ZEITGEIST [Spoilers] Timeline of the Yerasol Wars?

is there a specific timeline intended for the yerasol wars? my initial assumption was that the first one started around 300 A.O.V., the second ended around 400 A.O.V., the third ended around 460 A.O.V., and further context wouldn't be particularly relevant, but adventure 10 mentions Queen Hibiscus, who got herself killed in a bout of megalomania...and started the first yerasol war. I've been trying to puzzle out if Boyle or Hibiscus came first, and I figured if I'm going to ask about that, I might as well also ask if the wars themselves have any specific start and stop dates.

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I don't think we state precisely when any of the wars start, just their endings. We do say that in 300, Danor started 'contesting Risur for control,' but that could have been diplomatic overtures to the locals, or setting up bases on islands where Risur had minimal presence. A full war probably broke out closer to 350 when Queen Hibiscus tried to go 'shock and awe' by using her magic against Danor, which backfired.

The First Yerasol War ended in 366 AOV in a stalemate, the Second ended in 399 AOV in Danor’s favor, and the Third ceased in 460 AOV to Risur’s benefit. The Fourth and final war formally concluded 493 AOV, with Risur yielding a large amount of island territory to native and Danoran control.

So yeah, in 295 the link to...


I've always thought it was a bit off too, since King Boyle killed the last Dragon Tyrant in Ber in 300 AOV, AND Queen Hibiscus started the first Yerasol war in 300 AOV when she was slain invading a Danoran shipyard in the Archipelago, AND Danor begin the war by contesting Risur control of the same Archipelago.

Wouldn't be impossible for Risur to end up with three rulers in a single year (unless they were married?). Personally I placed it as Boyle > Hibiscus, but will be really interested in an official answer.

I don't think we state precisely when any of the wars start, just their endings. We do say that in 300, Danor started 'contesting Risur for control,' but that could have been diplomatic overtures to the locals, or setting up bases on islands where Risur had minimal presence. A full war probably broke out closer to 350 when Queen Hibiscus tried to go 'shock and awe' by using her magic against Danor, which backfired.

The First Yerasol War ended in 366 AOV in a stalemate, the Second ended in 399 AOV in Danor’s favor, and the Third ceased in 460 AOV to Risur’s benefit. The Fourth and final war formally concluded 493 AOV, with Risur yielding a large amount of island territory to native and Danoran control.

So yeah, in 295 the link to Avilona breaks so dragons lose the ability to fly. By 300 all the tyrants are defeated or recruited or go into hiding. Boyle officially kills the last. At some point he passes on control to Queen Hibiscus. She lasts until 350-ish, dies in an explosion, and Risur gets sucked into a war. I never explicitly said who came next, but it may as well have been King Lorcan (who lasted until 400 when Bonds of Forced Faith happened). Or you could fit in someone else.

I don't think we state precisely when any of the wars start, just their endings. We do say that in 300, Danor started 'contesting Risur for control,' but that could have been diplomatic overtures to the locals, or setting up bases on islands where Risur had minimal presence. A full war probably broke out closer to 350 when Queen Hibiscus tried to go 'shock and awe' by using her magic against Danor, which backfired.

The First Yerasol War ended in 366 AOV in a stalemate, the Second ended in 399 AOV in Danor’s favor, and the Third ceased in 460 AOV to Risur’s benefit. The Fourth and final war formally concluded 493 AOV, with Risur yielding a large amount of island territory to native and Danoran control.

So yeah, in 295 the link to Avilona breaks so dragons lose the ability to fly. By 300 all the tyrants are defeated or recruited or go into hiding. Boyle officially kills the last. At some point he passes on control to Queen Hibiscus. She lasts until 350-ish, dies in an explosion, and Risur gets sucked into a war. I never explicitly said who came next, but it may as well have been King Lorcan (who lasted until 400 when Bonds of Forced Faith happened). Or you could fit in someone else.
how the hell did i forget about the AiZ book? thanks!

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