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Switching Deity (cleric)


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How does a cleric switch from a deity?

I'm thinking of changing the deity of my cleric character. But I have no idea how that works. I only know that you need to be 'near' that deity's alignment.

There are some deities who don't approve if someone stopped worshiping them. But those are consequences, not requirements.

The edition I play is Pathfinder, but I accept rules/lore from any edition.

Thanks in advance.

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First Post
why is your character doing this?

and in mechanic terms I think you have to be within one step of the deities alignment, so you can go from chaotic good to chaotic neutral or neutral good but not to true neutral or any evil or lawful alignment

the Jester

In my campaign, if you pledge yourself to a god, accept his holy powers and the benefits of being amongst his clergy and then later renounce your faith, as a general rule no other god is going to be willing to invest holy powers in you again. There might be very rare exceptions, but they would be rare enough as to be considered "not happening".


There is no straightforward answer especially one that spans mutliple versions of the game.

In some supplements, it is suggested you can't switch and instead become an ex-cleric -- losing spellcasting and domain access. Others suggest you can switch, buit only once and a quest is usually required to offer proof of your devotion to the new deity. Other times, the cleric's ability were not tied to whomever he gave lip service to and changes were much easier or clerics didnt follow a particular deity, but a pantheon.

Ultimately, it is at the call of the DM or table.

Tequila Sunrise

Yup, ask your DM.

Some DMs, such as myself, might require you to complete some quest to switch patrons. (And maybe not even that.) While other DMs, like Jester, have much more stringent attitudes about it.

Elf Witch

First Post
I would hate the idea of not being allowed to switch for a good story reason so as a DM I allow it. In my home brew one of the players started the game as a cleric of Herineous and is becoming a paladin of Bahmut. He prayed a lot and had a vision of Herineous granting him permission to switch. This was planned from the beginning because at the start of the game there were no clerics or paladins of Bahmut in the world. In my world those gods are allies and their goals are very similar and the PC has not stopped loving his first god he has just chosen to serve Bahmut in a more active role.

I once played a cleric of Herineous who switched to Hextra after being tempted by the rat bastard DM. :) It was not that my character wanted to be evil it was the frustration of not being able to do things that she felt needed to be done. The government was corrupt people were starving crime was everywhere. In her eyes serving Hextra allowed her to handle these issues.

I have also sen it done the other way a cleric of an evil god being redeemed and pledging service to a good god.

To be the best way to accomplish the change is by role playing and allowing it to come about more naturally. A quest can be added once the PC has actually chosen to serve the new god.

Now I would be unhappy if a player only wanted to switch because they wanted the cool goodies they see with another portfolio but I would find a way to accomplish it. A player unhappy with their character can wreck a game.


From Planescape ("On Hallowed Ground"):

...many priests who make so drastic a mess of things have no intention of returning. They've decided to quit, and they've simply chosen a spectacular way to announce it.

Some priests try to build a new life with a new power. It's not as hard as it sounds, really--a blood who's accomplished much for his god probably has contacts in other churches, and it's a sure bet that other churches have noticed him. They're often happy to take him in. After all, he's proven that he can draw in believers, and the defection is a blow to the old power--who's most likely a rival of the new one.

'Course, the berk's got to learn the ropes of his new faith, and he's watched carefully to make sure he's on the up-and-up. The time needed for readjustment is reflected in a loss of experience points; the exact amount lost is up to the Dungeon Master. If the new god is very similar to the old, the priest might lose only half a level. But if the two're nothing alike, the sod could lose a lot more. The DM has a good deal of leeway, but he should remember: The player character should lose no less than half an experience level, but he shouldn't drop below 1st level.

Obviously, a priest can switch gods only once or twice in his life. After the first time, he's always on thin ice with his new power, no matter how hard he works. It's tough to trust a berk who'd turn his back on faith strong enough to earn spells. Besides, some deities encourage their priests to pretend to switch beliefs, in order to sabotage another god's plans. A body'd think the powers would wise up to that peel, but they're helpless to resist. they can't ignore the lure of a mighty blood who's proven his worth by working for another god, even if they're a bit peery of his motives.


First Post
I will explain my character's situation.

Half-Elf chaotic good cleric, lv5.
Current Deity: Tempus (Chaotic Neutral). Portofolio: War, Battles.

The deity I want him to switch is Torm (Lawful Good). Portofolio: Duty, Loyalty, Obedience.
The reason he wants to switch is because, quote: "Strike quickly and forcefully against rot in the hearts of mortals."
It can be done as a follower of Tempus, but since Tempus isn't good (though also not evil), Torm suits better, as seen in a line of his dogma.

He grew up in a temple of Tempus. But some events in his life made him...less tolerant of anything that isn't good.
Since he's only lv5, not very knowledgeable with religion, he found out about Torm just recently.

An alignment and deity switch, once in a life time, with approval of the DM, could be acceptable?
He has more information of my character, and I will give him a more extensive explanation. I also suggest a quest or maybe a switch when he reaches lv6.

the Jester

The bottom line is, it doesn't matter what any of us say here, you need to check with your dm. He's going to have to decide based on how theology works in his campaign.

Voidrunner's Codex

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