Strife in Sokara - A solo game for Brother Shatterstone


Brother Shatterstone said:
Brystasia gives Hestia a small smile as she replies cheerfully and a slightly mischievous grin, “I’m not trying to kill him mind you as if I were I would have suggested that you two joined me.” She gives a small playful wink, “I think that would have left him slightly more than just stunned.”
"Oh yes, that would have done him in for sure." Hestia chortles. "I think the poor boy would have had a fit..."

Brother Shatterstone said:
As Brystasia turns to watch Ged run over to the gate her look turns apologetic, “He’s so serious, which isn’t a bad thing mind you, but I’m worried that he will miss the finer things life that life has to give.”
"He does take things too seriously, but I think it's been drilled into him ever since he became a Faithful Son. The burden to protect their charge is one they place above all." Hestia frowns slightly. "I think he needs to lighten up a little. I can take care of myself, and as you say, he's missing out on some of the fun life has to offer."

Brother Shatterstone said:
Realizing this is her first time alone with Hestia she gives her a sincere look of friendship, “If you don’t mind me ask, Hestia, are you and Ged a couple?”
"I don't mind you asking." She says, although her expression undermines her words. "We're not a couple. It's one of the things Ged's too serious about. He doesn't like to get any emotions in the way, in case it should 'cloud his mind as to his duty'." Hestia nibbles on her lower lip as she watches Ged climb back down the gate, her frown deepening.

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Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Bryastasia Purelove: Half-Nymph/Female (Gestalt:Holy Warrior/Rogue)

Brystasia frowns inwardly realizing that she upset Hestia greatly with her words… Moving closely she gives her friend a hug before she starts whispers secretly in her ear, “Hestia, sweetie, darling.” Her voice fills with the small smile that’s on her face, “I think Ged does indeed care deeply for you, I see it in how he’s looks at you and honestly how he doesn’t look at me.” She gives a small reassuring smile as she continues, “But you can’t fault him for taking his vows seriously and if you serious care for him all you can do is except him, his vows, and try to nurture that bond you two obviously have, okay?”
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Hestia returns Brystasia's hug, laughing sadly.

"I've know you for only a few hours, and yet you've got a deeper insight into my life than any of my other friends. You're a remarkable person, Brystasia." She wipes the corner of her eyes with the sleeve of the robe, sniffing gently.

"I don't fault him, but I wish he could see past his..." She stops as Ged comes into earshot. She smiles at him.

"So, how did you find the gate?"

"Locked firmly. And there's a cart parked outside, so I don't think it's been opened recently." Ged replies as he walks up to the two women. "Honestly, this city... People have no respect for the traffic ordinances, least of all on a market day.

"So, what now? Shall we investigate the cellar, or is there another part of this theater you wish to investigate first?"
He stands at ease, resting the point of his sword on the steel toe-cap of his boot.

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Bryastasia Purelove: Half-Nymph/Female (Gestalt:Holy Warrior/Rogue)

Brystasia looks, and feels, relieved after Hestia’s hugs and she doesn’t fight the urge to hug her again. As she steals another hug she gives a small light chaste kiss that helps with the tears, “Not nearly as remarkable as you Hestia, and he will have faith in human nature, okay?”

Hearing Ged approaching Brystasia frowns inwardly wishing for only a few more minutes alone with Hestia but she gives Ged a huge smiles as she listens to his ramblings about the laws.

When he asks her opinion on which area to check next she gives Hestia slight and unnoticeable elbow as she winks at him merciless, “I don’t know did you find that stream?”

Waiting a few minutes for her companions to return to normal Brystasia turns serious as she considers their next plan of action, “I honestly hate the idea of being trapped in the cellar and we have no idea if there is another way out. I would rather go upstairs first but if you two want to go to the cellar first that’s fine.”


Ged blushes again at Brystasia's joke, and Hestia giggles.

"Ah, no, no streams around these parts, no... Um... Where was I?" Refocusing himself on the conversation, he nods at Brystasia's words. "I'm happy to check upstairs before continuing. I'm certain that the cellar can wait."

Brystasia leads the way back through the Compass, past the sprawled body of the now fully dead man, into the lobby, and up the stairway. At the top is a landing, and directly opposite the stairs, a set of grand double doors. The landing continues to your left and right, with doors set into the nearer wall in both directions. Unlike the ground floor, the landing has been swept clean and is remarkably cobweb free...


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Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Bryastasia Purelove: Half-Nymph/Female (Gestalt:Holy Warrior/Rogue)

After Brystasia leads them gracefully and carefully through the theater and up the starts she quickly points to the clean floor with a serious and determined look on her face. She brings a delicate finger to her full lips and whispers to her companions, “I think we’ve found an occult as a mindless undead wouldn’t clean up a thing and someone tried there best to make the ground floor look uninhibited.”

She squats and leans close to the double door staining to hear anything from the other room.

OOC: Skill Checks: Listen /8
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Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Bryastasia Purelove: Half-Nymph/Female (Gestalt:Holy Warrior/Rogue)

Brystasia frowns at the lack of noise but she motions for Ged to open the door as she whispers to them quietly, “It’s quite but let’s not take any chances.”


Ged pushes open the door, revealing a short corridor. Another set of double doors, matching the ones he's just opened stand at the end, a shaft of daylight shining through the gap where the two doors meet.

Ged gives Brystasia a questioning glance, nodding towards the door.


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    SiS map 04-05-06.jpg
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Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Bryastasia Purelove: Half-Nymph/Female (Gestalt:Holy Warrior/Rogue)

Brystasia shakes her head no as she brushes past him and moves silently to towards the door. She leans close to it and listens for noise and looks around closely once again.

OOC: If there is noise on the other side she will signal to the other too that there is noise on the other side and she will then ask for Ged open the door.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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