D&D (2024) So shortsword is a simple weapon now...?

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Short sword,
d6 damage, light, finesse.
simple weapon.

so the "martial" version of it must then have d8 damage. To justify having proficiency.

remove light property and it goes to d10.

remove finesse and it goes to d12.

can we get d12 one-handed longswords please now?
I don’t know if it works that way but I kind of want to go back to 2e JUST individually proficient by weapon


greatsword is 2d6, martial, heavy, STR based

I don't know if all classes will get simple weapon proficiencies, let's say that they do.

so now a halfling wizard can do 1d6+3 and 1d6 damage on 1st level, dex based, and fighter can do 2d6+3 Str based

wizard has 2 attacks with smaller damage, that means less chance of an overkill and more reliable chance to do some damage per round.
Vs. what? 3,5 more damage on AoO if it triggers, and you hit?

Is this a joke?


What a weird choice. What are they even trying to fix here?
The base bard with "Weapons: Simple Weapons" can use it while more warrior group leaning bard archetypes can gain stuff like longsword/rapier/hand crossbow as appropriate rather than having it in the base class. Those weapons by extension have more design space to be great because they are not as available for use


Wizards can go Gandalf Style now Baby!!! (and yet the Wizards that CAN go into melee without it being suicide, the Bladesinger, wouldn't like this at all though.)


The base bard with "Weapons: Simple Weapons" can use it while more warrior group leaning bard archetypes can gain stuff like longsword/rapier/hand crossbow as appropriate rather than having it in the base class. Those weapons by extension have more design space to be great because they are not as available for use
I mean, they could have just had the bard being proficient with simple weapons plus the short sword. Seems like a very weird way to go about it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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