Sins of Our Fathers II - New Art Uploaded - 1/25


Glad to see the good fight continues. :)

Any updates on your book?

I got that the title is Valus, is Diffrent Worlds the publisher?

Juast trying to get the info so I can get my FLGS to order it for me.

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Maladrac said:
The artist formerly known as;
John of Pell
Look at this way: even dead, John still gets a part in the story. Of course, he's more of a cautionary tale now about not messing with large stinging insects...but you get the idea. :)

Another great update, as usual. Can't wait until all the players have gathered together again, and the new party dynamics.

Poor Tamil. I really liked the poor bugger.

Tellerve said:
I have to ask though, in terms of gaming, how did that combat actually go? As a story it is great, but knowing this was played by PCs makes me wonder about some stuff. What level was baden at this point? Why, assuming "normal" grappling rules, would he drop his ax to do such crappy fighting.
Suppose the Dreth was grappling Tamil. If Baden attacked, he would have to roll randomly to see which combatant he struck. (PH 151, Table 8-6, footnote 3). I'd assume that was the main reason for Baden to join the grapple rather than merely hack away.


Registered User
Joshua, yeah good point about the random hitting thing. I hadn't thought of that but you're probably right in that's the reason he dropped his ax. Ahh flavor text, how I love thee, LOL.



Registered User
Wasn't there an option to break other guys grapple if you're inside of the grapple as well? I think that was what Baden was trying to do...

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