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Storms of Change IC Part 4


Lucan of Oludan

Lucan wraps the chain back into the ready position.

"I'm just going to see that the hobgoblins aren't planning a rematch."

He leaves the inspection of the body to the others and slips off into the trees in the direction that the hobgoblins went. He doesn't go far, and does what he can to avoid encountering them again. He just wants to make sure that they are not planning to regroup and return.

When he is as sure as he can be, he returns to the others.

"Now, what are we to do with the gnolls?"

ooc: * Hide +9 * Move Silently +9 *

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"Of course they are planning a rematch, lad" says Dunathar. "Just remember what I´ve been saying all the time."

Then, looking at the pile of things he got from the dead hobgoblin, continues: "Those things are of no use to me, but they will get a good price when sold, I´m sure."

[ooc: Excuse me, silentspace, but I don´t remember if we met an Alba before]


First Post
Lucan follows the hobgoblins. As best as he can tell, they are continuing to ride off, at least for now. Not wanting to go too far alone, he returns to the others.

As he returns Manzanita is floating down from her tree.

Manzanita said:
"Alba was correct. Our goals are well aligned with yours. We would keep this forest safe from cruel marraders such as these. We are fortunate to have succeeded for now, but they will be back. Let's gather our prisoners and return to the keep. Will you join us Karala? I would certainly be interested to speak with you farther."

"You do, do you? Well let's go then."

"Wait!" Pard says excitedly. "You can't take the gnolls! Alba would not allow it! We can't keep prisoners!"

Zook stomps his foot on the ground and says "And we can't just butcher helpless prisoners either!"

Karala floats about, regarding the situation and the group with great interest.

"No, we can't just kill them either! But we can't hold them! What are we going to do?"

"Now now, Pard. Just because you don't have a jail now, doesn't mean you can't build one, now does it? You're gnomes, after all, aren't you? Why, I bet if you put your minds to it, you could build the best jail ever! As for Alba, she will have to accept it. As the leader of the forest gnomes, one of her duties is to accept and handle change. It looks, dear Pard, like our world is changing. We've not gotten so many visitors in our forests since, well since a very long time. I fear Alba will have to construct a jail for the gnolls, as there aren't any good alternatives, are there?" Karala smiles at Zook.

"Now, let's get going, shall we?" Karala says as she fades from sight into thin air.


"Yes, let´s return." says Dunathar. "We´re back at the starting point. This victory is temporal, you are not really in a better position than yesterday. Someone must do something with the tunnels."

"I hope I´m not that one"


Lucan of Oludan, male human

Lucan does what is needed to get the gnolls ready to be moved.* He's no rougher than he needs to be in order to convince them to cooperate.

If no one else claims it, Lucan takes the cloak that seems to conceal its owner.

ooc: strip their weapons and armour, bind and blindfold them. Anything else?


First Post

"What now?" Goven asks the others. "We have stopped the immediate threats, for now at least, as we had planned. Do we return to Carodan now that we have bought some time, so that we may come back in force? Or do we return straightaway to the keep and try to deal with what is in the tunnels?"


First Post

"Now we return to the keep. I still want to identify this staff, and perhaps other items. We have a little time to train, discuss this woods, and plan our next moves. There is little point in returning to Carodan, unless we bring a weapon powerful enough to change the course of the war. I also want to speak to Karala about the spring and see if I can learn some new spells from the gnomes. Come. We have much to carry back, and the gnolls must be watched carefully as we travel. Bring all Khelan's equipment. Let's go."


First Post
Under Linace Keep.

Arriving at Linace Keep,

After a brief talk with Alba, the gnomes set upon building holding cells for the gnolls. A family of gnomes volunteers their very nice home to house the gnolls while the prison is built. The place is abuzz with activity, as the gnomes busy themselves making comfortable gnoll-sized mattresses, large feather pillows, and artistically quilted blankets for their new prisoners. Much effort is put into creating a nutritious and delicious menu, and several tailors put together sketches of fashionable new outfits and colorful fabric swatches for the gnolls' prison clothing.

Meanwhile, the group is ushered in to meet with Alba in her chambers.

Alba is slumped back in her chair, and looks weary. "So, our world is changing. If I understand what you're saying, there will be more gnolls, hobgoblins, and who knows what else coming to search for this place."

Karala nods. "They will find a way past the seals. Or force their way through."

Alba says "We've been interrogating the gnolls. They say an army of thousands is readying to march from the north. It will sweep through the wilderness, where many creatures are ready to join them. Because the gnolls and hobgoblins have failed to find Linace Keep, the army will surely send more scouts. Their supreme commander, General Nazdin, is determined to find it. Perhaps a company of soldiers. They will sweep through the forest until they find it. "

Looking at the party, Alba says "You must do something!"

Karala looks at Manzanita's staff. "You have Linace's staff. It is the key to the main seal, in the ruins of the courtyard above. There are other entrances to the catacombs below, but that one was the main one, I think. It was sealed by Linace himself."

After a brief silence, she adds, "Another entrance is at the spring you asked about."

Finally she adds. "Another entrance is some distance to the west. It is quite well hidden. That's the one I sent the other group down."


First Post
"The other group?" Manzanita asks?

"I do want to buy some pearls from you to identify this staff, as well as other items we have found. We also need a chance to study, rest and train before we embark on another mission. You intelligence is correct. More enemies will come. More than we can fight. We must bring forth some sort of weapon to aid the war effort. What do you think we might find down there that would be useful? Or do you think we could destroy the demon?"

OOC: At least one of us has gone up a level after that fight!
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