Spider Climb and Attacking?

Yellow Sign

Can you attack or cast spells while you are spider climbing. It notes that you have to have both hands free to spider climb.

We have a Warlock in our group that regularly spider climbs up to the ceiling and starts blasting away while up there.

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First Post
I allow someone using Spider Climb to use their hands as long as they don't try to move at the same time. So basically he could climb up using his hands and feet, then do his attacks just fine. But he couldn't carry a big object in both hands and move around, for example.

The spell description says (in part):
SRD said:
The affected creature must have its hands free to climb in this manner.
I interpret this to mean actual movement, while they can stay in place with just their feet.
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First Post
It doesn't actually require both, it just says "hands". I agree with your take that it is both, however, and with the further assumption that those hands are used in the climbing and therefore unusable for anything else, including casting spells requiring material and/or somatic components.

With all that aside, isn't the Warlock's eldritch blast spell-like and therefore not require somatic or material components? Or was there some special wording that requires it? If not, I'd say the warlock is fine doing what he's doing. :)
SRD said:
A spell-like ability has no verbal, somatic, or material component, nor does it require a focus or have an XP cost.


First Post
I believe the Warlock's eldritch blast has a special note requiring a somatic component, but I don't remember for sure and don't have my books here. In my game I have a gish wizard who likes to use spider climb in this way and I allow him to cast from the wall/ceiling. But he can't move around if he has his sword in hand. It hasn't come up, but I'd probably deny him his dex bonus to AC, too.


First Post
The SRD says:
SRD said:
Slippers of Spider Climbing: When worn, a pair of these slippers enable movement on vertical surfaces or even upside down along ceilings, leaving the wearer’s hands free. Her speed is 20 feet. Severely slippery surfaces—icy, oiled, or greased surfaces— make these slippers useless. The slippers can be used for 10 minutes per day, split up as the wearer chooses.

Faint transmutation; CL 4th; Craft Wondrous Item, spider climb; Price 4,800 gp;Weight 1/2 lb.

Emphasis added. They're better than the spell. Plus you don't have to eat a spider. :)

Dross Swordra

First Post
Quote from the SRD:

"Slippers of Spider Climbing

When worn, a pair of these slippers enable movement on vertical surfaces or even upside down along ceilings, leaving the wearer’s hands free. Her speed is 20 feet. Severely slippery surfaces—icy, oiled, or greased surfaces— make these slippers useless. The slippers can be used for 10 minutes per day, split up as the wearer chooses. "

Note the bolded section



First Post
Im a wall crawling Warlock, and fireing while hanging from a wall seems perfectly reasonable to me (and our rather strict GM). I seem to recall that while spider climbing you have to keep at least 3 points of contact with the surface, which just happens to leave just enough free limbs for those pesky somatic components.

I wouldnt feel it was unreasonable for my GM to ask me for a concentration check (though he dosnt) and im often constrained by the area im climbing in. I also have problems switching wands/ items and often end up with a pile of wands I want to use 20 feet below me. In all honesty I wouldnt worry about it over much, if your player took Spider climb as one of his very few invocations, he probably likes mobility powers, and will there for soon be flying about and zarking with abandon.

My wizard used to insist that other party members recieving spider climb had to eat a spider as well or the spell didnt stick, cut down on frivoulus requests I can tell you...

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