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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Since the elf stand, and introduce himself, the young man does so as well. In a practiced tone, as if said a many times before, comes, "Thandis Ornth, 2nd Grabford Recon Regitment, County of Crystalreach, Furyondy." Then, a bit more sheepishly. "Every calls me 'The Kid'."

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The Hall - Verbobonc

After sometime, while you enjoy the fine wine and fresh fruits, the north door open and a couple of nobles enter.
Greeting, I'm overwhelmed to see that you find the hospitality to your convenience.
The tall human says when he sees some of you eat elegantly the food and some devour it
I'm Atzil, first counsel of His Noble lordship, Defender of the faith. The Viscount Langard of Verbobonc, may Rao bring peace on him everyday.
The rest of the counselors take a sit, some of you can recognize Matbea, ministry of treasure, Katzin, captain of the Verbobonc's royal guards and few others who serve minor positions in the canon's court. He motions the guards to close the northern doors.

You are summoned to this court for a noble cause, you are the finest of all Available agents that we could muster with such an hurry.
He smiles in sarcasm, takes a sip from his wine and returns a look, this time he frowns.
we suspect that the aligned nations are facing danger.
He says with firm voice
our agents brought some concering news from the north, agents stationed in the cursed city of skulls (Dorakaa, capital of Iuz) reports that the old one has sent his minions to retrieve a lost and ancient magical artifact from the Yatils, in the meanwhile, strangers with ocher robes have been spotted wandering around the hills and bogs of Hommlet, we all know what happened 9 years ago in the cursed Temple of the elemental god.
His words echoes in the great hall when he meantions the god's name, the window's burst open with chill draught, shivering pass in your spines and every counsel make a silent prayer.
We sent a group to investigate the rumors in the north, but we need to make sure it's just a fairy tale in the south, we must not face this danger again!
He slams his fist on the wooden table, his face twists in pain but he shakes it off immediately
You must find out what is brewing around Hommlet, be stealthy as much as you can, if the enemy is out there again, you must not reveal yourselves.
He looks over to Lenuran and nods,
We brought a specialist to this mission, a known scholar and sage among his kind, Lenuran of Lortmills.
He says and turns his look to Katzin, the captain pulls out a small box with papers and hand them out to the consular.
According to the writings
he continues
Twenty five years ago, the forces of evil gathered north and east of Hommlet and constructed a huge temple, this was a bastion for their evil armies, from this place they unleashed earthquakes, storms, fires and floods upon the countryside, but our allies in Veluna and Furyondy rallied their forces and sacked the temple in a battle called Emridy Meadows. Most of the evil forces destroyed and driven off and the temple were abandoned and sealed.
He pauses for a sec. the others nobles stare in awe as he tells the story, but all are quiet.
Nine years later, Bandits began troubling the area around Hommlet, evil humanoids and strangely garbed priests were seen on the road, like those we have been reported of, it became clear the temple was rising again, this time, bands of adventurers and heroes attacked the ruined place and the evil was once again over thrown, since then the territory has prospered in the peace that has settled in … you must check it out.
He says and lifts his eyes from the papers.
It's probably nothing, the panicked canon just wastes our treasury.
Say one of the nobles, a slim dark haired man.
The nobles starts to argue among themselves until the first counsel raise his voice
Silence, leave us.
Some of the nobles exit the room angrily and they can still be heard in the corridors behind the northern doors, they leave you with Katzin, Matbea and Atzil.
Sitting silently all the time, Matbea, ministry of treasure takes your attention.
Honorable servants, although the Viscounty treasury is quite low, I managed to secure some funds, 100 gold each, use it wisely.

You are leaving tomorrow
Atzil announce,
make your preparations and sleep well, I'll meet you at south gate at sunrise.
Any Question ?


First Post
Lenuran quickly committed the names to their hosts and smiled once more when the younger of the human males introduced himself as “The Kid”.

’Their capacity for nicknames rivals that of the gnomes. I wonder if the dwarves would ever allow themselves to go through lives with childhood names like that that.’

Preparing to stand and introduce himself, Lenuran stopped as he saw Atzil and the other nobles enter into the room. Lenuran had not seen the First Council in almost a decade and while the human had aged well when judged by human standards, Lenuran noticed the increase in gray hairs as well as the deepening of the crow’s feet around his eyes.

’I wonder if my parents saw the same in me when I returned home?’

Listening to the First Council speak, Lenuran was surprised when he was described as a sage and scholar, but stood and nodded his head in greetings to those in the room. When he had first been tasked to gather information on those who had stormed the Temple the first time, Lenuran did not know that his journeys would take him so far, but in the end yield so little.

Sitting down as Atzil began telling those who had not heard of the Temple’s past, Lenuran drank his wine slowly and looked at those who had been called, trying to judge their reactions to the First Council’s words. As the scribe of these events, Lenuran accepted that his role would be a minor one compared to those called for their skill with blades and spells, but he would do his part to assist them where and when he could.

’The dwarves did give me Frostfang to protect myself and I will not dishonor them by hiding away from my responsibility’

Matbea began passing out the coin pouches, Lenuran took his, but left it sitting on the table in front of him for the moment. Looking to Atzil, Lenuran spoke for the first time since he entered into the meeting room.

”First Council are the sources which informed you of these new sightings trustworthy in your opinion? I ask this not because I doubt the truth of your words, but many times in my travels accusations have been made among villagers who sought to gain revenge upon their neighbors by making false claims. Also are there any in Hommlet that we may confide in if there is a need to send a message to you and we are unable to be the senders?”


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The Kid tries to keep his natural jitteriness to a minimum once the nobles arrive in force, and manages to only have a jumpy leg during the Counsel's speech. Now that he knew the mission, he growned inside. Chasing ghosts?

The coin was not much, but it quickly disapeared into the many folds of the Kid's clothing. Old habits died hard, and coin was still coin.

Ever the practical one, the Kid had one question. "So where do we start?"


First Post
Korbryn stands, fists at his hips as he gazes upon the remaining ministers. He speaks plainly, his voice reminiscent of gravel sliding down a hillside. "Me lords," he begins grudgingly, sarcasm heavy in his voice at the word "lords", "Ye could have gotten any number o' sneaks to investigate these rumors from the south. It is plain to me, that though ye dismiss these grim tidings as rumors, that is not what ye believe in yer hearts. Ye suspect that evil has returned, suren as these scars upon me face. If this be the case, what then? Ye don't need a warrior such as meself if yer not expecting us to remedy this situation."


First Post
As the others started speaking up, Lenuran resumed sitting to grant the First Council an excuse for getting to his questions when he chose. Glancing over towards the dwarven warrior, Lenuran wondered if the dwarf found the job not to his liking, or if he simply wished for Aztil to grant him full verbal permission to strike down any foes of the kingdom that they might discover.

'A kingdom it seems he does not truly respect at that...'

The Kid on the other hand seemed ready to bolt from the table and towards Hommlet with the same energy that he attacked his food earlier.

'To be that full of vigor once more...'


Miltiades cleric of Rao

"May peace be upon you First Counsel. I am as always ready to serve as needed on behalf of the Church. The gnome raises wise questions. The source of knowledge of the rumors would be a logical place to begin investigations and knowing what resources and allies we already have in place would be helpful. I have read accounts of the past events, however is there knowledge of what temples of the good gods retain a presence to this day in the area around Hommlett?"

Land Outcast

The elf hears the whole tale, as usual, over-adorned. They just had to keep an eye on some cultists from the dread Temple, fell a decade ago, and Iuz was involved.
Was it that complicated to put it simple?

So a gnome, a dwarf, and two elves should not rise suspicions... maybe some blood will have to be shed so that robed cultists don't run about screaming about us

"And you have called for us because of simple rumors, summoned from Highfolk to investigate plain rumors..." The dwarf is right, of course, a storm is brewing and they know it

He lets that phrase hang on the air... and he takes the pouch offered.

"So we are basically fighting against Iuz?" The first smile in his face appears "I'm in"
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Tonks said:
”First Council are the sources which informed you of these new sightings trustworthy in your opinion? I ask this not because I doubt the truth of your words, but many times in my travels accusations have been made among villagers who sought to gain revenge upon their neighbors by making false claims. Also are there any in Hommlet that we may confide in if there is a need to send a message to you and we are unable to be the senders?”
StoneGod said:
"So where do we start?"

When the first temple fell as you know
replies Katzin, the royal captain
folk in Hommlet saw Ochre robed priests fleeing westward to the Welkwood and from there to the now Pomarj controlled wild coast, but evil was not done, over the years its creatures and servants returned to the place and once more Ochre robed priests were spotted.
Where to go and what to do?

He throws the question to the thin air, shrugs and look at Atzil.
As some of you know, former temple liberators live in Hommlet, although they aged, they can help you and we are keeping in touch with them.
Elmo is the captain of the militia and Canoness Y'dey is the head of the St. Cuthbert's church.

Rhun said:
"Ye could have gotten any number o' sneaks to investigate these rumors from the south. It is plain to me, that though ye dismiss these grim tidings as rumors, that is not what ye believe in yer hearts. Ye suspect that evil has returned, suren as these scars upon me face. If this be the case, what then? Ye don't need a warrior such as meself if yer not expecting us to remedy this situation."
Yes, that is what we suspect and we honor your heroic decision to join.
Atzil replies with low voice.
Only if the gods could help us …
In this stage, Matbea and Katzin leave the great Hall

Land Outcast said:
"So we are basically fighting against Iuz?" The first smile in his face appears "I'm in"

The first and second temple were built on rumors and we know the history since then
Atzil replies to the Elf
As for the enemy, we suspect that Iuz is behind this one, as he wants to converse us from his main goal in the Yatils.

Voidrunner's Codex

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