D&D General Can ChatGPT create a Campaign setting?


So I tested out ChatGPT and was playing around with it and begun wondering if it could create a D&D campaign.

Short answer: No it can't, but it seems it can give some ideas and prompts that could be useful. So I decided to sign up for this forum just to share what it generated.

Create a D&D campaign with darker themes in an area where Greco- Roman, Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Mesoamerican and Polynesian influenced cultures meet. Create some unique deities and cults, as well as suggest some monsters to use in the campaign

Chat GPT
Campaign Setting: The Lost City of Azurith
In the world of Azurith, different cultures have converged in a single city that was once the center of a powerful empire. The city was said to have been built by the gods themselves, and the people who reside there worship a pantheon of deities that draw influences from the various cultures present. But in recent times, the city has fallen into darkness, as corruption and decay have taken hold. The once-great empire is now a shadow of its former self, with its rulers more concerned with maintaining their power than with the well-being of their people.
Deities and Cults
  1. Zehir, the God of Poison and Darkness: Zehir is a deity worshiped by the criminal underworld of Azurith. He is depicted as a hooded figure holding a serpent in each hand, and is revered for his cunning and ability to help his followers evade the law. Zehir's followers believe that the only way to survive in Azurith is to embrace the darkness, and that the strong will always triumph over the weak.
  2. Ishtar, the Goddess of Love and War: Ishtar is a deity worshiped by the city's military and is said to have the power to grant her followers the strength to conquer their enemies. She is depicted as a beautiful woman dressed in armor, with a bow and arrow in hand. Her cult is known for its brutal initiation rituals and the sacrifices offered to her in the name of victory.
  3. Anubis, the God of Death and the Underworld: Anubis is a deity worshiped by the morticians and embalmers of Azurith. He is depicted as a jackal-headed man holding the scales of justice, and is believed to guide the souls of the dead to their final resting place. Anubis's followers believe that death is not an end, but merely a transition to a new state of existence.
  4. Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent God: Quetzalcoatl is a deity worshiped by the indigenous people of Azurith, who believe that he brought knowledge and civilization to their ancestors. He is depicted as a serpent with feathers, and is revered for his wisdom and ability to bring the rain. Quetzalcoatl's followers believe that he will one day return to reclaim the city from the corrupt rulers who have defiled it.
  5. Tāne, the God of the Forest: Tāne is a deity worshiped by the Azurithian hunters and woodcutters. He is depicted as a man with the legs of a stag, and is revered for his ability to provide food and shelter to his followers. Tāne's followers believe that the forest is sacred and should be protected at all costs.
  1. Stygian Harpies: These creatures are said to be the servants of Zehir, and they use their beautiful voices to lure their victims into the shadows, where they then devour them.
  2. Mummy Warriors: The Mummy Warriors are the risen dead, reanimated by the priests of Anubis to serve as protectors of the city's tombs and temples. They are immune to physical attacks, and only magic can defeat them.
  3. Jaguar Warriors: The Jaguar Warriors are the elite soldiers of Ishtar, who are said to have the power to shape-shift into jaguars. They are highly trained in hand-to-hand combat and are feared by all who face them in battle.
  4. Changelings: The Changelings are shape-shifting creatures that can take on the form of any living

Of course I couldn't leave it there, so I decided to follow up with more questions:

Me: Describe the city of Azurith in detail for the campaign mentioned above

Chat GPT: The city of Azurith is a sprawling metropolis that was once the center of a vast empire. It is located at the crossroads of several different cultures, each of which has left its mark on the city's architecture, religion, and customs. The city is surrounded by massive walls that protect it from the dangers of the surrounding wilderness, and the streets within are bustling with activity as merchants, artisans, and people from all walks of life go about their daily business.
At the heart of the city lies the Imperial Palace, a sprawling complex of buildings and gardens that serves as the seat of power for the city's rulers. The palace is surrounded by the city's wealthiest neighborhoods, where the wealthy and influential reside in opulent homes and mansions.
The city is also home to several religious landmarks, including the Temple of Zehir, a massive structure dedicated to the God of Poison and Darkness, and the Temple of Ishtar, a towering monument to the Goddess of Love and War. There are also several smaller temples dedicated to other members of the city's pantheon of deities, as well as shrines and altars located throughout the city where the faithful can offer their prayers and offerings.
Beyond the wealthy neighborhoods and religious landmarks, the city is comprised of a maze of narrow streets and crowded alleyways, where the majority of the city's population lives. These areas are teeming with life, as vendors hawk their wares and street performers entertain the crowds. But they are also the sites of poverty, crime, and corruption, as the city's rulers do little to help the common people and the criminal underworld runs rampant.
Despite its problems, the city of Azurith is a place of vibrant energy and endless possibilities. Adventurers from all over the world come to the city in search of wealth, power, and fame, and the city is always in need of heroes who are willing to stand up against the forces of evil that threaten to destroy it from within.

What you will find is the Chat GPT is not really very creative, but it has the clichés and the archetypes catalogued well, so if you are interested in just getting a rough desciption of something ot does it quite well.

Of course I couldn't stop here..... continues.....

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.... continues....

Create a rival team of adventurers for the Campaign mentioned above

The rival team of adventurers in the Azurith campaign are a group of cunning and ambitious individuals who see themselves as the heroes of the city. They are a diverse group of individuals, each with their own unique skills and motivations.
  1. Kael the Warlock - Kael is a charismatic and cunning individual who is always on the lookout for ways to increase his own power and wealth. He is a powerful warlock who commands dark magic, and he is not above using his powers to get what he wants. Despite his ruthless nature, Kael has a silver tongue and a charming demeanor that make him difficult to resist.
  2. Nefertari the Rogue - Nefertari is a master thief and a master of disguise. She is quick, agile, and always on the lookout for a good score. Nefertari is fiercely independent, and she has a strong sense of justice that motivates her to take on missions that will help those in need.
  3. Xanthe the Cleric - Xanthe is a devout follower of a powerful deity, and she uses her divine powers to heal and protect her allies. She is a charismatic and inspiring leader, and she is always willing to risk her own safety to help others. Xanthe is respected and trusted by all who know her, and she is a formidable opponent in battle.
  4. Thorgrimm the Barbarian - Thorgrimm is a towering and brutal warrior who comes from the northern lands. He is a fierce fighter who revels in battle and is not afraid to charge into the fray with a wild scream. Despite his brutal nature, Thorgrimm has a strong sense of loyalty to his friends, and he will stop at nothing to protect those he cares about.
  5. Azura the Sorcerer - Azura is a mysterious and aloof individual who is rumored to be the last survivor of a powerful and ancient bloodline of sorcerers. She is a master of the arcane, and she uses her magic to control and manipulate her enemies. Despite her cold and calculating nature, Azura has a deep sense of duty to protect the innocent, and she will not hesitate to use her powers to defend those in need.
This team of adventurers is a formidable force, and they are not afraid to take on any challenge that comes their way. They are rivals to the other adventurers in the campaign, but they are not necessarily enemies. They will sometimes work together to overcome a common enemy, but they are always looking for ways to gain an advantage over each other and emerge as the true heroes of the city of Azurith.

A little spell heavy team perhaps, but if it's a good foil for a D&D party really depends on the composition of the party. But the different D&D archetypes seems well stored in ChatGPT, it does seem to have the differences between a Cleric, a Sorcerer and a Warlock stored.


I did something similiar recently, I was reviving my City of Secrets adventure path and wanted to come up with some encounters that got me thinking out of the box. Through a couple of question prompts I ended up with a mini-story side arc. Even had it put together some stat blocks for a couple foes, and design a unique magic item for the quest. Out of the box the adventure is pretty basic, but it did help spark my imagination and get past a bit of writer's block.

City of Secrets side arc - The Lost Purse
Encounter: The Lost Purse
Setting: The City of Secrets, a bustling metropolis filled with deceit and danger. The adventurers are hired by a wealthy merchant to retrieve a stolen purse.
Enemies: The thief is a nimble human rogue (CR 1/8) who is hiding in the crowded streets of the city. The rogue has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks when in crowds.
Treasure: The stolen purse contains 10 gold pieces and a valuable gem worth 50 gold pieces.
Experience: The total experience for defeating the rogue and retrieving the purse is 200 XP, divided among all party members.
Starting the Encounter: The adventurers are approached by the wealthy merchant who explains that their purse was stolen in the market and they need it back as soon as possible. The merchant offers a reward of 10 gold pieces for its return.
The Adventure: The adventurers must navigate the busy and chaotic streets of the City of Secrets in search of the thief. They will have to use their wits and skills to track down the rogue and retrieve the stolen purse.
  • Crowds: The thief is hiding in the crowds and has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
  • Pickpockets: The busy market is full of pickpockets and the adventurers must be on guard to avoid losing their own possessions.
  • False leads: The thief has left false trails to throw the adventurers off their scent.
Conclusion: Upon finding the thief, the adventurers can either engage in combat or attempt to negotiate for the return of the purse. If they retrieve the purse, they can return it to the wealthy merchant for their reward.

Encounter 2
Encounter: The Mysterious Murder
Setting: The adventurers are approached by the city guard to investigate a murder in the heart of the City of Secrets. The victim was a wealthy merchant, similar to the one from the previous adventure, and the guard is suspicious of foul play.
Enemies: The murderer is a doppelganger (CR 1/2) who has taken on the form of a well-known individual in the city to carry out the murder. The doppelganger has the ability to change its form and imitate anyone it has seen.
Treasure: The murdered merchant had a hidden safe with valuable items, including a magical ring that grants the user the ability to cast disguise self once per day.
Experience: The total experience for uncovering the truth behind the murder and defeating the doppelganger is 500 XP, divided among all party members.
Starting the Encounter: The adventurers are approached by the city guard and asked to investigate the murder of a wealthy merchant. The guard is suspicious of foul play, but they have no leads.
The Adventure: The adventurers must gather evidence and interview witnesses to uncover the truth behind the murder. They will soon discover that the murderer is a doppelganger, who has taken on the form of a well-known individual in the city. The doppelganger must be found and stopped before it can carry out more crimes.

  1. Uneven Footprints: The adventurers find uneven footprints near the body, indicating that the murderer has a limp. This clue leads them to discover that the doppelgänger is imitating a person who does not have a limp, suggesting that the murderer is not who they appear to be.
  2. Suspicious Alibis: Some of the individuals who had alibis for the time of the murder give conflicting stories or inconsistent details, leading the adventurers to suspect that they may be the doppelgänger in disguise.
  3. Unusual Behavior: The adventurers witness someone acting out of character or in a manner that is not in line with their usual behavior. This leads them to suspect that this individual may be the doppelgänger and prompts them to investigate further to uncover the truth.
  • Deceit: The doppelganger has taken on the form of a trustworthy individual, making it difficult for the adventurers to know who to trust.
  • Impersonations: The doppelganger may have impersonated other individuals in the city, leading the adventurers down false paths.
  • Changing forms: The doppelganger can change its form at will, making it difficult for the adventurers to track it down.
Conclusion: The adventurers must uncover the truth behind the murder and defeat the doppelganger to restore order to the city. If they are successful, they will be hailed as heroes and may even receive a reward from the city guard.

Encounter 3
Encounter: The Eldritch Horrors Below
Setting: The adventurers are hired by a wealthy collector to retrieve a lost artifact from the abandoned sewers beneath the City of Secrets. The collector has warned them of strange whispers and unsettling sensations in the area.
Enemies: The artifact has attracted the attention of a group of cultists worshiping an elder god (CR 2) and they will stop at nothing to keep it from falling into the wrong hands. The elder god is an otherworldly being with power beyond comprehension, capable of driving those who behold it mad with terror.
Treasure: The lost artifact is a glowing orb that holds immense power and is highly sought after by the cultists. The orb has a strong magical aura and is guarded by the cultists and the eldritch horrors they have summoned.
Experience: The total experience for retrieving the artifact and defeating the cultists is 1,200 XP, divided among all party members.
Starting the Encounter: The adventurers are approached by the wealthy collector and offered a large sum of gold to retrieve a lost artifact from the abandoned sewers beneath the City of Secrets. The collector warns them of strange whispers and unsettling sensations in the area.
The Adventure: The adventurers must navigate the dark and maze-like sewers, fighting off rats and other vermin, while avoiding traps and puzzles left behind by the previous explorers. They will soon come across the cultists and their eldritch horrors, and must defeat them to retrieve the artifact.

  1. Poisoned Needles: The adventurers come across a section of the sewer that has trip wires attached to the walls. If they trigger the wires, they will release a barrage of poisoned needles from hidden vents.
  2. Flooding Tunnels: The adventurers come across a section of the sewer that is prone to flooding. If they trigger a hidden mechanism, the tunnel will quickly fill with water, putting them at risk of drowning.
  3. Spike Pits: The adventurers come across a section of the sewer with weak flooring. If they step on a certain spot, the floor will give way, sending them plummeting into a pit filled with sharp spikes.
  4. Gas Explosions: The adventurers come across a section of the sewer that is filled with gas. If they disturb the gas, it will ignite, causing an explosion that can damage or even kill them.
  5. Shadow Creatures: The adventurers come across a section of the sewer that is plagued by shadowy creatures that only come out at night. If they venture into this area, they will be attacked by the creatures, which are immune to normal weapons.
  • Eldritch Horrors: The cultists have summoned otherworldly beings with power beyond comprehension, capable of driving those who behold it mad with terror.
  • Mind-bending illusions: The sewers are filled with mind-bending illusions, designed to disorient and confuse the adventurers.
  • Unnatural whispers: The adventurers will hear strange whispers and unsettling sensations in the area, which will only become more intense as they draw closer to the artifact.
The cultist's lair is a hidden chamber within the abandoned sewers beneath the City of Secrets. It serves as the base of operations for the cultists and is where they conduct their dark rituals and store the artifact they worship.
  1. Altar: At the center of the chamber is a large stone altar that is used for conducting dark rituals. The altar is adorned with strange symbols and is surrounded by burning candles and incense.
  2. Guarded Entrance: The entrance to the cultist's lair is guarded by two cultists (CR 2) armed with daggers. They will attack anyone who tries to enter without their permission.
  3. Magical Barriers: The cultists have set up magical barriers to protect their lair. Any attempt to breach the barriers will trigger a blast of magical energy that deals 3d6 damage to anyone within 10 feet.
  4. Containment Cells: The cultists use the containment cells to hold captive those who are brought to the lair for sacrifice. The cells are guarded by constructs made of stone and metal.
  5. Treasure: The cultists have accumulated a small fortune over time, which they keep in a locked chest within their lair. The chest is guarded by a trap that will trigger if anyone tries to open it without the proper key.
Cultist's Artifact

Rarity: Rare

This ancient and powerful artifact is worshiped by a cult of madmen as the source of their dark power. It is a small, black crystal that pulsates with an evil energy.


  1. Control Over Shadows: The wielder of the cultist's artifact gains the ability to control shadows, allowing them to manipulate them to obscure vision, create illusions, and even create creatures made of shadows.
  2. Summon Shadow Creatures: The wielder of the cultist's artifact can summon creatures made of shadow to do their bidding. These creatures are immune to normal weapons and can only be damaged by magical attacks.
  3. Drain Life Energy: The wielder of the cultist's artifact can drain the life energy from living creatures, using it to power their own spells and abilities.
Curse: The cultist's artifact is a dangerous and powerful object, and those who wield it are soon consumed by its evil power. The artifact takes control of the wielder's mind, leading them down a path of darkness and destruction.


  1. Intelligent: The cultist's artifact is an intelligent item, with an alignment of evil. It communicates telepathically with its wielder and will do everything in its power to persuade them to use its powers for evil.
  2. Unstoppable: The cultist's artifact is virtually indestructible, and can only be destroyed by powerful magic or the gods themselves.
  3. Cursed: The cultist's artifact is cursed, and those who wield it are soon consumed by its evil power. The artifact takes control of the wielder's mind, leading them down a path of darkness and destruction.

Experience: Defeating the two guards at the entrance and successfully navigating the traps within the cultist's lair is worth 400 XP, divided among all party members. The cultists themselves are worth an additional 600 XP, divided among all party members.

Conclusion: The adventurers must overcome their fears and retrieve the artifact, but they must also be careful not to be consumed by the eldritch horrors they face. If they succeed, they will be hailed as heroes and will have made a fortune from the wealthy collector. If they fail, they may never return to the surface.


It can just provide a general premise, as I asked it to write an adventure for 4 level 7 characters. It wrote something very similar to what you got, which is also similar to several Lost City adventures.


So next I asked Chat GPT to describe a tavern in the City of Azurith:

The Golden Ankh Tavern is a bustling establishment located in the heart of the city of Azurith. It is a popular gathering place for travelers, merchants, and adventurers, and it is known for its warm and lively atmosphere. The tavern is owned by an old and jovial man named Akil who is always eager to chat with his patrons and regale them with tales of his adventures.
The interior of the tavern is spacious and well-lit, with a large bar that runs along one wall and several tables and booths scattered throughout the room. The walls are decorated with tapestries and paintings that depict scenes from the city's rich history, and there is a large fireplace at one end of the room that provides warmth and light.
The menu at the Golden Ankh Tavern features a wide range of dishes that are inspired by the various cultures that make up the city. There are spicy stews and hearty pies made with exotic spices, grilled meats and fresh seafood, and sweet pastries and fruity drinks that are perfect for quenching your thirst. The tavern is also known for its rich and potent ales, which are brewed on the premises and served in large mugs.
In addition to food and drink, the Golden Ankh Tavern is also a hub of information and rumors. Akil is well-connected, and he hears all the latest news from around the city and beyond. Adventurers and travelers come here to exchange information and plan their next moves, and it is not uncommon for alliances to be forged and deals to be struck over a mug of ale or a plate of food.
Despite its friendly and welcoming atmosphere, the Golden Ankh Tavern is not without its dangers. The city of Azurith is home to many dangerous factions, and there are those who would stop at nothing to gain an advantage over their rivals. Adventurers should be careful what they say and to whom they say it, for there are always ears listening and eyes watching in the shadows. But for those who are brave enough to venture inside, the Golden Ankh Tavern is a place of comfort and camaraderie, and a warm refuge from the dangers of the outside world.

Sounds like a D&D tavern all right.


ChatGPT has been used to create a lengthy adventure, complete with copious illustrations courtesy of Stable Diffusion. I see no reason why it could not create a campaign setting. You have to keep iterating on your suggestions. To get past cliches, etc., you just keep prompting it.

To be clear, ChatGPT is a tool. But an extremely powerful one. It still needs human input but not as much as you would think.


It's a fun tool though that can be good for flavour while playing. For instance, the players enter a goblin restaurant so I ask: "Please provide a menu for a goblin restaurant".

Sure! Here's a sample menu for a goblin restaurant that features exotic and unique ingredients:


  • Grilled Pixie Skewers: Juicy pixie meat grilled to perfection, served with a spicy goblin sauce.
  • Baked Bat Wings: Crispy bat wings roasted in the goblin kitchen, served with a tangy garlic dipping sauce.
  • Fried Eye-Ball Bites: Crispy deep-fried eye-balls from various creatures, served with a zesty goblin aioli.

  • Dragon Steak: A hearty and succulent dragon steak, grilled to perfection and served with sautéed vegetables.
  • Kraken Kebab: Tender chunks of kraken meat, grilled and served over a bed of goblin-grown rice with a side of goblin hot sauce.
  • Unicorn Steak: A magical and flavorful unicorn steak, grilled to perfection and served with a red wine reduction.

  • Fairy Cakes: Mini cakes made with real fairy dust and goblin-made icing, served with a side of goblin-brewed tea.
  • Black Licorice Wands: Chewy black licorice shaped like magic wands, perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth.
  • Pixie Dust Parfait: A layered dessert made with layers of pixie dust, goblin-made jelly, and whipped cream.

  • Goblin Grog: A mysterious and potent goblin-brewed beverage, perfect for washing down your meal.
  • Enchanted Elixir: A magical drink made with goblin-grown herbs, perfect for quenching your thirst.
  • Dragon's Breath Ale: A fiery and flavorful ale, brewed with dragon's breath and perfect for sipping with your meal.
Note: The menu is meant to be playful and imaginative in nature, and does not reflect the availability of actual ingredients. The dishes are meant to be enjoyed in the context of a fantasy or role-playing setting, and not in real life.


Or street food:

  1. Manticore Sliders - 1 silver piece
  2. Grilled Chimera Kebab - 1 silver piece, 2 copper pieces
  3. Dwarven Sausage Roll - 5 copper pieces
  4. Minotaur's Meat Pies - 1 silver piece, 5 copper pieces
  5. Dragon Egg Omelette - 2 silver pieces, 0 copper pieces
  6. Phoenix Spicy Wings - 1 silver piece, 8 copper pieces
  7. Harpy's Hot Dogs - 1 silver piece, 3 copper pieces
  8. Pixie Dust Popcorn - 5 copper pieces
  9. Stuffed Griffin Gizzards - 2 silver pieces, 0 copper pieces
  10. Roasted Centaur Hooves - 2 silver pieces, 0 copper pieces
  11. Skewered Satyr Sausages - 1 silver piece, 5 copper pieces
  12. Merfolk's Marinated Eels - 2 silver pieces, 0 copper pieces
  13. Basilisk Bangers - 1 silver piece, 5 copper pieces
  14. Drake's Egg Salad - 2 silver pieces, 0 copper pieces
  15. Chimera Chops - 2 silver pieces, 0 copper pieces
  16. Pixie Dust Ice Cream - 5 copper pieces
  17. Minotaur's Honey Baked Ham - 2 silver pieces, 0 copper pieces
  18. Dragon Steak Sandwiches - 2 silver pieces, 0 copper pieces
  19. Phoenix Fire Bites - 1 silver piece, 5 copper pieces
  20. Harpy's Fried Chicken - 1 silver piece, 5 copper pieces

Voidrunner's Codex

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