Level Up (A5E) Sword of wounding vs regeneration


I came across the situation of the title, where a character with sword of wounding (Sword of Wounding | Level Up) was fighting a troll amd the player asked what would happen. I quickly said "you don't know, you notice the wound didnt close".

I ruled that the regeneration didn't work but the monster wasn't wounded as the property of the weapon says. They kind of "cancelled each other out" so to speak. But that was a quick rule on the go so not to hinder the battle.

Later I thought, how do these two rules interact? The regen should not work, as the weapon property states the only way to gain hitpoints is through resting, but I didn't want to bypass the monster regen (most iconic trait) for nothing.

How would you DMs rule it? How did you think about my ruling. And if any of the developers want to chime in with intended interpretations, even better

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Distracted DM

Distracted DM
Damage dealt by this sword can only be regained by taking a short or long rest —no other method, magical or otherwise, will restore the hit points.

It seems pretty straightforward to me- a sword of wounding a very potent weapon against a troll. The troll would ofc regen HP from damage from other sources- and the troll would probably make the wielder a target, or try to disarm them of the sword... but I know from experience that A5E fighters can get some very high AC pretty quickly, and their saves can be pretty good as well. Probably a lose/lose situation :D

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