Azure Trance said:Sep, I'm curious what books you might have read in order to better understand the entire angel / devil concept and history. Do you have any good sources which would be worth reading?
I'm sure that Sepulchrave will field this question brilliantly as soon as he sees it, but just in case it's a little while before he posts I could give you one or two sources that I have used on the subject.
The Book of Sacred Magic by Abra-melin the mage is good. (the nineteenth chapter of the 2nd book is good for a basic run down of demons and things, to understand the angle being taken on angels and demons altogether the entirety of the works can be helpful)
Paradise Lost by Milton and The Divine Comedy by Dante are excellent if you wish to structure heaven or hell. Milton especially for the history of the fall.
The Key of Solomon and Testament of Solomon, Are quite helpful.
The Pseudomonarchia Demonum is really much more 'user friendly' for the purposes of just a list of demons which is what it is. It's very similar to the Goetia which is a book of demons descriptions found in the 'Lesser Key of Solomon'.
In addition some of the angels etc. used are from the works of Blake which are very good for this sort of thing

I'm pretty sure that every single one of the texts mentioned can be found online. Now all that is left to happen is for Sepulchrave to come along and tell em I've got something wrong

Anyway hope this was some help until the expert is here to answer your question.
P.S. A good reading of some of the Planescape material and planar adventures etc. for DnD might also be good.
P.P.S. Apologies if I put forward anything you've already read.