Star Wars: Bounty Huntress

Talkative was definitely something that the girl was. It probably had a lot to do with Eelysa's relative silence that kept the girl talking, and everything ended up sounding like a question even if it obviously wasn't. The girl had been surprised at first, but had soon gone to talking, trying to find some kind of casual conversation to have but not really getting anywhere.

The table with the three you were trying to focus on was just at your back, a little to the left so it was easy to tilt your head and see what was going on with them without raising any eyebrows(or similar appendages). And now, you could hear them fairly clearly, though it took ignoring the girl more than a little.

The Mon Calamari female had been saying something about Eslin having a run in with a couple of bounty hunters. Quiet chuckles passed between the three, and the human commented that the Rodian had dealt with that kind of thing before. Though you hear no mention of exactly where anything has occurred, they sound like they at least know Eslin well enough to have casual conversation with him. From the sound of things, though, there have been many attacks on the Rodian by multiple bounty hunters in the last couple of days.
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Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Eelysa Nara: Human/Female (Jedi Consular 2/ Soldier 2/ Scoundrel 1

Even as a small child Eelysa had always been competitive, this would become one of the reasons why she thought she was a poor choice to become a Jedi, and the idea that someone had beaten her to her bounty disgusted her greatly but of course that might not be the case, the bounty was still current so someone hadn’t collected on it.

Eelysa didn’t deny that she need more information, and while she might learn a few more details via listening in it wouldn’t paint her the whole picture, and that could lead to trying to dodge unexpected blaster, but a plan quickly formed in Eelysa’s keen mind.

Finally giving the human female her true attention Eelysa cut directly to the point her mask encrypting her voice to a point where telling race was improbable and detecting gender was an impossibility, “What’s your room number?”

The girl seemed slightly surprised, but shook her head and said in a quiet, but obviously slightly worried voice, "'t have a room here," she paused a moment before pointing off out the exit, "Its cheaper to stay aboard my ship...remember? I thought I'd mentioned that..."

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Eelysa Nara: Human/Female (Jedi Consular 2/ Soldier 2/ Scoundrel 1

In her years of hiding from bounty hunters Eelysa had learned many things but what was most important at that very moment was primary that killing people without bounties on them was never a good thing ad secondary, a mask was a wonderful device. Not only did it hides one’s identity but it also hid one’s emotions and that was probably the only reason why the chatterbox was still there and not running in pure terror…

Sighing quietly, her mike turned off so no one else could hear it, Eelysa reminded herself that a good bounty hunter was a smart bounty hunter and a smart bounty hunter could think on their feet, It matters not, and its hardly set back… In fact, it could be advantageous…

Speaking softly, hoping that the mask would carry her regret, Eelysa addressed the young women, “Yes, of course you did darling… What kind of ship was it again?”

"I really don't know much about it," she said with a shrug, before waving a hand vageuly, "Some old transport...I don't know. My brother knows that kind of thing."

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Eelysa Nara: Human/Female (Jedi Consular 2/ Soldier 2/ Scoundrel 1

With an exaggerated nod to convey her understanding Eelysa shifts her attention, though not her helmet, back to her marks before she continues to ask the girl question, “and your brother doesn’t mind if you work out of his ship?”

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Eelysa Nara: Human/Female (Jedi Consular 2/ Soldier 2/ Scoundrel 1

“So you like take care of him and stuff?” The mask hid Eelysa surprise and newfound respect she had for the girl before her.

OOC: How young/old is she and what does she look like?

((Sorry about no description of her, kept to that mainly because Eelysa wasn't paying attention...meant to add it in. She looks to be in her mid twenties, attached is an image for reference.))

The girl shrugged slightly, sitting back in the chair idly, "To a point, I guess. But he does his own thing most of the time..." she laughed slightly, "Guess I shouldn't be surprised. Seems to be in the blood for a Corellian."


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Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Eelysa Nara: Human/Female (Jedi Consular 2/ Soldier 2/ Scoundrel 1

Even inside her mask Eelysa smiles at the astute observation on Corellian behavior, “Yes, I believe it is… Where is your ship now?”

Voidrunner's Codex

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