Story Hours Index (Authors, add your own):


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The template for entries is:

Title: Title
Author: Name
Number of Threads: # (NOTE: That's "Threads", not "Posts"!)

Type: Fantasy/Horror/Humour/Modern/Sci-Fi (with subtypes, if you must).
System: D&D 3.5e/Whatever
Setting: Forlorn Corners/Greyhawk/Homebrew/Iron Kingdoms/Kalamar/Whatever

Started: 28 May 2003 (Day Month 4-Digit Year - Remember, Europe & the USA do it differently! 12/5/2005 is Dec. 5th in America, 12 May on the continent, so please spell out the month!)
Status: Completed/Inactive/Ongoing
Average Installment Length: Short/Medium/Long/Verbose (No hard & fast rule, decide for yourself).
Average Frequency of Installments: Daily+/Daily/Weekly/Monthly, whatever.

Available for Download? Yes (provide link)/No
Style: 3rd person narrative prose, with occasional winks to the underlying mechanics/Journal/Whatever.

Overview: What's this story about, anyway? (Please keep it short!)

Reader Comment: (Please limit it to one, and also keep it short!)

Special: Links to web sites, Rogues Gallery threads, other such stuff (if needed).

Any entries that you don't need (like "Special"), just leave'm out! You'll have to add your own links, if you want an entry. Sorry!
And if you haven't done it yet, why not add one of your favorite individual updates to the Story Hour Sampler Thread?
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First Post
A Bad End!

Title: A Bad End
Author: Steverooo
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy (which became Horror).
System: Percentile.
Setting: Forlorn Corners/Homebrew.

Started: 22 August 2003.
Status: Completed.
Average Installment Length: Verbose.
Average Frequency of Installments: Completed.

Available for Download? No.
Style: 3rd person narrative prose, with occasional winks to the underlying mechanics.

Overview: An unusual group of adventurers, each with their own secrets, come together in a very small town where body-knappers are at work! Watch as they stumble and bumble their way through attempting to investigate the mystery, break the party, and come to... a bad end!

Reader Comment: None! :(
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First Post
A Tale of Christmas Cheer:

Title: A Tale of Christmas Cheer
Author: Steverooo
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy/Humour
System: D&D 3.x
Setting: The Dreadful Dungeon of Doom (Homebrew)

Started: 26 December 2003
Status: Completed
Average Installment Length: Verbose+
Average Frequency of Installments: Like Christmas, just once, then it's done!

Available for Download? No
Style: 3rd person narrative prose.

Overview: Christmas? In a Dungeon?!?

Reader Comment: "I think that is problably the longest post I have ever seen.... WOW!" - Mista Collins.
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First Post
A Tale of Sorrow:

Title: A Tale of Sorrow
Author: Steverooo
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy
System: Percentile
Setting: Homebrew

Started: 24 February 2003
Status: Completed
Average Installment Length: Verbose
Average Frequency of Installments: Just once, then it was done!

Available for Download? No
Style: 3rd person narrative prose.

Overview: A Watcher roots out the bad apples in a travelling circus.

Reader Comment: Yours could go here! :p
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First Post
Buffy: The Awakening

Title: Buffy: The Awakening
Author: Steverooo
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Modern Fantasy/Horror
System: Buffy, The Vampire Slayer RPG
Setting: Sunnydale, CA (Buffyverse)

Started: 30 March 2004
Status: Abandoned by the GM!
Average Installment Length: Medium
Average Frequency of Installments: Weekly+

Available for Download? No
Style: 3rd person narrative prose.

Overview: Wheelchairs & Wakizashi against Modern-day Vampires? Can the Scoobies & Newbies even hope to win? Nope, but you can have fun watching them try!

Reader Comment: Insert yours, here!
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Title: Shemeska's Planescape Storyhour
Author: Shemeska
Number of Threads: 1

System: DnD 3e
Setting: Planescape/Greyhawk/Forgotten Realms

Started: 2-17-04
Status: Ongoing
Average Installment Length: Long
Average Frequency of Installments: Weekly

Available for Download? Currently editing the 1k page pdf, gimme time

Style: 3rd person narrative prose, [mature] Sweet Jesus this is not grandma safe. Violence, sex, occasional gore. Not over the top just to be over the top, but I don't water down the actions or psychology of the fiends.

Overview: Lower planar politics on a grand scale. All is not well within the House of Baern. What begins as upheaval and civil war within the three Planes of Conflict of Gehenna, Carceri, and the Waste, will see the rise of a new Oinoloth, the slide of a layer of Elysium, and a copious amount of blood spilt where the 'loths have their talons sunk deep.

Reader Comment:
Ashy said:
"Shemeska - I do not know HOW I've missed this until now, but consider the hook FIRMLY planted in my mouth...



Title: Shemmy's Planescape Storyhour #2
Author: Shemeska
Number of Threads: 1

System: DnD 3e
Setting: Planescape/Greyhawk/Forgotten Realms

Started: 3-26-05
Status: Ongoing
Average Installment Length: Long
Average Frequency of Installments: Monthly

Available for Download? No
Style: 3rd person narrative prose

Overview: Continuing planescapy goodness set against a backdrop of a genocidal Githyanki and Psurlon war within the Astral plane, and the fallout of the events of the first storyhour (150 years prior). Nothing is dead, nothing is forgotten, and Larsdana waits within the House of Memory.

Silver Moon

Title: "Retake the Island"
Author: Silver Moon
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy
System: D&D
Setting: Homebrew, with the central city being that from TSR Module I1 "Dwellers of the Forbidden City".

Started: 1/2000 to 11/2000
Status: Completed
Average Installment Length: Mostly Medium, some shorter some longer due to natural breaks in the story.
Average Frequency of Installments: Will post 2 to 3 installments per week.

Available for Download? No
Style: 3rd person narrative prose.

Overview: Ten teams of enemy adventurers leading an army of monsters launch a surprise attack on the ten-mile-diameter Island used as the home base of the Silver Moon Adventuring Team simultaneous to a Category-Five Hurricane bearing down on the island.

This 40-game combat-intense epic module played in the year 2000 was the prequel to the 36-game role-playing-intense epic module "Chinese Take-out".

Reader Comment: (by Sabriel) Sounds like it was a fantastic campaign. Brings back fond memories of the old (Mystara) D&D games I used to play in.

Silver Moon

Title: "Chinese Take-Out"
Author: Silver Moon
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy
System: D&D
Setting: Historical Japan followed by the Forgotten Realms Orient of Kara-Tur with visits to the Astral Plane and a climax battle set in The Abyss.

Started: 25/03/2001
Status: Completed 06/01/2002 & Epilogue game 10/11/2002.
Average Installment Length: Medium
Average Frequency of Installments: Completed, Total of 95 Installments.

Available for Download? No
Style: 3rd person narrative prose.

Overview: An adventuring team's home island was previously attacked by an army of monsters. The team heads to the orient to find and destroy the villain who was responsible. A role-playing intense game with many interesting encounters. A key subplot concerns the origin of the Hengeyokai race (from Oriental Adventures). The story includes cameo appearances by Grayhawk characters as well as characters from Forgotten Realms novels. The Climax Battle takes place upon the Abyss.

Reader Comment: (Posted by Corwin):
I thought that it was time someone said that this story hour rocks! Good work on making the setting come to life.

Silver Moon

Title: Arcade's Gang Campaign:
Author: Silver Moon
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Western with Fantasy elements.
System: Hybrid D&D and Boot Hill
Setting: American Southwest and Europe in 1881 and 1882 on a world that includes D&D races, spells and religious pantheons.

Started: 06/10/2002
Status: Completed 16/10/2005
Average Installment Length: Short
Average Frequency of Installments: Completed, contains 10 modules of varying length, 100 installments total.

Available for Download? No
Style: 3rd person narrative prose.

Overview: Western saga centered around a mult-racial group of gunslingers. Begins and in southeastern Arizona with the middle segment being a journey to and from Victorian-era Europe. Atypical western in that D&D elements are present in the story which also contains a heavy mix of historical characters as well as characters from popular culture. Fans of "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" should really enjoy this one.

Reader Comment: From Col Pladoh (Gary Gygax):
Great stuff, and thanks for the mention. Fact is I have been a fan of Western history for many a year, mainly encouraged thus by my old friend Don Kaye. Your hybrid campaign is so interesting that I am sure many a D&Der will give the genre a try...if they can find a copy of BOOT HILL, that is, I know I am ready to play some Wild West adventuring right now!
Cheers, Gary

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