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Stolen Goods (El Jefe judging)


At the cart driver's invitation Alden climbs aboard and introduces himself. He rides in silence for the most part, hunkered down against the rain. He watches the scenery as it rolls by, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious.

When they finally arrive at the inn, he climbs out of the cart and stretches to loosen stiffened muscles. Walking to the inviting entrance he does the best to shake the worst of the rain off his cloak.

[sblock=ooc]Wmasters, glad you like the picture. Sadly I can't claim any credit. I stole it from Elfwood. http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/art/j/a/janove/janove.html[/sblock]

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First Post
Eanos, human monk

[sblock=OOC]Since we skimmed through it, I'll just hand wave that Eanos introduced himself when asked.[/sblock]

"Many thanks, Jebadiah," the monk says as he leaps gracefully from the cart and surveys the Inn with a quick glance before entering.


First Post
Joru Journeys

Jebadiah, my name is Joru. I thank you most profusely for the kindness you have shown. I hope that I can in some way repay you.

How safe is the road that we are traveling? Are we in danger from bandits?

[sblock=Rae ArdGaoth please read]

Can Joru identify the figure trailing behind them? Maybe he can spot more details than just gray fur. Joru's spot check: (1d20-1=18)

If Joru can only see features of the trailing figure, not identifying it outright, I believe his Knowledge(nature) check is good enough to identify it: Knowledge(nature): 26 (19+7)

It seems likely Joru has a associated with Druids before, nevertheless I rolled a Bardic Knowledge roll to discover whether Joru knows about Druid animal companions. I rolled a little poorly but achieved a 10 (6+4). If the animal companion class ability is knowledge "known by at least a substantial minority of the local population," (local population for Joru might be considered the inhabitants of his forest home, including both Elves and Fey) then Joru knows about animal companions.

The interesting part is that I do not believe that Quarion has ever presented himself as Druid within Joru's presence. Unfortunately Joru, though charismatic and intelligent, is a bit absent minded. If he must rely on a Sense motive check to pick up a clue that Quarion is a Druid, he fails completely: Sense Motive: 3 (4-1)

Rae, I leave all of these checks in your hands. (1) Whether Joru spots more details of the animal, (2) whether he identifies it, and (3) whether he, as a Forest Gnome, knows what an animal companion is. And last of all (4) whether Joru suspects Quarion is a Druid, or Quarion has introduced himself to Joru as a Druid.

If he suspects that Quarion is a druid, and the figure following them is his animal companion, Joru will take the following action:

Upon identifing the <<insert name here>> following them. Joru suspects that his traveling group may be one larger than it first appears. When given the opportunity to discretely whisper to Quarion, Joru whispers in Elven: What is your friend's name? I would like to meet him somtime.

If he does not suspect that Quarion is a druid or does not suspect that the figure following them is Quarion's animal companion, and Joru identifies the creature as an animal that can be dangerous, Joru will take the following action:

Joru notices that the gray figure that had been following the party is a <<insert name here>>. Though it does not seem prepared to offer violence, he thinks that his companions will need to take care not to put themselves in danger. Thinking these thoughts, Joru interupts his constant singing and telling of stories to say to everyone in Common, "While we are between settlements I believe that we should be careful to stay with the wagon and not stray off alone." Joru then addresses Jebadiah, "Are you aware of any dangers along these roads?"

Rae, depending on how you interpret these rolls, and the idea you have for presenting Quarion, please present one of Joru's actions if you find one to be appropriate.

During the hours it takes to travel to the inn, Joru will sing for Jebediah and his traveling companions. With a perform check of 25(18+7), Joru achieves a stunning performance. Good enough to improve the attitude of anyone not already helpful.

Joru also shares what he knows about Fallon and it's history with his fellow adventurers. OOC: Feel free to read the knowledge blocks in the RDI thread.

Once at the Inn, Joru jumps out of the wagon and jogs around in small circle while singing.

[sblock=Goblin]Learn this simple lesson lad
there will be discomforts on the march.

But marching is not nigh the most trubl'some part.
If not ready to match the foe
You think only of your feet

Having stretched out his legs, he hurrys towards the Inn to find someone in charge. If found, Joru will address them in this manner: Today a stranger has shown me kindness. I feel inspired by the journey, by the high flying clouds who share their bounty with us, and by my exotic and well traveled friends. I fear that I could not bear to contain my excitement, will you give me your leave to share some of my songs and my feelings with your common room?

If given the chance, Joru performs, but having endured the constant drizzle of a day's travel in an uncomfortable wagon, Joru gives but an anverage performance. Perform check: 12(5+7=12) Joru won't hustle anyone, but perhaps he will be offered invitations to refreshment from some of the other patrons, or even the odd coin.

At such time that Joru sees Jebadiah within the Inn, Joru will engage in the following conversation: Jebadiah, I thank you again for the generous use of your wagon. Allow me treat you to dinner.

Assuming nothing else of importance arises Joru will spend his evening performing and mingling with Jebadiah, the other patrons, and his traveling companions.


To all:
I hope this post is not disruptive. In this specific case, I am trying to follow wmaster's flow of time for the journey. I hope that our characters's journey can be effectively played out in this manner. I am still fairly new to PbP, so I would very much welcome any comments and advice which can help me craft posts conducive to a fun game.

Thank you for the excellent responses to Joru's knowledge checks back in the Red Dragon Inn. You really went beyond the call of duty. (I just wish I had rolled better concerning knowledge of banditry around Fallon. :heh: )

Rae ArdGaoth

Quarion Holimion, Elven Druid 3

"I am Quarion, druid of the Green." Quarion introduces himself to Jebadiah with a slight bow.

[sblock=To LiquidBlue: ]I'm assuming you read Quarion's character sheet? =P Garma, his wolf companion, is not making an effort to remain hidden, in fact, Quarion likes to see Garma every now and then. So I'd say that Joru has had more than ample opportunity to spot and identify the wolf.

Also, Quarion makes it no secret that he is a druid, though he is modest (well, he is nowadays). So Joru would also know, at the very least from Quarion's introduction to Jebadiah, of Quarion's class. So I would also say it's a safe bet that Joru could put two and two together.[/sblock]
Liquid Blue said:
Upon identifing the wolf following them, Joru suspects that his traveling group may be one larger than it first appears. When given the opportunity to discretely whisper to Quarion, Joru whispers in Elven: What is your friend's name? I would like to meet him sometime.
Quarion smiles at Joru. He replies, "Ho yelamin Garma, tuulessa ho i'Taur'beth ten'draug. Alye'lemlye ten'nir'yen, ar'omentamin nir'atar ho. Iire coiamin e'tel'taur, nakelvar mellon en'amin. Natel'draug tugea nan'aronna. Omentlle rato."

When they reach the inn, Quarion thanks Jebadiah curtly and proceeds immediately to the forest, where he meets his wolf companion Garma to hunt and pray. After a few hours, he returns, looking peaceful and serene, and a little bit dirtier than before. He refrains from eating anything served at the inn, rather, he drinks from his waterskin and eats some freshly cooked venison from his recent wilderness forage. Exactly what is in the waterskin isn't obvious, but Quarion seems to be loosening up the more he drinks from it.

[sblock=Elven Translation: ]I call him Garma, his name comes from the Sylvan word for wolf. We have traveled together for many years, and I knew his great great grandfather. When I lived in the forest alone, the animals were my only companions. The wolf is a fierce but noble creature. You will meet soon enough.[/sblock]
[sblock=OOC to LB: ]LiquidBlue: On the forums is my favorite place to roleplay. You can really invest a lot of time and effort in planning out what your character is going to say, and the amount of time I put into my posts has made me more aware of where I want my characters to go. It's weird to say it, but I feel an emotional attachment to my characters, especially the ones I've been playing for a long time.

So on the long posts, I say keep 'em coming. And the more our characters can interact with each other, the better. I wouldn't worry about stealing the spotlight or anything like that. I for one enjoy reading long posts, be they by players or DMs.[/sblock]
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First Post
Eanos, human monk

Rae ArdGaoth said:
Quarion smiles at Joru. He replies, "Ho yelamin Garma, tuulessa ho i'Taur'beth ten'draug. Alye'lemlye ten'nir'yen, ar'omentamin nir'atar ho. Iire coiamin e'tel'taur, nakelvar mellon en'amin. Natel'draug tugea nan'aronna. Omentlle rato."

Eanos frowns as the two men carry on their conversation. Once they've all settled in the Inn, the frown returns as he speaks to them.

"If we are to travel together, I would ask that you not keep secrets. We may well need to trust each other with our lives, and I can't do that with men who blithely hold coded discussions in front of me."

[sblock=OOC]Just so you know, you guys just happened to stumble on something that calls back directly to Eanos' background. His former master refused to teach him Elven, and Eanos came to believe he and the elves were keeping secrets of his past from him (given his high Sense Motive, he's probably right).

I normally try to avoid in-party conflict RP, but it seemed a shame to pass up something that so perfectly lined up with one of Eanos' primary motivators to leave home and become an adventurer. :)[/sblock]


Alden sits with the others, gathered around a table in the warmth of the inn. He didn't pay much attention to the gnome and elf as they talked earlier, but Eanos's words ring true to him. He nods a little and then speaks up.

"He does have a point. Not that I believe you're hiding anything, or even discussing anything of any importance. But it's still a little bit rude to discuss things in a language that only some can understand."

Then he lapses into silence again and stares into the hearth.


First Post
Joru speaks with his companions

Joru knew that speaking in a tongue not shared by all, could cause friction in his group of traveling companions. When he hears both Eanos and Alden's thoughts, he contributes by saying, "Truly I did not mean offense by using the Elven tongue, and I feel greatly honored that you may eventually find my trust worthy of your life."

Joru then begins singing, this time in Common.
[I][COLOR=Teal]What wonders in the world are found
When men of different background hound
the slimest piece of adventure offered
strangers all, and yet nothing proffered

What may we know or stories tell
of heros great and monsters fell
Tell me then, my companions tall
of the rain and drizzle sung for all

Do the mouldering apples heros make?
Or is that title free to take?
It is said that our lives united are
and that trust will protect us better far

But secrets are not things tame
Distrust will our protective unity maim.
ghe Bana is a simple gnome
a wanderer without a home

No simple bandits draw his aim
For he for history to attain
Meets and sings and listens
until the truth known, glistens[/COLOR][/I]

Speaking again to his companions, Joru says, "I travel and learn the histories of the world and it's peoples. I know that I will someday have a history that begins in the back of an old wagon. It will be a history that I will remember and retell regardless of it's ending or significance, but I submit that we can make that story better than some average tale. But we must come to understand and trust one another. If we do, perhaps someday you will hear of our simple travel being sung in an unfamiliar Inn."

OOC: Joru will still perform the actions presented in my previous post.


First Post
Jebadiah hums along to Joru's song, lifting his spirits even through the rain. "The road's pretty safe, my friend," he says to Joru, "We don't really see a lot of trouble. I should think there's even less danger with you on the cart as well."

Having disembarked from the cart you find warmth and shelter from the rain in the Gilded Rose, the smell of roasted meat making your mouth water as you go in.

The inn is not busy, two men, one of which still wears a chain vest, sit in the corner of the room sit eating a roast dinner, flagons of ale on the table; other than that there is just the innkeeper and yourselves. The innkeeper, a portly man with rosy cheeks, greets you with a cheery smile, happilly providing you with food and drink at your request. "Yes, you can sing if you wish!" he says to Joru, his voice loud and clear.

Jebediah gratefully accepts your offer of dinner, and eats hungrily, wolfing down the meat and potatoes brought out.

When Quarion enters and joins your table the innkeeper looks over, ready to provide more drinks. When he drinks from her waterskin he looks somewhat disapprovingly of him, but makes no move to come over.

[sblock=LiquidBlue]It's not made a difference in this, but it's worth noting that the Perform skill does not normally influence people's reactions as you suggested in your post. The skill you linked to is the Epic skill, not the standard Perform skill, for which the details are here. You can, of course, use Diplomacy to achieve a shift in NPC reaction however.

Having had a quick glance at your character sheet, I'm also a little confused by your having the Extra Music feat. I'm probably missing where it's been approved, but I thought that was in Complete Adventurer, and so not avaliable in LEW?[/sblock]
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First Post
Dae has taken the trip as an opprotunity to study the group dynamic as it evolves. He can be seen polishing his longbow and tapping his foot to Joru's songs.


First Post
Eanos, human monk

LiquidBlue said:
Joru knew that speaking in a tongue not shared by all, could cause friction in his group of traveling companions. When he hears both Eanos and Alden's thoughts, he contributes by saying, "Truly I did not mean offense by using the Elven tongue, and I feel greatly honored that you may eventually find my trust worthy of your life."

Eanos' sternness falls into a gracious smile. He nods his head as he says, "My thanks for your understanding."

He orders himself a simple meal with water to drink when the opportunity presents itself, then--as is his general custom--sits back to observe as the evening passes.

Voidrunner's Codex

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