State of the Mongoose 2022


The pain is made worse for me finding it necessary to also run campaigns online - have local players that are still uncomfortable with gaming in person. Since I moved campaigns to Virtual Tabletop, I've ended up buying 3 editions of the 2e CRB
I do appreciate that, and we are trying to find a solution to the '3 edition' problem. We have folded PDFs into the printed purchase (if you get it from our site), but the VTT side is proving a bit sticky. We are working on it.

In terms of new players, if this is useful, we do have the PDF of the Explorer's Edition (which contains all the core rule mechanics) for just $1, last year we posted a free adventure on Drivethru - and this year we are doing that again.

Not a full answer, I apologise, but we are making some progress and we are continuing to look for other ways to make things easier and more affordable.

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I do appreciate that, and we are trying to find a solution to the '3 edition' problem. We have folded PDFs into the printed purchase (if you get it from our site), but the VTT side is proving a bit sticky. We are working on it.
You're probably already aware of this, but Paizo Inc. allows you to sync your Fantasy Grounds account with your account. Because of that, any Fantasy Ground DLC you buy for a Paizo product, you get the equivalent PDF for free. Based on what I've been told by the leads in the local Pathfinder Society and some LGSs, Paizo is quite open for communication. So it might be worth it for Mongoose to get in contact with them for info on how they do the account syncing.
In terms of new players, if this is useful, we do have the PDF of the Explorer's Edition (which contains all the core rule mechanics) for just $1, last year we posted a free adventure on Drivethru - and this year we are doing that again.
Oh yes, I'm very aware of the Explorers Edition and have gifted a number of them to fellow gamers. Very much appreciated that Mongoose made the effort to offer that publication.


Love your corporate structure work. It's always fascinating to see other models in action.

Shield Maidens looks conceptually brilliant. Cannot wait to see the execution.


I bought the Core 2022 and High Guard a few days ago strictly because of how you're treating your employees and I wanted to support you.
Thank you for that, everyone here genuinely appreciates it. Hope you enjoy the new Traveller!

Oh, and we are going to be launching our free Christmas gift Traveller adventure in a couple of weeks on Drivethru - be sure to grab your copy :)


@kronovan Fellow Canuck here. Maybe you should try ordering from in Toronto? In my experience, their prices are even better than those of American retailers. Not sure if Mongoose participates in the Bricks'N'Mortar program like Chaosium and Free League Publishing do... but 401 Games does send a PDF link to customers who buy Chaosium and Free League books from them.

If Mongoose isn't a member... I wonder if it wouldn't be worthwhile for them to participate? Honest question.



@kronovan Fellow Canuck here. Maybe you should try ordering from in Toronto? In my experience, their prices are even better than those of American retailers. Not sure if Mongoose participates in the Bricks'N'Mortar program like Chaosium and Free League Publishing do... but 401 Games does send a PDF link to customers who buy Chaosium and Free League books from them.[/URL]
Thanks for posting the link. I'm aware of 401 Games and agree there prices and shipping rates are good. My challenge with them has been that the books I wanted were out of stock. I only discovered them in the early days of the pandemic though, so it's possible I've just been experiencing more recent supply chain problems. I actually bought my Traveller CRB and 13th Age CRB from Meeple Mart which is also in Toronto. We used to have a couple of stores like those, which had a solid online biz presence and also had local storefronts or offered local pickup. Sadly those went out of biz even before the pandemic.

With the brunt of my campaigns now on Virtual Tabletop, I'm mostly buying VTT digital editions and PDFs these days. So I'm looking forward to more publishers offering a VTT equivalent of the bricks'n'mortar program. I know Kobold Press -another TTRPG publisher for which I've triple purchased some publications- is looking to adopt something similar. With Mat mentioning that Mongoose is looking into it, would make my buying setting publications for those parts of the Traveller verse I don't own much more economical.
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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I want to chime in with my approval and love of what you're doing in-house and pointing Mongoose at a future where it's employee-owned and operated. The world needs more great places to work and it's awesome that you're doing what you can to make Mongoose one of those.

Voidrunner's Codex

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