
Sorry, I desperately feel the need to brag because I've been working so hard that I haven't been able to catch up with friends and won't be able to until NYE.

That, and I hate Facecrack.

Between huge discounts (partly staff-based, w00t!), lots of hours at work, and finding awesome bargains, I've managed to put together a really good HTPC+ system and I'm really enjoying the benefits.

Sony Bravia 46" and a 160GB PS3 (why buy a larger HDD when you can swap it out yourself?) a WDTV Live, and a Sony 5.1 surround sound system and 2TB of media storage makes up my little collection.

OMG! I love it. Bluray's are so cheap so I've already amounted a decent collection of Firefly, Serenity, Fearless, Blade Runner, Starship Troopers, Unforgiven, Army of Darkness and a bunch of others, plus Sony's equivalent to the iTunes Store for HD movies on demand, and the WDTV for... err... TV shows 'on demand' :)D), plus some great PS3 games like Mass Effect 2, Uncharted 3 & New Vegas, and more music storage than I could ever need (played through the surround sound system), I'm in utter entertainment HEAVEN.

All of this for just over $1k AUD (not including the BR's, games & cables... wth is with not including cables with all this stuff?)!

Ok, I got it out of my system. Now you can share your awesome media setups with the rest of us too!

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My media setup is the perfect size for... err... well, my wife, who would object to both a 60' plasma TV dominating our admittedly tasteful living room and being surrounded by speakers.

32 Sharp LED TV, Denon 2.1 stereo, original 60G PS3 w/320 GB HD, (& sometimes my Dell XPS laptop hooked to the TV). We sit between 4-5 ft. away from the screen, so the size is actually fairly right.

I doubt buy many Blu-rays, just essentials and a few impulse-buys: all 3 seasons of original Trek, Firefly, The Prisoner, Planet Earth, Life, Flash Gordon, Dune --I *like* Dune-- Speed Racer --an under-appreciated masterpieces!-- maybe one or two more. Oh, and I've got Game of Thrones on pre-order.
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blue ray movies are cheap? Must depend on where you find them.

My setup is considerably older:

42" Sony Wega (on the original bulbs from about 5 years ago)
stock speakers on the TV
xbox 360

The TV does 1080i. I doubt I'd notice a serious difference if it did 1080p.

DNS 3-2-1 NAS for holding movies, music, iTunes. Accessible as a single library from any PC and game console

The NAS is probably the most impressive component. In the sense that most mortals don't have one. Centralizing the media to a server means I have drive failure protection (RAID1), and I can easily get stuff onto my TV (no hooking laptop up to TV).

I also have another 360 hooked up in the bedroom's 32" Samsung HDTV (1080p).


blue ray movies are cheap? Must depend on where you find them.

$10-15 on average, here.

Only the newest ones are more expensive and even then, usually about $25-30, and not for very long. I've watched Rise of the Planet of the Apes drop drastically (it's around $24-27 now) in the last couple of weeks. Some really popular ones like Harry Potter are up around the $40+ mark but that's pretty rare.


First Post
blue ray movies are cheap? Must depend on where you find them.

I wouldn't say they're cheap, but Blu-ray movies have drastically dropped in price, particularly stuff that's been out for several months, and can be had at ridiculously sweet prices. A week or so ago, I snagged the complete Battlestar Galactica set for under $100 from Amazon. Considering each season (or, in some instances, .5 season) typically went/goes for $50 or better, that was a steal. And around the holidays a lot of great movies get marked down to $10 or less. This is an ideal time for build one's library.

And speaking of Amazon, the other day I was giddy as a gopher on crank to get the PS3 Uncharted 3 bundle with the Uncharted 1 & 2 Dual Pack thrown in free, plus a free $50 gift card, all for $299 (and I love Amazon's free shipping and the fact that I don't have to pay sales tax on purchases). Easily made up for missing out on the Black Friday bundle with its smaller hard drive and two games I probably really wouldn't play anyway.

I think it's time to upgrade my TV and sound system, and then I'll be ready to rock.


First Post
Congratulations. Such a nice setup.

I have a smaller setup that needs some more upgrades.

I have a 32" LG LCD, PS3, upconverting DVD, and Vizio sound bar. I have a Netgear NAS for streaming purchased TV shows and movies.

The sound bar is awesome; it changes my audio for the better. Some day I will get a 5.1 or 7.1 setup, but for now, it works well for my needs.

My AV furniture needs the most help. I have a spare end table I am using for my TV stand. The TV woobles a bit when you walk on the floor. I need to upgrade to a stand that features a TV mount bracket.

Voidrunner's Codex

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