WOIN Since when did Damage Dice tradeoff turn out 1:1?

Lucas Yew

The post-1.2 errata seem to suggest this big change, with others like REP starting with 3.

When and in which publication did this happen first?

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Trading attack dice for damage dice is still 2:1 (Page 150 in v1.1 and 166 in v1.2). Trading damage for attack is still 1 to 1 as it always has been. LUCK dice have always been 1:1 in either add or subtracting dice from a pool.




Well, that was fun
Staff member
If the Errata is the correct one, will there be a revision of the corerulebook? I don't see a huge need myself yet, but are there plans of a v1.3 in the coming years? Thanks
We're not planning on a revision at present. But never say never!

Lucas Yew

So far, it seems that only the latest pdf of OLD has "most" of the errata applied.

All except Assisting (only a vague blurb on group checks as far as I can look up), Fey PCs' traits (monster section still says only non natives have cold iron vulnerability), and Medical Skills (no appliance as there's no Science category at all in the first plce), that is.

Voidrunner's Codex

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