Spelljammer Spelljammer in D&D 5e Speculation: How Will the Setting Be Changed?

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Book-Friend, he/him
So I just had this revelation in another thread. Something that probably will change is the rule about divine casters not being able to function in Crystal Spheres where their god is not present in some form.
Maybe a sidebar of possible ways to handle the question, but definitely 5E is not about shutting down characters like that.

a bit ironic with the name that means "jamming/stopping spells"
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but that is not what "jammer" means in this context. It's from windjammer, which is a poetic word for a sailing ship. Windjammer - Wikipedia

Jammer in this case means "propelled by".

Also see Sunjammer, a spacecraft powered by a solar sail, which was probably the direct inspiration for the name.


I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but that is not what "jammer" means in this context. It's from windjammer, which is a poetic word for a sailing ship. Windjammer - Wikipedia

Jammer in this case means "propelled by".

Also see Sunjammer, a spacecraft powered by a solar sail, which was probably the direct inspiration for the name.
It also happens to be the nickname for a musician at a circus or Carnival.


5e Freelancer
Well, it looks like the people predicting that the Phlogiston would get replaced by the Astral Sea were right. I also was a bit incorrect in specific predictions on what monsters probably wouldn't appear in this release. I really didn't think that extremely weird monsters like the Fractine and Goon Balloon would get updated to D&D 5e, but they're included in the new Spelljammer Monsters PDF. Maybe some of the more gonzo monsters will be included in the main monster book after all.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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