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Dragon Lord
The Forsaken One said:
Best plot - Sepulchrave

I would add Best Unique Material and Best Use of Epic D20 Rules as well. Then again, I probably haven't read enough story hours to be sure.

Best individual encounters and opponents stuff - Piratecat

Haven't read PC's. Too damn big to start.

Best writing/feeling - Destan

Agreed. Destan truly writes like a novelist.

Sep has a great epic feeling to it indeed but there aren't any other (IMHO) great epic level stories around so no real comparing. The plot and characters are awsome, as is all religiuos spiritual ingame conversation.

PC's plot and characters aren't to great compared with others IMHO but his traps dungeons NPC encounters are really fun and creative, that's what I like about them. In other games like this one encounters are mostly straight forward but its the players, plot and writing that make them. Just the other way around :)


The Forsaken One said:
Sep has a great epic feeling to it indeed but there aren't any other (IMHO) great epic level stories around so no real comparing. The plot and characters are awsome, as is all religiuos spiritual ingame conversation.
Well, I won't pretend we're on the same level as Sepulchrave...but he's not the only Epic story on the boards. ;)

And Celtavian, I'd really make the effort to read PC. It's worth the effort, and it's nice to not be caught up on a story hour that keeps on giving as much as PC's does.
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No Trouble at All
In case it might help...

Celtavian: Speaking of WizardDru, I'm slowing catching up on his story-hour in the same way that perhaps you can catch up on PC's. Dive in a couple pages back from realtime, read forward so you're good and addicted - then dive back to the beginning and try to catch up and get all of the references.

I'm simultanteously at WizardDru's current point, and a bit after Heart of Nightfang Spire... odd to be in two places at once, but fun!



First Post
Not to take the conversation away from other peoples' SHs, but this last post by Destan had me on the edge of my seat. I was really worried for Baden, and I almost laughed out loud despite the tenseness when he said, "It must be my charisma." I can't wait to see more of the story, including meeting more characters. Great job, Destan! Keep it up, please.



To all of you guys here. I play Raylin in this campaign and sure every story hour that handforged mentions is great and different in there own unique way. However, this stuff going on that Destan is posting now isn't even beginning to touch the tip of things to come in the future. In due time this whole thing will get more and more complex and involved and believe me there are many plots within plots and a lot going on that makes us all wonder how Destan keeps track of everything with all of us that play. But, he does and you will see many things to come that will leave you wondering. Not to give anything away but Destan is always has twists that test each and every one of us at different times. There are a few new characters that are soon to be introduced that people are really going to love as well and believe me, Destan could continue this thread for a very long time with what we already have done and hopefully he will. No one has even been introduced to what Loroth means to the campaign and what the whole thing is really about yet. Up to this point he has been working off of scattered memories and feedback from us and with all of the new stuff from about here on, Frostrune aka Baden Dost has kept a journal for him to reference to and I can't wait to see the story to come. Believe me, it is great and very involved and there are things to come that will blow all of your minds. Not giving anything away though! Till we play again in July! :)

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