Starfinder Starfinder's Spaceships Are Pretty!

Courtesy of at the GAMA trade show this weekend, these slides from the Paizo panel show off some gorgeous spaceship art from the Vesk (lizard people), the Shirren (insect people), and the Pactworld Alliance . Someone asked me the other day whether there would be a space hex grid battle map from Paizo, too -- the slide below answers that one with a definitive yes!

Courtesy of at the GAMA trade show this weekend, these slides from the Paizo panel show off some gorgeous spaceship art from the Vesk (lizard people), the Shirren (insect people), and the Pactworld Alliance . Someone asked me the other day whether there would be a space hex grid battle map from Paizo, too -- the slide below answers that one with a definitive yes!





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First Post
The Vesk ships kinda look like the Gamila ships from Space Battleship Yamato which is awesome. But that begs the question can we get a Wave Motion Gun on our ship to fight them?


The Vesk ships kinda look like the Gamila ships from Space Battleship Yamato which is awesome. But that begs the question can we get a Wave Motion Gun on our ship to fight them?

Raises the question, it does not beg it.
"To beg a question means to assume the conclusion of an argument—a type of circular reasoning. This is an informal fallacy, in which an arguer includes the conclusion to be proven within a premise of the argument, often in an indirect way such that its presence within the premise is hidden or at least not easily apparent."

The box art isn't terrible, I'll say that. I'll believe the ships are any better than average when I can see them, and that's a rather stiffer test than it would have been even a decade ago. Kickstarter in particular has let some very nice miniatures get into production.


Cute but dangerous
Hmm...nothing special,generic spaceship design, Minbari comes indeed to mind. I would have preferred something more elegant and less "bubbly."

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