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Well, that was fun
Staff member
There are 3 games. That makes 7 combinations.

Removing the three single game options, that leaves:


What would you like to do with them? For example:

N.E.W./O.L.D. -- I'd like to write a Dragonstar-like setting. Orcs flying spaceships. Wizards in space.

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OLD/NOW/NEW for some steampunky goodness

And NOW/NEW for Superheroes (maybe a little OLD, if someone wanted a super magician type).


Steampunk (and similar genres like DragonMech, Iron Kingdoms, etc.) would need at least a small companion guide to cover Steampunk gear and some of the nuances of Victorian era RP, but most of the rules would be out of All 3. The sourcebook would indicate more specifics on how to blend which parts of the 3 games.

For Supers, I think this also opens up a nice companion sourcebook on how to mix NOW and NEW, the a section on how to convert Magic from OLD to make powers.

OLD/NOW: Dresden Files, Werewolf/Vampire, Buffy/Angel, Harry Potter, Wuxia Fantasy, Highlander

NOW/NEW: X-Files, Predator, Sarah Connor Chronicles/Terminator, Matrix, Cyberpunk

OLD/NEW: Dragonstar, Spelljammer, Fantasy Psionics, Numenera

OLD/NOW/NEW: Shadowrun, Rifts, Star Wars (would need Chi and Magic mixed into the NEW)
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First Post
omg my head is swimming with ideas

there are so many great settings that these could be combined into. so many that i cant think straight. my real concern is that they work well on their own so them being combined is not the only reason that these games are great.

i think that Khaalis gave a very nice list of settings. the only road block that i can think of is how the powers would match up together. if the 3 (Mag, Chi, Psi) are balanced well separably but combined could be over powered. that said a good DM could balance this out in game i guess. but seeing how we don't have the 3rd part yet that's hard to say.


First Post
A few more ideas

Khaalis has a great list.

A few more:
NOW/OLD/NEW for Modern Cthulhu/Hellboy type action
OLD/NEW for Gamma World

That leaves a some open concepts that might be just small sourcebooks - things like
Golden Age Pulp Adventure, Pulp Horror, Old West

These would largely be covered by NOW but as with Cyberpunk, additional materials would be needed to fill things out.

- Terry

Atom Mlatom

First Post
O.L.D./N.O.W. and later O.L.D./N.E.W. - I like settings that see the continuation of the stories of fantasy civilization into the tech ages. I think O.L.D. can handle the steampunk stuff almost on its own... but then after that you get military convoy trucks full of orcs with assault rifles, wizards providing shielding for a small area against an air raid, smallfolk infiltrators stealing state secrets, rogue dark elves threatening nuclear annihilation. Later still, goblins toting laser rifles, dwarf engineered super-tanks, and the introduction of extraterrestrial interactions with our established O.L.D. civilizations. Sweet!

What I've been thinking of is more along the lines of lifting rules modules reskinning them and dropping them into the other games.

OLD/NEW - take OLD's magic, dropping it in new, and calling it "the force" - the Psi system as seen in NEW doesn't have the Jedi feel to me.
OLD/NEW - take the starship rules from NEW drop them in old with a magic flavor and do "spell jamming".
OLD/NOW - take the vehicle rules and build a mecha (assuming they can do that) - drop it into OLD - you have some Magical Anime Mecha going.
OLD/NOW/NEW - really just use each and run a time travel game.


The crew of a spaceship with a prototype engine find that it shifts them into another dimension when they try to go into ftl. In this new universe the scientific laws they know don't always apply. That could eventually lead to using NOW as well, if the crew keeps using the engine.

Voidrunner's Codex

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