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Sometimes Zombies Happen


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Someone volunteers to serve a cause...forever.

Someone else screws up the natural order (Death refuses to reap, Death is defeated in a contest, the gates to the Underworld are sealed, the barriers that prevent the spirits of the dead from returning are breached...).

Too stubborn to die (Tales from the Darkside, "A Case of the Stubborns")
Based on a classic story by the late Robert Bloch.

The Auld Grump

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I think that any world that has seagulls and rats is unlikely to suffer from zombies.
Though in some legends the albatross is a form of undead.

He's the ghost of a sailor man, as I've heard say....
His body sank, as his soul flew away....
Down upon the Southern ocean sailing.
Down below Cape Horn....

The Auld Grump, for that matter, rats refusing to eat a corpse might be a sign that something is... wrong....

Hand of Evil

(my old soap box)

to me it goes back to your world myth of the afterlife and planes; what happens to the dead after they die. This brings up the question, are the undead the people they were in before they died?

If yes, that means they did not make it to the afterlife (good or bad). Rejection can have some effects, the other problem is they are now in a dead body and have to do things to remain alive...eat body parts or drink blood.

If no, then this means something else is controlling the body. If you have defined your afterlife this could be any number of creatures or magic. It could also be a fungus or some invader to the body (see zombie ants). But then there are other things that basicly makes a person a walking dead, they just don't know it, an example is rabies - it takes control of the host, what they were is gone.

If maybe; this is where law comes into the game. What does bringing the dead back do to "wills". Do the dead have the same rights? How long does it take to verify that the "soul/spirit" is the same one that was in the body before?

so, define your world myth!

Viking Bastard

In the merchant city in which I base my current campaign, zombies are employed as civil servants. At any time you can sell your body into civil service for a nice sum of money. The city zombies roam the city doing repairs, mending streets, cleaning the gutters, etc. The city also rents them out.

These are just empty shells, stupid beasts that have been trained to do manual labor. Every once in a while you get an intelligent ones, which man the libraries and civil offices as low-level bureaucrats.

A lot of people do this; it's an easy way to make quick cash. Low risk, in general, since it's just your dead body. It's thought of as a bit shameful, but no heresy. One's main worry is the state your body is in when you die, because if it's in such a state that it's of no use to the city (even for body parts), they will collect your soul.
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Hand of Evil

  • Zombies are walking disease carriers
  • Zombies do not clean up after themselves
  • Zombies upset the living...you hate seeing mom working as a slave
  • Zombies have flys and worns - they play penuckle in their snouts
  • Zombies don't pay taxes
  • Zombies can't be saved by the church
  • Zombies smell bad
  • Zombies have been know to go bad
  • Zombies are not trustworthly while you are sleeping


First Post
Or maybe, just maybe, they really like Calypso....
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nI2bVtQ6Kk]Zombie Jamboree![/ame]

The Auld Grump, who prefers the Kingston Trio version... but this has a better intro.

Voidrunner's Codex

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