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Stolen Goods (El Jefe judging)


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Joru takes advantage of the Innkeeper's leave to sing. Though he does a decent job of it, he doesn't feel that he has performed as well as he normally could. (Perform check from previous post 12.) Perhaps it is that long wagon ride or maybe there are too few people to generate the needed energy, he thinks to himself.

After sharing his last song, Joru approachs the two figures sitting in the corner. "I am Joru, a gnome. I hope that my singing has been a pleasant addition to your evening. If, I may be bold, what are your names, and what business brings you here this evening?"

OOC: Joru has been singing so it is entirely possible for any of his traveling companions to have already engaged these two in conversation. I don't know if we are going to role play much more of our time at the Inn. I do not wish to slow down the adventure if that is the case. If we are simply passing through then Joru's Gather Information check for information concerning the road and its possible dangers is 11. Then Joru retires for the evening.

I will be happy to explain my character sheet. The feat Extra Music can be found in the SRD. Here is a link to the WOTC version (scroll down to the feats section), and a link to d20srd.org.

Concerning the perform skill. It is oportune that when I brought up the the perform skill's attitude changing properties, it was in a situation where it would not matter. It is my understanding that the Epic Level Handbook and the Epic portions of the SRD do not introduce epic skills that are distinct from the normal skills, they simply give additional DCs for additional uses of the regular skills. What makes these skill uses epic are their high DCs.

Diplomancy and Perform have significant differences in the ability to influence attitude. Diplomancy only requires a single minute, and can be rushed to be done in a single round. Perform requires an entire performance, the length of which is not defined, but which I imagine takes more than just a couple of songs. Depending on the circumstances, I would think that such a performance could not be less than half an hour in length. Thematicly, I think it makes sense that a stiring performance can still the heart and calm the soul.

Having said that, perhaps the LEW consensus if different, and does not consider the skill uses described in the epic part of the SRD available.

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[sblock=LiquidBlue]Thanks for linking to that! I thought it was wierd, that I couldn't find the feat on the srd - I was looking under Feats, not the Divine Feats part (which I don't think I've ever actually opened before!).

Equally the Epic handbook is new to me. Thematically I agree it makes sense, I agree, I'd just not come across it before, and seeing it in the Epic section of the SRD assumed that it referred to Epic characters. I'll check, but I'm happy to play it with this effect as well. [/sblock]

Rae ArdGaoth

Quarion Holimion, Elven Druid

OOC: I'm going to assume that Eanos brought up his complaint about Elven after Quarion returned from his hunt.

The corners of Quarion's thin elven mouth turn up slightly as he addresses Eanos. "I meant no disrespect, I assure you. We elves are a proud race, and having lived alone for so long, I sometimes forget that others cannot understand my every thought." Quarion leans forward in his chair, his smile growing as he takes another drink from his waterskin. "Let us turn this divisive issue into a uniting one. I feel it would pass the time on the journey if Joru and I were to teach you tel' Eldalie, the Elven tongue. Here, your first lesson: Llie n'vanima ar' lle atara lanneina. You are ugly, and your mother dresses you like a fool." He chuckles and lifts his waterskin for a toast. "May our paths be green and the breeze be at our backs. Aa' menle nauva calen ar' ta hwesta e' ale'quenle." He drinks and is merry.


Alden raises an eyebrow at the druid's attempt at humor. He can only hope that the monk does not get more offended. He rubs his face wearily, and one finger idly traces old scars as he watches the gnome's performance.


First Post
A small balding man greets Joru as he approaches, his friend, presumably a guard of some persuasion by his appearances, seems more interested in his ale. "You're quite the singer," he comments.

Asking about bandits, he assures you that the roads here are reasonably safe for travellers, and that many merchants travel alone. Of course, if you are carrying valuable goods, you can never be too careful, and you would be wise to keep them concealed and preferably travel with a guard.

The night wears on, the crackling fire warming the inn and making it a comfortable place to drink and share stories into the night until you realise your tiredness and retire for the evening. After a long days ride in the carts, the beds offer comfortable respite. In the morning, the sun rises and shines brightly, showing the clouds of the previous day have cleared.

After a hearty breakfast, Jebadiah goes to prepare the cart for the days travel, and it is not long before you are on the road again.


Alden retires without much comment and is ready to face the new day early next morning. He keeps an eye on the lands surrounding the roadways as the group travels. The posting mentioned bandits as the goal of this expedition, but it would be an amusing irony if the bandits should try and waylay them as they traveled.


First Post
Joru finds himself on the Road again.

Upon waking in the morning, Joru prepares himself for the upcoming day's journey, then takes his leave from the innkeeper with the following:

Good morning, good innkeeper. I awake this morning well refreshed, and I find that your food has managed to appease my appetite. I thank you for the kind opportunity you granted me to share my voice. I will recommend the Gilded Rose to any that may find the need to journey this same path. Good day.

If he sees them, Joru will also say goodbye to the two gentlemen he met from the night before.

Joru will also try to speak with Quarion privately. "I fear that I have created the beginings of a rift within our company. Let us act to heal this breach before it grows too wide." Joru pauses, then continues, "May I now meet Garma?"

As the group prepares again to leave with Jebadiah, Joru sings quietly to himself:

[sblock=Sylvan]Why do the humans
go quickly over the ground
not learning to see?

then more loudly, Joru sings in common:

Learn then from Kolum Gast,
who journeyed far and wide,
and whose many treasures we now know,
he found along the side.

But treasures go, and do not last
each trinket has a price,
but one he found, a former foe
a friend not torn by dice.

Joru then climbs into the wagon and asks Jebadiah, "How long does the journey to Fallon take?"

As during the day before, Joru will share songs and stories with his companions as they travel. Perform; second day's travel (1d20+7=24)

OOC: Joru must know many traveling songs. :D


First Post
Eanos, human monk

Rae ArdGaoth said:
"Let us turn this divisive issue into a uniting one. I feel it would pass the time on the journey if Joru and I were to teach you tel' Eldalie, the Elven tongue. Here, your first lesson: Llie n'vanima ar' lle atara lanneina. You are ugly, and your mother dresses you like a fool." He chuckles and lifts his waterskin for a toast. "May our paths be green and the breeze be at our backs. Aa' menle nauva calen ar' ta hwesta e' ale'quenle." He drinks and is merry.

Eanos gives a slight smile and nod, but says nothing. He passes the evening in quiet observation, and in the morning joins his fellows back on the wagon, senses alert for any threat that might be lurking on the road.

[sblock=OOC]+12 for both Listen and Spot. Eanos hasn't proved all that effective in combat, but it's quite difficult to surprise him, at least. ;)[/sblock]

Rae ArdGaoth

Quarion Holimion, Elven Druid

Quarion gives Joru an unconcerned smile. "Eanos seems a fine fellow, rather level-headed, I believe we shall be friends. And Alden, he is scarred, physically and emotionally it seems. He will come around to us in time. At the very least, you and I shall be friends, yes? And Garma, as well."

As if on cue, a streak of grey bursts from the foliage. The creature is clearly a wolf, and it pounces on Quarion, knocking him over. The elf laughs and wrestles with the wolf for a moment before getting up. Quarion speaks to Garma in slow, articulated Sylvan. "Arg'ha wae. Aen da Joru. Joru da anshal. Ilsa da anshal." He gestures to the gnome as well as the others on the cart. Garma the wolf shakes the leaves and dirt from his coat. He moves toward Joru slowly, sniffing at his feat and his hair. "Do not be afraid," Quarion reassures Joru. After about half a minute, Garma's inspection is finished. The wolf backs away and, still staring at Joru, inclines his head ever so slightly.

Quarion places one hand on his companion's back and with the other produces some dried venison from a pouch. Rather than feeding Garma with his hand, Quarion puts the meat in his own mouth and kneels down, offering the food held in his teeth. Garma grabs at it with a set of vicious looking teeth, but Quarion doesn't flinch, and they both pull at the meat for a moment until Garma manages to rip most of it away. Quarion laughs lightly and says, "I have never won that particular game. The creatures of the forest will treat you as an equal if you treat them as an equal. Not that I suggest you try it. Wait until you are better friends." Quarion smiles as he sits back down on the cart. Garma races off into the woods, ready to follow his friend wherever he goes.

[sblock=Sylvan Translation: ]"Join us. This is Joru. He is family. They are family, also."[/sblock]


First Post
The long journey towards Fallon continues, spirits kept high with Joru's singing. The cart, while not the most comfortable of carriages, is fast and functional as it rolls along the dusty road. Jebadiah talks to any that will listen, asking about your families, your homelands and making conversation.

After several days the journey begins to seem somewhat monotonous, the wooded hills looking much the same one day to the next and the bounce of the cart on the occasional rut in the road jarring you slightly, making your muscles ache by the time you disembark in the evenings.

After the fifth day the view to your right opens to reveal a huge blue expanse of water, the light of the afternoon sun glistening on it's surface, greeting you with a serene and beautiful landscape. "That's the Kithsui Lake. We should be in Fallon by evening."

The cart rattles on as the sun dips lower into the sky and you near a few wooden buildings, huddled along the side of the road. "This is Fallon, and where I turn off. Your companies been appreciated for the journey. The Jolly Fisherman's not a bad place to stay," he says, gesturing towards one of the building's. "Good luck."

Voidrunner's Codex

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