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Storms of Change IC Part 4

Isida Kep'Tukari

"Dearie me, this sounds rather fun! Tell me, do we know anything of this keep other than where it is? And if any other nasties besides those dreadfully dull Hexorities are lurking about?" Zook inquires.

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"Dunathar. Just Dunathar. No need to twist it more", mumbles the dwarf under his breath and continues with the cheese.


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Sado said:
Goven is not usually the first to speak, but his head is filled with questions at all these new revelations. Most pressing on his mind, "Pardon, my lord, but why send such a small group? I uderstand there was a need for secrecy, but now that we know our enemies also seek this place, why not send a larger force? If the need for haste is your concern, I am certain my company of scouts could move with sufficient speed through the wilds."

He quickly takes his seat again, aware of the others' eyes upon him and a bit self-conscious at having spoken out so quickly.

"Well spoken Goven. Let me explain. First, I don't know if the objective here is military, though with this new information that General Nazdin is also interested in Linace Keep, I suspect it may be. Without knowing, I am reluctant to commit troops. As I see it, the mission is primarily a scouting mission, with a wide array of skills if they are needed.

The Dharnans did not say what is at Linace Keep. They recruited a team of talented unknowns interested in helping the Kingdom, equipped them, and sent them off in secrecy. Brenin Dharnan, the slain Duke's brother, said that the Keep may be of strategic importance. I can only guess he means that the location is strategic, perhaps as a forward observation and scouting post. But he also wanted to uncover information on the former occupants there. Today, that area is an uninhabited wilderness. But centuries ago that was civilized land, held by the short-lived Kingdom of Linace, ruled by Redbeard. That's the same Redbeard as in Redbeard's Band, the legendary adventurers."

Manzanita thinks back to what Brenin Dharnan said...

Brenin Dharnan said:
“In a way, this group of mercenaries indirectly helped Shillen become the kingdom it is today. They accomplished many great things, clearing the land of giants and even dragons. They are said to have explored the entire world, both above and below. They’re said to have gone to the moons Urm and Yong, and even to other planes of existence. They were said to be powerful, yes, but nothing more than mercenaries. They did nothing with their power but accumulate personal wealth.”


First Post
Manzanita said:
Manzanita will wait for the Warden to answer Groven before speaking.

"We were fortunate to encounter the Hextorites, I believe, for we have learned much of interest to Shillen. We also removed a potential thorn in your side. They were armed with catapolts, and were clearly no mere bandits, but preparing to take part in an attack on the city itself. I hope you are not disapointed with our progress. We understand that our true mission is to the Linace keep, however, and we will attempt to avoid further sidetracks this time."

"Yes, you did a great service for Carodan. Indeed, for the entire Kingdom of Shillen. From my point of view, this was far more important than investigating some old ruins..."

Warden Ricsten hesitates for a moment.

"I will tell you some things that are generally not known. The Kingdom of Shillen is weak. We have been battered by invasions from both Goruka and Pachen. The Duchy of Rogan, closest to Goruka, has been hit especially hard. There are fewer and fewer persons of fighting age left in Rogan. Many of our greatest warriors have fallen defending the Kingdom."

Ricsten swallows.

"Our planners and strategists fear this upcoming invasion. Some say Shillen may not survive."


First Post
Isida Kep'Tukari said:
"Dearie me, this sounds rather fun! Tell me, do we know anything of this keep other than where it is? And if any other nasties besides those dreadfully dull Hexorities are lurking about?" Zook inquires.

Warden Ricsten seems to snap out of a momentary haze.

"I will tell you what we know, Zook Threetongues. The area is particularly wild, and not often patrolled. Our scouts report that even the orcs, goblinoids and giants generally stay clear of the area. It is in a dense forest, filled with beasts and vermin of all sorts."

"General Nazdin is also interested in Linace Keep, so I would assume he will be sending forces there as well. The journals say that he commanded the Hextorites to investigate the Keep, but that the Hextorites sent a force of hobgoblins from the Red Claw Clan instead. The Red Claw Clan is a very large and powerful hobgoblin clan."

"Manzanita, do you still have that map we gave you?"


OOC: Scale on map is off. Distance from Carodan to Linace Keep is about 50 miles as the crow flies.
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First Post
Someone said:
"Dunathar. Just Dunathar. No need to twist it more", mumbles the dwarf under his breath and continues with the cheese.

OOC: Sorry, should've realized that Dunathar Without Name wasn't what he goes by in public.


"Ok, that´s only we have to finish our work, I have no problem with it." says Dunathar, and cleans his short beard of bred crumbs. "Exploring an old ruin seems easy enough, and I´m ready to go right now. But what are we supposed to to if we find company there?"


Someone said:
"Ok, that´s only we have to finish our work, I have no problem with it." says Dunathar, and cleans his short beard of bred crumbs. "Exploring an old ruin seems easy enough, and I´m ready to go right now. But what are we supposed to to if we find company there?"

Lucan smiles at the dwarf's question, as it had been next on the Gorukan gladiator's own mind. Tactics is always the first concern. Lucan had known few dwarves in Goruka, but those who had been unfortunate enough to have been thrown into the arena had been stalwart allies - and implacable foes. Dunathar's words were thus taken with great interest.

"Yes, Warden," Lucan added. "I'd imagine we should not expect a quick trip there and back. Any thoughts on who might be waiting for us at the ruins?"


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silentspace said:
"I will tell you some things that are generally not known. The Kingdom of Shillen is weak. We have been battered by invasions from both Goruka and Pachen. The Duchy of Rogan, closest to Goruka, has been hit especially hard. There are fewer and fewer persons of fighting age left in Rogan. Many of our greatest warriors have fallen defending the Kingdom."

A lump starts to form in Goven's throat at hearing this. "I don't know the importance of this place, but I shall do all I can to make sure we get there."

After considering for a moment, he speaks again. "My lord, I have fought my share of Gorukans, but I know naught of this Nazdin. What can you tell us of him?"


First Post
Insight said:
"Yes, Warden," Lucan added. "I'd imagine we should not expect a quick trip there and back. Any thoughts on who might be waiting for us at the ruins?"

Warden Ricsten smiles. "The only suggestion I can give is to expect the unexpected. But that is why I selected you for this team, for all the different skills and abilities each of you brings."

Voidrunner's Codex

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