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Spellbook Cards


1 out of 5 rating for Spellbook Cards

Just to be clear I have the first printing, but will not buy the second printing of these. All I can say is I can not trust them so stopped using them. Instead of recapping everything I hate (yes hate) abut these cards I include the review I wished I read before I purchased these.

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Retired game store owner
5 out of 5 rating for Spellbook Cards

I have found these cards to be sturdy, nicely laminated, and easy to read. The cards are easy to reference, and the right size to fit in the standard deck boxes and binder pages. And no sleeves are needed. Now that I have the revised cards, I can give them a solid 5-Star rating.

Bad Fox

First Post
4 out of 5 rating for Spellbook Cards

The first run of these cards definitely hurt the overall score, which is dragging lower than the most recent printing warrants.

Previous complaints have been fixed: Version 2 has rounded edges and a symbol to identify concentration spells. They do their job well, as they're very sturdy and have as much useful information packed on them as possible. I can't quite give them a five star rating, though.

They are just too basic from an art and design perspective. Five stars would require Gale Force Nine to visually step up their game.

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