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So gonna buy "Of Sound Mind"


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Fiery James said:
Hi Nightfall,

Gates of Oblivion will be coming out later this year. Here's our line up:

Of Sound Mind
Counter Collection II

Beyond All Reason

Queen of Lies
Psionics Toolkit

Then, after that you'll see:

Revivify the Vivid
Gates of Oblivion

Plus Of Sound Mind 2 & 3 and more "Toolkits"

- James

Hey James, thanks for the info!
White Wolf's current listing for Psionic's Toolkit if late Feb. Do you think it's going to be in the first White Wolf release in March? I'm just curious as I want to get this book on my site very soon. :)

Your bud,

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A'koss said:
Well with a handle like _Psion_ I'd expect no less! ;)

Actually, I know you from rgfd (though I never used this handle there). We once tinkered around with initiative systems.

"Boring" is the word I'd best associate with the 3e psion class.

Once again, speak for yourself. I think they did a great job of adding a wonderful feel to psionics, and again I know I am not alone, because as soon as the book came out, two of my players marched in wanting to play psionic characters.

This is why I've been working on a complete psionics revamp for my group which is also on my site,

Ever the prideful tinkerer...

Anyway, I've gotten a lot of positive review on it (even in it's rough state) and I think it illustrates where I'm coming from better.

And just what have you done, out of curiosity?


from Psion: Actually, I know you from rgfd (though I never used this handle there). We once tinkered around with initiative systems

What's your handle in rgfd?

Once again, speak for yourself. I think they did a great job of adding a wonderful feel to psionics, and again I know I am not alone, because as soon as the book came out, two of my players marched in wanting to play psionic characters.

Obviously, YMMV. I don't mean to speak for everyone. Our group PT the Psi book and played a few psions as well. Mostly as a break from the wiz classes. However, the psion offers little that can't be handled by the existing classes. The cleric offers healing, the wizard-types offer... just about everything else. On that note, I believe if you removed a lot of the charm, telekinesis/force and precognitive spells from the arcane/divine lists, the psion becomes a whole lot more attractive. Then the class can fill a specific role that others can't.

Ever the prideful tinkerer...


Yeah, I slipped into rgfd-mode for a moment there ... People seem eerily nice here. It's a little disconcerting. ;)

And just what have you done, out of curiosity?

It's on my site - just follow the link and then to the Psionics section.



A'koss said:
What's your handle in rgfd?

I never use a handle there, always my ole fashioned real name (Alan D. Kohler, which most folks here know since I write reviews on the reviews page of this site)

I only occasionally drop by RGFD these days. I rarely find the conversations interesting and for a while there google was my only access (I finally have an NNTP servar again, though.)

I believe if you removed a lot of the charm, telekinesis/force and precognitive spells from the arcane/divine lists, the psion becomes a whole lot more attractive.

Ah, I see. You are a big "niche preservation" person. I find that there are two many classes to justify a niche for each of them. Further, I feel that a psion has many of its own niches... like earlier access to certain abilities (like charm abilities), worse access to straight out blastem than wizards, and no need for components are a few ways that make them modestly different than wizards and sorcerers, but I personally wouldn't want them to be too different because I don't want anyone to feel too compelled to forego a psion because they felt an arcane caster was needed in a certain situations.


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First Post
I am definitely going to buy Of Sound Mind. With Piratecats great adventure and the excellent If Thoughts Could Kill psionics are looking better than ever.

You guys might want to head over to Claudio Pozas Art and Design . He has posted a new Of Sound Mind wallpaper along with a wallpaper for Queen of Lies, Montes FDP project.


First Post
I'm probably not going to buy it, as I'm running a campaign of a different stripe right now . . .

But when I met with Kevin to pick up some Spawn, what he told me about it sounds cool.

Best part is, I have Inside Info on what kind of nastiness is going to transpire in future installments. Heh heh heh.

Great minds think alike. Also, you're all doomed. Whee!

Holden MaGroin

First Post
I used to spend time at work reading Piratecat's story hour updates. If his module is half as interesting, I'll be picking it up for sure - though I don't use psionics at this time.

- HM

Fiery James

First Post
A'koss said:
But why, oh why a Psionics adventure PC...? [snip] I don't see 3e Psionics being any more popular in the campaign than the 2e rules were.

I think I may pick up your adventure just to mine for ideas and incorporate my own psi rules into but I think you may be limiting yourself here in an already tight market.



Hey A'koss - let me step in here for PC and explain some thinking behind our choice. From my research, the Psionics Handbook is the 4th best selling release from WotC in the 3E camp - just behind the three core rulebooks, in fact.

If we can sell to just 10% of the people that bought the Psi handbook, this will be our best seller ever. Ahhh- dare to dream! :)

Anyway, the big advantage that Of Sound Mind has is that it will be the very first product supporting 3E psionics available at retail. So - if it truly is a small market as you suggest (and hundreds of thousands of PsiHBs were sold out of curiosity and never used) - then, we still do ok because Of Sound Mind is your only option at the retail counter.

Beyond that, Piratecat's no fool - it would take any DM about 15 minutes to turn it into a "regular" adventure. Honestly - very minor adjustments.

So, to everyone who's leary about the psionic content - don't worry about it! How many published adventures do you use without tweaking something? Fifteen minutes, and it's perfect for you!

For everyone who's been waiting to see psionics used in something - well, it's finally here (although I assume that you've already picked up Bruce Cordell's excellent If Thoughts Could Kill. (It should be noted that Bruce wrote the introduction to Of Sound Mind, and says many nice things about PC.

I just got my hands on a copy today and couldn't be happier!


- James


I've been biting my tongue, trying to stay out of the psionics debate, because people with strong opinions are probably not going to have their entire world view shifted by a post or two here on the message boards. Nevertheless, I will say that I love psionics, and for the most part I think they're pretty damn cool. Even if your game doesn't include psionics, an adventure like OSM might be worthwhile because it's *great* for keeping jaded players on their toes.

If your players aren't intimately familiar with the psi rules, that uncertainity is going to work to your advantage as a DM. OSM tries to replicate a lot of the excitement and uncertainty you had the first couple of times you played D&D, when everything is new and different. I think it does a pretty good job. If nothing else, it's a decent example of how to keep your PCs surprised and guessing up to the last minute!

If you want to avoid psi in your game or adapt this to psionic house rules, the conversion really is quite simple, and the adventure lays out guidelines for what you need to change. Hopefully, you'll keep an open mind until you see it. :)

And by the way, thank you everyone. With this much praise, I don't need psionics to get a swollen head. *grin*

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