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Stats for Iuz

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Yes, according to the usual unreliable sources, the Abyss is no longer worth the effort...

and the Nine Hells has a lease that runs out in December.


First Post
If there is something wrong with this, let me know and I will delete my post.

Demigod (3)
Grinning skull
Home Plane: Material Plane
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Portfolio: Deceit, pain, oppression, evil
Worshipers: Residents of the Empire of Iuz and environs, interrogators, spies
Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, NE
Domains: Chaos, Evil, Trickery
Favored Weapon: Greatsword

Thought to be the cambion son of the demon lord Graz'zt, ruler of the 45th through 47th layers of the Abyss, and the powerful wizard Iggwilv. Iuz is the ruler of his own nation-state in the heart of the Flanaess. He generally takes the form of a massive, pale demon when he wants to impress and intimidate visitors, but he looks like a shriveled old man when he wants to put supplicants at his court at ease.

Iuz revels in the exploitation of the weak by the strong, rule by guile and deceit, and the inflicting of pain for the sheer joy of it. His followers seek to expand the reach of the nation of Iuz, crushing enemies only after they've tasted agony beyond imagining. Power, pain, and oppression are the ultimate goals, and no means to those ends is beyond the pale. No trick is too cruel, no attack too ruthless, and no sacrifice to Iuz too sickening.

Clergy and Temples
The clerics in Iuz's church practice a bizarre form of survival of the fittest, fighting with each other as much as they compete with other faiths, alignments, and powers. They travel across the Flanaess, often in disguise, seeking powerful magic items and captured creatures of great good (such as clerics, paladins, and monsters such as unicorns and couatls). Outside of the nation of Iuz, clerics adopt whatever nondescript garb allows them to blend in—worship of Iuz is forbidden in many lands.

Two tiers of six advisors each (collectively called the Boneheart) are available at Iuz's beck and call. Another group of six powerful agents known as the Boneshadow travel the world on important missions of pain and deceit, projecting Iuz's dread influence everywhere.

Iuz builds grand temples to himself in his nation-state, but his churches are small and secret elsewhere. He maintains important sites for mass rituals, sacrifices, and other ill deeds in forbidding wilderness terrain far from the eyes of good.

Cleric 20/Assassin 10
Medium-Size Outsider (Chaotic, Evil)
Divine Rank 3

Hit Dice: 20d8+160 (outsider) plus 20d8+160 (Clr) plus 10d6+80 (Asn) (760 hp)
Initiative: +11 (+7 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 60 ft.
AC: 43 (+7 Dex, +3 divine, +16 natural, +7 deflection)
Attacks: +3 chaotic unholy greatsword +57/+52/+47/+42 melee; or spell +54 melee touch; or +45 ranged touch
Damage: +3 chaotic unholy greatsword 2d6+27/17-20, or by spell
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Domain powers, divine aura, salient abilities, spell-like abilities, sneak attack (+5d6), death attack (DC 27), poison use
Special Qualities: Divine immunities, fire resistance 23, damage reduction 38/+4, spell resistance 35, portfolio powers, spontaneous casting of divine spells, understand, speak, and read all languages and speak directly to all beings within 3 miles, rebuke undead 13/day, remote communication, godly realm, teleport without error at will, uncanny dodge (cannot be flanked, +1 Reflex saves/AC against traps)
Saves: Fort +44, Ref +34, Will +46
Abilities: Str 42, Dex 24, Con 26, Int 24, Wis 31, Cha 24
Skills: Bluff +53, Concentration +31, Diplomacy +71, Disguise +43, Forgery +33, Gather Information +43, Hide +43, Innuendo +46, Intimidate +57, Knowledge (arcana) +53, Knowledge (religion) +53, Knowledge (history) +33, Knowledge (nobility) +33, Listen +36, Scry +30, Search +33, Sense Motive +46, Spellcraft +30, Spot +36
Feats: Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Expertise, Extra Turning, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (greatsword), Improved Initiative, Mobility, Power Attack, Power Critical (greatsword), Spring Attack, Sunder, Superior Expertise, Whirlwind Attack
Divine Immunities: Transmutation, draining and ability damage, mind effects, disease and poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects, disintegration, electricity, cold, and acid
Salient Divine Abilities: Alter Size, Alter Form, Lay Curse, Wound Enemy
Divine Powers: Cast chaos and evil spells at +1 caster level

Spell-Like Abilities: (at will as a 13th-level caster; base DC = 20 + spell level): Animate objects, change self, chaos hammer, cloak of chaos, confusion, create undead, desecrate, dispel good, dispel law, false vision, invisibility, magic circle against good, magic circle against law, mislead, nondetection, polymorph any object, protection from good, protection from law, screen, shatter, summon monster IX, time stop, unholy blight, word of chaos, blasphemy, unholy aura

Cleric Spells/Day (base DC = 20 + spell level): 6/9/9/8/8/8/7/6/6/6

Assassin Spells/Day (base save DC = 17 + spell level): 4/4/4/2

Divine Powers
As a demideity Iuz adds a divine bonus of +3 to all attacks, saves, and checks. This is included in the statistics block when appropriate. He treats a 1 on a saving throw or attack roll normally and not as an automatic failure. He is immortal.

Senses: Iuz can see, hear, touch, and smell at a distance of 3 miles. As a standard action, he can perceive anything within 3 miles of his worshipers, holy sites, objects, or any location where his name or one of his titles was spoken in the last hour. He can extend his senses to up to 2 locations at once, and he can block the sensing power of deities of his rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 3 hours.

Portfolio Sense: Iuz is aware whenever a rumor or lie reaches the ears of at least 1,000 people.

Automatic Actions: Iuz can use Bluff, Innuendo, and Intimidate as free actions if the DC for the task is 15 or less: He can perform up to 2 such free actions each round.

Create Magic Items: Iuz can create items of up to 4,500 gp that create illusions or obscure the truth without any requisite item creation feat.

Divine Aura: The maximum radius for Iuz's divine aura is 30 feet. The save DC is 20.

Dragon Magazine 294 published by Wizards of the Coast.


Here's a quick update to 3.5 and the new statblock format:

Divine Rank 3
Male cleric 20/assassin 10
CE Medium outsider (chaotic, evil, native)
Init +11; Senses divine senses 3 miles, portfolio sense; Listen +36, Spot +36
Aura divine (30 ft., DC 20)
Languages all; remote communication
AC 43, touch 27, flat-footed 36 (+7 Dex, +3 divine, +16 natural, +7 deflection); uncanny dodge, Dodge, Mobility
hp 760 (50 HD); DR 15/epic
Immune divine immunities
Resist fire 8; SR 35
Fort +44, Ref +34, Will +46
Spd 60 ft.; greater teleport at will
Melee +3 anarchic unholy greatsword +57/+52/+47/+42 (2d6+27/17-20)
Base Atk +35; Grp +54
Atk Options sneak attack +5d6, Combat Reflexes, Combat Expertise, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Superior Expertise, Whirlwind Attack
Special Actions death attack (DC 27), domain powers, lay curse, rebuke undead 13/day (+7; 2d6+27), wound enemy
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 20th, 21st for Chaos or Evil Spells, DC 20 + spell level, +54 melee touch; or +45 ranged touch) 6/9/9/8/8/8/7/6/6/6
Assassin Spells/Day (CL 10th, DC 17 + spell level) 4/4/4/2
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 13th) At will—animate objects, blasphemy (DC 27), chaos hammer (DC 24), cloak of chaos (DC 28), confusion (DC 24), create undead, desecrate, disguise self, dispel good (DC 25), dispel law (DC 25), false vision, invisibility, magic circle against good, magic circle against law, mislead (DC 26), nondetection, polymorph any object (28), protection from good, protection from law, screen (DC 28), shatter (DC 22), summon monster IX, time stop, unholy blight (DC 24), word of chaos (DC 27), unholy aura (DC 28)
Abilities Str 42, Dex 24, Con 26, Int 24, Wis 31, Cha 24
SQ alter form, alter size, automatic actions, create magic items, portfolio powers, poison use, spontaneous casting, godly realm
Feats Cleave, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Extra Turning, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (greatsword), Improved Initiative, Mobility, Power Attack, Power Critical (greatsword), Spring Attack, Sunder, Superior Expertise, Whirlwind Attack
Skills Bluff +53, Concentration +31, Diplomacy +71, Disguise +43, Forgery +33, Gather Information +43, Hide +43, Intimidate +57, Knowledge (arcana) +53, Knowledge (religion) +53, Knowledge (history) +33, Knowledge (nobility) +33, Knowledge (the planes) +30, Knowledge (religion) +46, Listen +36, Search +33, Sense Motive +46, Spellcraft +30, Spot +36
Alter Form (Ex) As a move action, Iuz can alter his form, including clothing and equipment. The assumed form must be corporeal. Iuz's body can undergo a limited physical transmutation, including adding or subtracting one or two limbs. If the form selected has wings, Iuz can fly. Likewise, Iuz can swim if the form has fins, breathe water if the form has gills, and so on. Iuz can remain in the altered form indefinitely, but resumes his own form if slain. Iuz’s attack bonus, Armor Class, and saves do not change. Iuz does not gain any of the assumed form’s special abilities, attack forms, defenses, ability scores, or mannerisms. Iuz can change physical qualities (such as hair color, hair texture, skin color, and gender). Iuz can use this ability to create disguises, gaining a bonus of +10 on his Disguise checks. Iuz can use his Alter Size ability simultaneously along with this one to become taller, shorter, thinner, or heavier.
Alter Size (Su) As a free action, Iuz can assume any size from Fine to Colossal. Iuz also can change the size of up to 100 pounds of objects he touches. This ability allows Iuz to assume any proportions from the size of a grain of sand up or as much as 1,600 feet tall. A radical change in size can have great impact on his combat ability. Iuz's Strength, Armor Class, attack bonus, and damage dealt with weapons changes according to the size he assumes. Iuz’s Strength score can never be reduced to less than 1 through this ability. Also note that use of this divine ability does not affect all of Iuz’s characteristics.
Automatic Actions (Su) Iuz can use Bluff and Intimidate as free actions if the DC for the task is 15 or less: He can perform up to 2 such free actions each round.
Create Magic Items (Su) Iuz can create items of up to 4,500 gp that create illusions or obscure the truth without any requisite item creation feat.
Divine Aura (Ex) The maximum radius for Iuz's divine aura is 30 feet. The save DC is 20. Iuz can choose from the following effects each round as a free action. Iuz can daze affected beings, cause them to become shaken (or frightened), or he can impart a +4 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and checks, while the deity’s foes receive a -4 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks.
Divine Immunities Transmutation, draining and ability damage, mind effects, disease and poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects, disintegration, electricity, cold, and acid
Divine Powers As a demideity Iuz adds a divine bonus of +3 to all attacks, saves, and checks. This is included in the statistics block when appropriate. He treats a 1 on a saving throw or attack roll normally and not as an automatic failure. He is immortal.
Divine Senses Iuz can see, hear, touch, and smell at a distance of 3 miles. As a standard action, he can perceive anything within 3 miles of his worshipers, holy sites, objects, or any location where his name or one of his titles was spoken in the last hour. He can extend his senses to up to 2 locations at once, and he can block the sensing power of deities of his rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 3 hours.
Lay Curse (Su) This ability works like the bestow curse spell, except that mortals get no save. Deities of Divine Rank 3 or lower are subject to this ability, but are allowed DC 20 Will saves to resist. The curse can be removed only by a deity of Divine Rank 3 or higher. Iuz can affect up to 3 creatures at once, but no more than 3 each day. All must be within the Iuz’s line of sight when first affected.
Portfolio Sense (Su) Iuz is aware whenever a rumor or lie reaches the ears of at least 1,000 people.
Remote Communication (Su) As a standard action, Iuz can speak to any of his own worshipers, and to anyone within 3 miles from a site dedicated to him or from a statue or other likeness of himself. The creature being contacted can receive a telepathic message that only it can hear. Alternatively, Iuz’s voice can seem to issue from the air, the ground, or from some object of the his choosing (but not an object or locale dedicated to another deity of Divine Rank 3 or higher). In the latter case, anyone within earshot of the sound can hear it. Iuz can send a manifestation or omen instead of a spoken or telepathic message. Iuz’s communication power can cross planes and penetrate any barrier. Once communication is initiated, Iuz can continue communicating as a free action until it decides to end the communication. Iuz can carry on up to 2 remote communications at one time.
Spontaneous Casting (Ex) Iuz can spontaneously cast any cleric, Chaos, Evil, or Trickery spell.
Teleportation (Sp) Iuz can use greater teleport as a spell-like ability at will, as the spell cast by a 20th-level character, except that Iuz can transport only itself and up to 300 pounds of objects per divine rank.
Wound Enemy (Su) The affected weapon deals damage to a creature such that a wound it causes deals 1d6 points of damage per round thereafter in addition to the normal damage from the weapon. Multiple wounds from the weapon result in cumulative bleeding loss (two wounds for 2d6 points of damage per round, and so on). The bleeding can only be stopped by a successful DC 18 Heal check or the application of any cure spell or other healing spell (heal, mass cure light wounds, and so on). The ability functions only when Iuz personally attacks with a physical weapon. The ability works with a ranged weapon, but not if someone else uses the weapon. Iuz can apply to the ability to any weapon or natural weapon, but not to a spell, spell-like ability, supernatural ability, or divine ability.

Voidrunner's Codex

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