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some questions about the game and SWs droids

Argyle King

I recently picked up Star Wars: Edge of the Empire. So far, I'm liking what I see. I still do not fully grasp a lot of things since I have not yet played a session. The first session spent with the game was the group familiarizing ourselves with the rules (as best we could with one book between us all) and character creation. It's possible that many of the questions I have will be better answered once I more fully understand the rules, but I figured it couldn't hurt to reach out to the collective brain power of Enworld in a new hope to better understand things ahead of the next session. I also have two droid questions concerning Star Wars in general. So, with all of that in mind, these are the questions I have thus far.

1) Do you have any advice for remembering what the different symbols on the dice mean in relation to the variety of weapons and abilities in the game?

From a quick read through, there appears to be a lot to remember concerning what the symbols on the dice mean, and how those symbols interact with other parts of the game. Different weapons, skills, and abilities use the symbols in ways which change depending upon what is being used. Taking notes on the character sheet helps -as it does with any game- but it's still a lot to take in for a new group.

2) How would you rate the beginner's box?

The group I'm playing with has the core book, some dice, and a DM screen. The local gaming store was sold out of the beginner's box, and the local Barnes & Noble was also sold out of the beginner's box. I suspect it may be very helpful in learning some aspects of the game. However, with my experience in other rpgs, I'm always aware that not all beginner sets are created equal. Some I've experienced have been very good; others have been poor.

3) How exactly does the pricing for Force Sensitive work?

The core book states that Force Sensitive is a universal talent tree, and that implies it would follow the normal pricing for talents inside of your career. However, it also states that -while it is a universal talent tree- that it is not a career talent. As such, I am confused about whether or not Force Sensitive is priced as being a talent related to your career or is priced as a talent which is outside of your career (and thus costing more.)

4) Where can I find more pictures of what a Law Enforcement droid looks like?

The character I created was originally a LE-VO Law Enforcement droid, but has since become a bounty hunter. I'm aware that with a droid I have a lot of leeway to describing what I look like, but it would still be nice to have a general idea of how I started out. The only picture I've been able to find is here http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/LE-VO_law_enforcement_droid . There's very little information concerning the normal size for a base model.

5) How exactly do droid names work?

I'm aware that the model number of a droid is part of the name. I don't fully understand from looking at some of the other Star Wars characters how exactly droids are named/numbered though. As with question 4, I'm aware I have a lot of freedom to make up whatever I want. That being said, I'm curious if there is actually a set way the naming scheme for droids is supposed to work or if it's mostly a random selection of numbers and letters added to the model number. I'm aware that R2-D2 is a R2 unit, and D2 is some sort of serial number or other designation, but it's less clear how the naming scheme works for other types.

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First Post
1) Do you have any advice for remembering what the different symbols on the dice mean in relation to the variety of weapons and abilities in the game?

One can easily make a cheat sheet for players to reference. We played our first game last Thursday and by the end of the night we didn't need a cheat sheet anymore.

2) How would you rate the beginner's box?

It is useful. We used it and the characters they provide has the dice cheat cheat and presents the characters in simple and well organized fashion. Character creation rules have changed a little since then but it shouldn't be an issue.

3) How exactly does the pricing for Force Sensitive work?

The way I read it it costs 10 per specialization including it. So if it your second specialization it would cost 20 and if it was your fifth it would cost 50.

Argyle King

The way I read it it costs 10 per specialization including it. So if it your second specialization it would cost 20 and if it was your fifth it would cost 50.

That was how I understood it as well. What confused me was the added line which stated that you should remember it is not a career talent tree. I was unsure why that added clarification was needed if the pricing is the same.


First Post
That was how I understood it as well. What confused me was the added line which stated that you should remember it is not a career talent tree. I was unsure why that added clarification was needed if the pricing is the same.

I think because talent trees in other Roles cost 10 xp extra.


First Post
Crothian is right. The FSE specialization is purchased as if it were an "in career" specialization for any career, rather than an out of career choice. So a Hired Gun (Marauder) could purchase FSE for the same XP price as the Mercenary Soldier or Bodyguard specializations.

Argyle King

Right. I get that trees in other roles cost 10 extra. ...which is why I don't understand why they added the extra line about not being a career talent tree. That is what made me unsure of pricing; I was unsure if the extra cost should apply. The book would be (imo) clearer had that sentence not been there, and the pricing was simply listed the way it is. I am of the impression that Force Sensitive does not cost 10 extra.


Yes, I'd not heard of any offical "Naming Convetnions" for Droids, so Crothian's response above sounds good to me.

The Protocol Droid I'm playing in our current game is "MX-PR", which has affectinally (and somewhat laughingly) earned him the nickname "Max Power". :)

And agreed that the Core Book is a bit too... wordy... in places.

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