the Planewalker's Guild last session and one of them was interested in joining their guild (by my surprise). I like how affiliations work for factions, so I attempted to create my own for the guild.

Planewalker's Guild
[b]Modifier	Criterion[/b]
Eligibility:	Must pay guild fees of 10 x PC lvl gp's each year within the guild
 +1/2	        PC's level
 +1	        Knowledge Planes is a pre selected class skill
 +1	        Each new Plane visited for 2 weeks
 +1	        5,000 gp worth of items donated to unrelated Planewalker or Planewalking party
 +1	        Adventures with a member of the guild
 +1	        Recruited someome into the Planewalker's Guild (maximum 1/month) 
 +2	        Each successful mission undertaken for the Planewalker's Guild
 +2	        Discovered a portal on your own
 +2	        Makes a discovery important to the guild
 -2	        Has destroyed a portal
 -2	        Knowledge Planes is not a pre selected class skill or cross-class skill
 -4	        Each year spent on the same plane or prime world
 -15	        Each year that guild dues are not paid (gains the modifier back once dues are paid)
[b]Affiliation Score    Title: Benefits & Duties[/b]
4 or less	[b]Learner of Planes:[/b] No benefits
5 - 14		[b]Walker of Planes:[/b] +2 Knowledge (Planes), +2 Diplomacy vs Outsiders, & gain Discount 10%
15 - 22		[b]Scholar of Planes:[/b] +3 Knowledge (Planes), +3 Diplomacy vs Outsiders, & gain Sense Portal 1
23 - 29		[b]Sage of Planes:[/b] +4 Knowledge (Planes), +4 Diplomacy vs Outsiders, gain Sense Portal 2, & gain Discount 15%
30		[b]Master of Planes:[/b] +5 Knowledge (Planes), +5 Diplomacy vs Outsiders, & gain Planar Alignment
Skills: The member gains the listed bonus to Knowledge (Planes) & Diplomacy (vs Outsiders) checks.

Sense Portal 1: Gain 20% chance to detect a portal if within 5 feet. If member is a planar, gain 25% chance instead.

Sense Portal 2: Gain 25% chance to detect a portal if within 5 feet. If member is a planar, gain 30% chance instead.

Discount 10%: The member's purchases in the Planewalker's Guid headquarters are at a 10% discount.

Discount 15%: At Sage of Planes level, this benefit improves to a 15% discount.

Planar Alignment: The Master of Planes learns to avoid the affects of a planes alignment traits.


At a glance it seems to be a good writeup, though admittedly I'm not that familiar with the Planewalker's Guild's benefits. Have you done any more work on your faction affiliations document? I'd really like to see it completed, polished up and made available on planewalker. I think it'd be a useful addition to the site.


I haven't touched the faction affiliations in a long time. I just had a mind blank on adding more criterion and I've only had time to work on campaign specific projects lately.

One of my player's character died Saturday night and he might choose to make a new one rather then choose to be raised. So I might have to actually finish one more faction affiliation depending on what faction he chooses.


Ah! Yes indeed it can - plus search results for the NPC list can be given in html or text - I believe the searchable version of the list of NPCs should be visible - tell me if it's not.


Clueless said:
Ah! Yes indeed it can - plus search results for the NPC list can be given in html or text - I believe the searchable version of the list of NPCs should be visible - tell me if it's not.

Yes, that works fine, when searching for a specific word (like "tiefling" or "Athar" or "Clerk") - I just couldn't think of a way to make the whole list visible at once.

Voidrunner's Codex

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