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Sourcebooks/references for dream settings?

random user

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I'm running a campaign in which some part of it is spent in a dream state where... many things happen.

While I'm currently happy with what I've envisioned and I have a set of rules I've developed, I figure it won't hurt to try and read up on what other people and companies have done regarding dreaming, and perhaps incorporate any ideas I find interesting.

I just read on another thread about Dreams and Nightmares from White Wolf. And I know that Ravenloft had a boxed set called The Nightmare Lands.

Are there other sources for settings revolving around dreams/nightmares? And anyone feel like giving a mini-review (just a sentence or two even, would be great) about Dreams and Nightmares, The Nightmare Lands, or any other source book?

Thanks in advance!

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The Shaman's Handbook by Green Ronin has a small section on the Dream World, a Dreaming skill and a Dreamer PrC.

But it's in no way the focus of the book.


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Ever read The Sandman, by Neil Gaiman? It's increadible, just increadible. I know, it's a comic book, but it's the kind of story that has characters that'll be with you till you die. And as a lot of it takes place in the Dreaming, it could give you a lot of good ideas for what a dream world should feel like.

When I was working on the Book of Broken Dreams, I was contacted by someone who was writing an adventure guide for adventuring in the land of dreams. Unfortunately, I can't remember his name, or the title of the book he was working on.

I would check around RPGnow, and see what you can find.

Also, there is a little bit of info in the Manual of the Planes about the Plane of Dreams.

Also, my book, the Book of Broken Dreams, is probably not what you're looking for. It is mainly a book about personality, insanity and psychology. It does have a "lucid dreaming" feat in it and a template for Nightmare Creatures and a "dream weaver" prestige class, but that's about it as far as dreams go. as I said, th majority of it deals with insanity, personality and psychology.
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Strangely enough, I was just searchin through my hard drive for something else and found this:

Converted from Dragon Magazine #132 article "Beyond the Gate of Dreams" by John Nephew.
Conversion by Vincent N. Darlage "Randolph Carter, who had all his life sought to escape from the tedium and limitations of waking reality in the beckoning vistas of dreams and fabled avenues of other dimensions, disappeared from the sight of men at the age of fifty four."
~Through the Gates of the Silver Key, by HP Lovecraft. The Dreamer is a seeker of knowledge not found in reality. They seek the world of dreams for their quests and gain their powers therein. They learn to use sleep and dreams to heal the physical body, and can even enter the dreams of others and can speak to the residents of dreamland. The Dreamer is not just an oineromancer (dream mage), but someone who has practiced and learned the rites of the Old Ones, particularly Byleth Hob, and can use their powers without recourse to spellcasting.

The dreamer class is a group of beings who have the ability to manipulate their subconscious minds. With practice and experience, they can exercise considerable control over their own minds and bodies and, to a lesser extent, over the minds and bodies of others.
Requirements: 10 ranks Knowledge (Arcana)
Must have tasted Dream Willow bark, or smelled Blue Lotus
Training in Kharzho, or by another dreamer
Hit Dice: d4 Level Attack Fort Ref Will Special

1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Lucid Dreaming, Deep Sleep, Light Sleep
2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Awareness Sleep, Dreamland Access
3 +1 +1 +1 +3 Detect Mind, Empathic Sleep
4 +2 +1 +1 +4 Detect Lie, Feign Death, Penetrate Disguise
5 +2 +1 +1 +4 Sleeper Communication, Read Alignment
6 +3 +2 +2 +5 Lesser Prophecy, Regenerative Sleep
7 +3 +2 +2 +5 Sleep Suggestion, Sleep Control
8 +4 +2 +2 +6 Mental Illusion, Suggestion, Telepathy
9 +4 +3 +3 +6 Mass Suggestion, Projection
10 +5 +3 +3 +7 Prophecy Class Skills: 2+Int bonus

Concentration, Craft, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Religion), Profession (Oracle), Scry Class Features: All of the following are class features of the Dreamer prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Dreamers gain no proficiency in any weapon or armor.

Normal Sleep: This is like any normal person's sleep. Dreaming is normal for the most part and of no particular significance. Hit points are regained at the rate of one every eight hours of normal sloop. Dreamers are able to sustain normal sleep for up to 15 hours plus a number of hours equal to the level of the dreamer. They may either be awakened like anyone else, or may decide exactly when they want to wake up before they go to sleep.

Lucid Dreaming: This is simply a state in normal sleep wherein the dreams are controlled by the dreamer. Lucid Dreaming is not unique to dreamers, but through it dreamers realize and develop their powers.

Deep Sleep: A dreamer in this state will only awaken from a strong, radical stimulus - such as having a bucket of cold water poured on his head. Otherwise, sleep continues until a designated time (as with normal sleep). A dreamer in deep sleep regains hit points at the rate of 1 hp every four hours, and he may sustain this state for up to 20 hours at one time.

Light Sleep: A dreamer is likely to use this ability most often during adventuring. The dreamer will doze until awakened by a noticeable environmental change (sunrise or sunset, getting mined on, a change in temperature, etc.) or by an irregular noise or silence, and is much more sensitive than normal sleeping beings. For example, a thief who fails to move silently is still unlikely to wake up most creatures, but a dreamer in light sleep will awaken immediately, The character may designate when to wake up, as with normal sleep. Hit points are regained at the rate of I hp per 10 hours of Light Sleep. It can be sustained for up to 10 hours plus the level of the dreamer.

Awareness Sleep: This state is a special combination of light, normal, and deep sleep. The dreamer is awakened as per deep sleep, regains hit points as with normal sleep, but remains sensitive to the, environment; the subconscious carefully collects and records all sensory information except sight, Thus, once the dreamer awakens after a designated time, he clearly remernbers the sounds, odors, temperatures, and any movement of himself as if he had been awake with his eyes closed. It takes an hour to enter awareness sleep and another hour to emerge from it; sensory data from these transitional times cannot be clearly recalled. If forcefully awakened before the designated time, the sensory information is lost (unless the dreamer also has sleep control, as noted below). Awareness sleep can be sustained for up to 24 hours (including the two hours required for entrance and emergence).

Dreamland Access: The dreamlands is a demi-plane located in the border ethereal. It is reached by the dreamer entering a spell or drug induced deep sleep. The dreamer's real body stays on the prime material plane and his psyche does the traveling. In the dreamlands his psyche is a material thing so it can be damaged. For all gaming purposes it is a real place. Again this is place to be determined by the DM. The Nightmare Lands of the Ravenloft setting or the mindspin from the Dragonlance setting can be used as a guide. Whatever it is it should very surreal and full of strange and exotic creatures both of a malevolent and benevolent nature.

Detect Mind: This power detects minds (defined here as a consciousness having semi- or better intelligence) within a range of 30' per level of the dreamer. The dreamer may concentrate specifically on a single object, creature, or area - for example, detect mind would reveal the presence of a mind in an object used as a magic jar, or that a being was comatose or under the effects of a feign death spell. Note that the body of a creature using an astral spell or astral projection, or that of a projected dreamer, does not have a mind within it. The power may be used once every four hours for as long as it is concentrated on.

Empathic Sleep: This state is similar to awareness sleep, but it is receptive to the minds of others and is attuned to the emotional environment as opposed to the physical one. Specific thoughts cannot be detected, but general feelings (antipathy, respect, happiness, frustration, etc.) and a general identification of individual. (by personality, not appearance) is possible. Empathic sleep may be sustained for up to 10 hours (including two hours total for entrance and emergence; the time is predesignated). After eight hours in this state, the dreamer also heals 1 hp. A dreamer, in empathic sleep can be awakened and lose (that is, never, consciously know) information as per awareness sleep.

Detect Lie: In range and effect, this power is similar to the spell Discern Lies (PHB). The dreamer attunes himself to the subconscious of the subject to detect if a statement is a falsehood compared to what the subject actually knows or thinks he knows i,e., only intentional untruths can be noted). It may be used once every six hours.

Feign Death: Once per day, the dreamer can Feign Death for up to 24 hours, awakening at any time. To use this ability, the Mystic must concentrate for 1 minute. It is impossible to distinguish this state from death. The dreamer can still smell, hear, and know what is going on around him, but no feeling or sight is possible. Any wounding or mistreatment is not felt and no reaction occurs. Damage is only 1/2 normal. Paralysis, poison, or energy draining cannot affect the dreamer in this state.

Penetrate Disguise: With this power, the dreamer is able to detect the presence of material or magical disguise. This is done by finding out what the subject knows he actually is. A discrepancy between this and what the dreamer see indicates something amiss. For example, an assassin may be disguised as a noblewoman or may have been polymorphed into a frog, but the assassin's subconscious knows what she actually is. The subject is allowed a saving throw vs. spells to block the dreamer from viewing his mind. Note that a character afflicted by certain forms of insanity (schizoid, megalomaniacal, delusional, schizophrenic, hallucinatory, or hebephrenic) can give the dreamer confusing signals. A hebephrenic person, for example" would subconsciously perceive himself as being a child, though the person may be 40 years old. Unless the dreamer knows the nature of the character's malady, the condition might be mistaken for a disguise. Penetrate disguise may he used once every eight hours.

Sleeper Communication: From deep sleep, the dreamer may utilize this ability to communicate with the consciousness of another sleeping creature, If the contacted being is having non mal or lucid dreams, the dreamer appears in the dream and can communicate in it. If the contacted being is not dreaming (arbitrarily an 80% chance if not known), then the contact has a 10% chance of awakening him, terminating sleep. In the communication, which is made through dreams, the sender and receiver may appear in any form they wish while communicating. Both will clearly remember the communication when they awaken. Sleeper communication has a range of 10 miles per level of the dreamer and may be sustained for a time proportional to the level of the dreamer and inversely proportional to the distance; in other words, the duration in minutes equals the level of the dreamer times 100, divided by the number of miles between the contacting minds. For example, a 7th-level dreamer communicating with a being 50 miles away could do so for 14 minutes. A dreamer may only attempt communication once every eight hours, but has no such limit on receiving communication.
More than one dreamer can contact a mind at the same time. A favorite tactic of high-level dreamers is to communicate inside the mind of a third party to allow longer communication time or to permit communication despite considerable distance. The third party usually wakes up thinking that he has had an illogical dream or that he was being contacted by gods or spirits.

Read Alignment: The subject of this power is allowed a Will save (DC = 10+dreamer level+dreamer wisdom bonus). If the save fails, the dreamer is able to access the subject's subconscious to reveal the subject's code of values and morals. - that is, alignment. Read alignment only works on creatures of semi- or greater intelligence (those driven by more than mere instinct) and may be used once in every 12-hour period. Note that this power may reveal much more than a simple alignment; potential (though not actual) treachery or faithfulness can also be determined, as could other factors at the DMs option.

Lesser Prophecy: From a state of light sleep, a dreamer rnay receive a lesser prophecy at most once in every 12-hour period. It may be utilized to derive the effects of one of the following spells: augury (second-level clerical spell), divination (fourth-level clerical spell), or guidance (zero level clerical spell). It can also be used to predict the weapther. Range, duration, and effect are as per the spell chosen, but no material components are required in any case.

Regenerative Sleep: In this state, the dreamer's brain "closes down" and enters a suspended state. All mental activity is subcon sciou s a nd entirely directed toward commands for cell regrowth, as directed during at least three hours of trancelike meditation (somewhere between consciousness and lucid dreaming), without interruption, immediately before entering regenerative sleep. As such, there is little or no noticeable brain activity, although there is heightened cell activity for regrowth (2 hp regained per hour). Breathing is deep and steady, and heart rate is accelerated.
After up to eight hours of regenerative sleep, the character returns to consciousniess and feels extremely hungry. If he is then able - and will need - to eat a full clay's quota of food (three full meals), feeling as though it were one meal. The dreamer can reenter regenerative sleep again after three hours of meditation if he wishes to.
No more than five sequential periods of regenerative sleep may be safely performed. At that point, the character mast spend at least three days in normal activity and sleep to restore depleted stores of essential nutrients and thus allow the cells to re-adapt to normality. If regenerative sleep is continued without the three-day recovery time, healing gains are reduced by half. Furthermore, there is a 10% cumulative chance for each additional regenerative sleep period of the regrowth going out of control. After the dreamer's maximurn number of hit points is reached, tissues will continue to grow, becoming tumors. At this point, 1 hp per day is lost as the tumors destroy the body's functioning. Only a cure disease, heal, limited wish, wish, or alter realiiy spell will reverse this condition; other curative ipells will not heal Inst hit points or stop the degenerative condition.

Sleep Control: This is not a new skill as such, but an improved proficiency in previosly acquired dreamer abilities. It allows the dreamer to do the following:
1. While asleep, the dreamer may change his basic sleeping made (normal, light, deep), as decided beforehand. Far example, the dreamer may choose to spend four hours in deep sleep and then change to light for six more.
2. In awareness and empathic sleep, the dreamer can retain a small amount of conscious control, so that he is aware of the information being gathered and stored; he may choose to cause himself to awaken from those modes on the basis of the data (such as detecting antipathy in empathic sleep). If he emerges from either sort, of his own will or not, a dreamer who has acquired sleep control will not forget the information gathered. When this semiounsciousnms is utilized, hit points are healed at the rate of I hp every l0 hours.
3. In regenerative sleep, the dreamer can pay some attention to the healing if he goes beyond the dangerous time, which reduces the cumulative chance of uncontrolled growth to 5% per regeneration period, but at the same time prevents limb regeneration (i.e., 1 hp per hour healing is the only effect).

Sleep Suggestion: This is similar to sleeper communication but is effective only at half the range (that is, five miles per level of the dreamer). The subject must be asleep. Except for the duration (one hour per level of the dreamer), it is the same as the arcane spell, suggestion, and may be used once every 24 hours.

Mental Illusion: The dreamer directly places images and other sensory data in the subject's mind, overriding those actually perceived by the subject's senses. The dreamer may project the illusion into the minds of up to two beings for each of the castier's experience levels. Subjects must be within 60' of the dreamer. An illusion can be created once per day and lasts as long as the dreamer concentrates on it.

Suggestion: This power is an improvement on sleep suggestion, but neither the dreamer nor the subject need be asleep. The suggestion does not need to be spoken; it is telepathically placed In the subject's subconscious. In range, duration, and general effect, it is otherwise the same as the arcane spell of the same name. Dreamers below l0th level may use suggestion once per day; l0th-level dreamers may use it twice in a day.

Telepathy: This is an improved form of sleeper communication and is treated as that power except that neither the dreamer nor subject needs to be asleep. It otherwise has the same limits an range and usage.

Mass Suggestion: As suggestion, but it can affect more than one subject. It affects one creature per level of the dreamer.

Projection: This ability allows the dreamer to create a visible but noncorporeal projection of himself. The dreamer controls the projection as if it were his body, although it does not have physical limitations; like certain undead, it can walk through solid objects, over water, or whatever. Normal weapons will not harm the projection, but being struck by an enchanted weapon instantly forces the dreamer's mind back to his body. The projection gives the dreamer a full sensory range in the area it is sent to.
The dreamer's projection may exist on the Prime Material plane, or may directly enter the plane of Shadow, Astral plane, or Ethereal plane. Through the Ether, the Positive and Negative Material, Elemental, Ilant-olornental, and Quasi-elemental F-'pMm may be accessed. Movement to these planes is virtually instantaneous, since it is the mind that is traveling.
On the Astral plane, however, a mind adopts a physical form with a silver cord. Movement and so forth is as if the dreamer were utilizing the spell Astral Projection. An outer-plane destination may be reached, and upon entering another plane the mind returns to having a visible, noncorporeal form.
To create a projection, the dreamer first enters deep sleep, then slips into a semicomatose state (cf. astral projection as his mind leaves the body and is projected elsewhere. The projection may be maintained as long as the dreamer desires, until forced back to the body (by being struck by a magical weapon, or by a dispel magic spell cast within range of the projection and successful vs. the dreamer's level), or until the comatose body is disturbed (as if to be awakened from deep sleep). This power may be used no more than once per week.

Prophecy: This ability is properly known as tephramancy, which is the ability to predict the future through dreams. It is the most difficult dreamer skill and potentially the most powerful; certainly it is the best known. Lesser dreamer abilities such as the three modes of sleeping, work within the dimension of the dreamer's mind; median skills, from detect mind to mass suggestion, open the dreamer to the minds of others; higher still is projection, which allows the dreamer's mind to actually manifest in physical dimensions, albeit noncorporeally. Tephramancy is the greatest discipline:: It opens the dreamer's subconscious to the dimension of time, effectively encompassing all of existence. It becomes apparent that prophecy is difficult to set strict rules for, and what follows are little more than guidelines. The greatest responsibility lies with the DM, who must be exceptionally cautious. Always carefully consider short-term and long-term influences on the characters and campaign.
For effective use of this, it is necessary to arbitrarily define some aspects, of the D&D game universe, The past is considered set and unchangeable. The future is a myriad of possibilities and likelihoods. The present is where the action is. The possibilities of the future are converted to the concreteness of the past.
In preparation for utilizing this power, each dreamer has a unique series of actions to perform. One may need to burn and inhale the smoke of a certain rare incense or herb. Another mav need to surround herself with rose-scented candles while meditating. The DM is to devise the requirements for each dreamer achieving this skill. Generally, preparations take around half an hour. The dreamer then enters deep sleep (in a carefully prepared and comfortable area) for three hours.
Tephramancy makes the dreamer's subconscious virtually omniscient in viewing the past and present (notably excepting objects and persons magically hidden) and the possibilities of the future. From all of this, the subconscious mind compiles the most likely future, and delivers it to the tephramancer in the form of a dream of the predicted series of events. This allows characters to influence their fates.
For example, Tharset the All-Seeing is concerned about his friend, the ArchMage Carsyll, who is going to travel through a nasty patch of wilderness. in his prophetic dream, he sees Carsyll ambushed by a small at-my of orcs. Carsyll slays them, but is sr) weakened that fie falls prey to a demon lord with a grudge, against him. From this, Tharset can warn Carsyll, who may not have realized the dernon's grudge; Carsyll can travel with inore careful preparations in anticipation of the ambush, put off departure for a day, or lake a different route. Of course, any of those choices may contain a fate just as bad.
One nasty thing is bound to come up at some point: two dreamers prophesying about the same event. In the previous example, suppose the demon itself employed a dreamer. Theoretically, the second dreamer would have seen that Tharset would warn Carsyll, and the demon would then take the route that Carsyll would then be prophesied to take, but Thai-set would see this and warn Carsyll, and so the vicious circle continues. In a case of two dreamers viewing the same person, area, or series of possible events within 12 hours of each other, the one with more experience would receive the prophecy and the other would not (which tells the less experienced tephrarnancer that someone else is interested in the same thing). In cases of more time difference, the later prophecy is received, and might in effect nullify the first prediction. The DM ought to consider the attendant rivalry among high-level dreamers.
Tephramancy may be employed only once per day. The DM should make the materials for it quite expensive, therefore, to prevent overuse. If the DM feels a dreamer is abusing his powers, it is possiible to cause an occasional inaccurate prophecy, provide a foe with a periapt of protection from prophecy or, (in extreme circumstances) revoke the power for a time. If there is protest, it isn't too difficult to find reasons, even if it is that "the gods are offended by the misuse of your talents" - possibly a divinity or servant could even tell the dreamer personally (by dream, of course) that his prophecy power is suspended.

Note I didn't write it. And I don't know if its the sort of thing you're looking for or not.


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As I've just recently noted on another thread, Occult Lore (by Atlas Games) has a section on dream magic and the dream world. It is essentially a set of rules for lucid dreaming, using dream-points to change the "reality" of the dream through the new skill Lucid Dreaming. The idea seems interesting, but complicated. There are also a few spells, and a prestige class, and new domains, templates ("beasts of the Id"), and so on - all linked to this mechanic and this vision of the dream world.
It sounds like you pretty much know what you want, so I am not sure if that would be of assistance.

BTW, Occult Lore is based to a large degree on The Mysteries, an Ars Magica accessory available through RPGNow in pdf form; it has more detailed rules and mythology regarding the dream world, such as mentioning the island of Lemnos (where morpheus and his son live, IIRC), thoughts on the structure of the mental microcosm and its relation to the macrocosm, and so on. If you are interested mainly in flavor, I would recommend getting the (cheaper) The Mysteries, personally. But again, it is not a d20 product.

Neither book focuses on dreams, mind you; both discuss it only to a limited degree.

Yair, feeling like an Atlas pimp.



For those interested, the Mindspin spell (which is the effect of the "dream" in the Dragonlance elven kingdom of Silvanesti) is included in the upcoming Towers of High Sorcery from Sovereign Press.

Jamie Chambers
Sovereign Press, Inc.
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random user

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Thank you all for those who replied.

(Ignore the next three paragraphs if you don't care about the specifics of my campaign)

The only people who have this group dream are my players. Well, they recently found out that about 5000 years ago there was another group who also had shared dreams. Unfortunately they came to a tragic end trying to create a new self-governing city.

In the first dream session, they were put into a puzzle, not realizing at the time it was a dream. Since then they've revisited that dream once.

They've also had another dream session where they assumed the bodies of peoiple who lived in the aforementioned city about 5000 years ago, just months before the entire place was destroyed. They explored a little but weren't sure what, if anything, they were supposed to do (they were unable to find the other group).

So unfortunately, I think the dreaming prc's on the whole aren't going to work because 1. the characters are clueless as to how they are having this group dream and 2. there is no one around that has any clue as to why these things are happening to them. I guess it's possible that one might become "self-taught" on such a thing, but I'm not sure how I would feel about creating a prc where only one person in the entire world is that prc.

One thing IMC, the dream world, at least what they've encountered so far, is in all ways identical to the real world, except that it's not real (or is it?!). I'm not sure that this will always be the case, and is one reason why I'd like to read more material on it.

They don't seem to be able to enter other people's dreams, at least they have showed no capabilities of it so far. I'm also not sure what I think about that idea. Does anyone have any thoughts on whether that might be interesting or too complicated?

The Dream Points thing sounds interesting. In dreams which aren't reality, that certainly will be something that I would like to pursue. If the dreams are reality (even perhaps an alternate reality), then Dream Points would be harder to work in (but still possible, potentially... I'll have to think about this one).

If anyone has any thoughts, suggestions, or ideas on where to take this (currently these dream sessions have been popping up about 1 in 4-6 sessions, so it's not something that is constantly going on... and it also ties into the overarching plot), I'd love to hear them!

I'll try and get more info on the sources listed, and would still love to hear any comments on The Nightmare Lands or Dreams and Nightmares.

(PS. After taking the class, I was a teaching assistant for 3 quarters for a class called "Sleep and Dreams" and have taken a couple technical classes on sleep (one was called "The Neural Basis of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms")... sleep and dreams have always been fascintating to me!)

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