Spelljammer Collector's Guide

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First Post
I'm just curious...do you own every WotC book ever made?

Because these lists are ridiculously thorough.



The EN World kitten
It's worth noting that, while there were never Spellfire cards with the Spelljammer logo, several Spelljammer-themed cards were made for the game. Examples include:

Giant Space Hamster - Powers 49 of 100
Crystal Sphere - Powers 1 of 20
Rock of Bral - Powers 2 of 20


Shirokinukatsukami fan
It's worth noting that, while there were never Spellfire cards with the Spelljammer logo, several Spelljammer-themed cards were made for the game.
Hmmm... does there exist a list of all of the Spelljammer-themed cards, or would including those require a search of all the published Spellfire cards looking for Spelljammy things?


The EN World kitten
Hmmm... does there exist a list of all of the Spelljammer-themed cards, or would including those require a search of all the published Spellfire cards looking for Spelljammy things?

No such thematic list exists that I'm aware of. I found those cards from memory, and also looked through this list of all the print cards, followed by scanning the online boosters. But yeah, you just have to look through the cards for "Spelljammy" things.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go change into my Spelljammies and head to bed early.


Would you want to mention the Spell Compendiums and Magic Item Compendiums that contained reprinted Spelljammer spells and items (such as the various Helms?)


Shirokinukatsukami fan
Would you want to mention the Spell Compendiums and Magic Item Compendiums that contained reprinted Spelljammer spells and items (such as the various Helms?)
I thought about listing the Magic Item and Spell Compendiums, but it seemed somewhat redundant -- they would need to be listed for every setting! Also, I'm not sure that someone specifically collecting Spelljammer stuff would feel obliged to collect the Compendiums in order to complete their collection. (Although that could also apply to a few of the other things on the list, I admit!)


Shirokinukatsukami fan
But yeah, you just have to look through the cards for "Spelljammy" things.
Based on a fairly quick skim through the Spellfire card list for Spelljammy things, the three you already mentioned were the only ones that leapt out at me. (And, I might add, having a Giant Space Hamster leap out at you is an unnerving experience... :p)

I'll add those three cards to the list next time I update it :)


I just remembered this, but I can't remember what recent thread I saw this in that there was a Spelljammer supplement that was canceled, but I think it was the spells that were included in the Wizard's Spell Compendium series (It may have been in a thread talking about the Magic Item Compendiums or "Thinking about playing 2E" thread here in general).

Voidrunner's Codex

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